To foster and encourage US excellence in mathematics, the natural sciences, and engineering. Benefit: Pays up to $7500 per year toward tuition and expenses One or two years of support. Up to 300/year Probably most prestigious general undergraduate STEM award.
Full-time STEM student One to two years FT undergraduate study left Minimum B GPA Usually *much* higher, mean GPA 3.95 US Citizen or permanent resident with intent to become citizen Not formal requirements, but … Nearly all Goldwater Scholars intend to get a PhD. Nearly all have some kind of undergraduate research experience
Nomination required Internal (Drexel) Deadline: January 4, 2010 Materials Statement of career goals and educational plans. 2-page essay discussing a scientific issue or problem of particular interest. 3 recommendations Transcripts Applicants evaluated by state of permanent residence. March 2010
Outstanding academic performance. Strong commitment to a career in mathematics, the natural sciences, and engineering Promising student with intellectual intensity Potential for a significant future contribution in chosen field
For undergraduate students committed to environmental careers -- any field $5000 for undergraduate tuition and expenses, mentoring Awards 80 scholarships and 50 honorable mentions; April announcement Four-day mandatory orientation in Tucson, expenses paid by foundation, usually early August
FT student, any discipline One to two years FT undergraduate study left Demonstrable commitment to the environment Leadership and community service in environmental issues At least 3.0 GPA US Citizen, National, or Permanent Resident
Nomination required; Campus deadline February 1, 2010 Several short essays Career goals Leadership experience Environmentalism Longer essay connecting Morris Udall with your passions discuss a significant public speech, legislative act, or public policy statement by Congressman Udall and its impact on your field of study, interests, and career goals. 3 letters of recommendation Transcripts
Department of Defense Goal: increase civilian scientists and engineers working in Defense labs. Full tuition support + $25-40K stipend + books Summer internships and post-graduation jobs at DoD labs. Sponsoring agency
US Citizen Over 18 years old FT undergraduate/graduate in approved field Min 3.0 GPA Able to work summers aptitude and interest in theoretical and applied research -- "hand-on-the-bench“ types. strong interest in working for the DoD as a civilian research scientist or engineer
Dec 15 deadline SAT/GRE Min 3.0 GPA Two references Official transcript Summary of Goals Why do you want to work for the DoD? How will it help you? How will it help them?
UNCF, HCF, SHPE Up to $10,000/year + mentoring Paid summer internship at NASA Focus on underserved and underrepresented groups
US Citizen FT STEM student Rising freshman, sophomore, junior Min 3.0 GPA
Online application One letter of reference Official transcript Proof of citizenship Resume Personal Essay ns/Students-rd.html
What you should be doing now Keep your grades up (especially for Goldwater) Get to know people (faculty, community leaders) Show your genuine interest and enthusiasm Ask for their input on your candidacy Get involved Seek out leadership roles and opportunities. Research projects STAR, Co-op, Class projects. Publication? Esp for Goldwater. Community service projects. Esp Udall. Share your ideas attend/present at relevant conferences, poster sessions, etc.
Goldwater: up to four candidates per year. Udall: up to six candidates per year Drexel faculty nominating committee will select applicants that best meet the award’s criteria. No nomination required for SMART, NASA MUST.
Extremely important. Choose carefully The best letters come from those who know you best. Cultivate faculty relationships over time. Approach potential recommenders *early* gauge their support give graceful ways out Give recommenders printed materials/clear instructions Let me know who your recommenders are as soon as you know. Keep in touch with recommenders after the application has gone out Thank faculty members for their support and let them know when you hear.
Start early!! Get input from readers in and out of your field Revise revise revise. And revise again. Work closely with your recommenders on your application. Work closely with me throughout. Consider applying for more than one award. Try to represent your real self as best you can, then relax.
3019 MacAlister Director: Rona Buchalter Coordinator: Sara Lynott Goldwater: Udall: SMART: NASA MUST: graduates_Science_Technology.html graduates_Science_Technology.html