Egypt Vocabulary HRMS
Delta A triangular shaped area of land at the mouth of a river You do not need to watch the Bloopers!
Rosetta Stone A black stone with inscriptions in Egyptian hieroglyphics and Greek that gave us the first clue in understanding hieroglyphics.
Nile River The longest river in Africa and the world
Mummify The process of drying a dead body to preserve it.
Pharaoh Ruler of ancient Egypt
Pyramids Huge stone tombs built by the Egyptian pharaohs for themselves. They have a square ground plan with four outside walls in a triangular form that meet at a point. (You may stop after 2 minutes.)
Hieroglyphics A system of writing mainly in pictorial characters, especially the script of the ancient Egyptian priesthood
Kush Egypt’s neighbor and trading partner on the Nile to the south.
Pyramids of Giza The Great Pyramids are one of the 7 Wonders of the World. This is just a series of pictures. Feel free to scan through at a quick pace. It is neat to see how small the humans look beside the landmarks.
Valley of the Kings This is an ancient burial place in Egypt near the Nile River.
Papyrus The soft, central part of the papyrus stem, esp. when cut in strips and pressed into a writing material