To Reform or Deform? Federal and State Education Policymaking and its Impact on Local Board Governance David Hinojosa, IDRA Director of the South Central Collaborative for Equity National Director of Policy (210) , IDRA
Tripartite Policymaking System IDRA FederalStateLocal
Federal Policy: The Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) ESEA 1965 Improving America’s Schools Act 1995 No Child Left Behind Act 2002 Every Student Succeeds Act 2015 IDRA
Assessments: NCLB v. ESSA IDRA NCLB 95% tested Summative Assessment 17 total tests ESSA 95% tested; May opt out, BUT…. Summative may be admin’d in parts; alt tests 17 total tests
Testing, Testing, Testing IDRA Federal- ESSA Reading/Math (Gr 3-8, HS) Science (once in each level: 3-5, 6-8, HS) English proficiency for ELs State Reading/Math (Gr 3-8) Writing (Gr 4-7) Social Studies (Gr 8) Science (Gr 5 th, 8 th) EOC: Biology, Algebra I, Eng I & II, US History English proficiency for ELs Local Benchmark Weekly Other
Accountability/Indicators NCLB AYP- Achievement and Grad Rates Indicators: ES/MS: test scores & one state HS: Tests/Grad ESSA States set L-T Goals w/ interim progress for achievement and grad rates (ext’d grad rates) Indicators: ES/MS: tests, growth or other meaningful diff’n indicator, English proficiency, School quality or success indicator (meaningful diff’n) HS: tests (growth also allowed but not required), grad rates (ext’d grad rates), English proficiency, School quality or success indicator (meaningful diff’n) IDRA
School Supports & Intervention IDRA CategoryMeasuresAction Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools Lowest 5% Title I schools; 67% graduation rate Districts develop Evid-based, needs-based improvement plan that identifies resource inequities; State must approve and monitor progress; up to 4 yrs to intervene if no improvement Targeted Support and Improvement Schools State determines consistently underperforming for 1 or more subgroups based on indicators: acad achvmt; growth (for Elem & MS); grad (for HS); Eng profcy; school qual/stud success Evid-based school plan; approved and monitored by district; Dist must take action if no improvement Additional Targeted Support Schools Schools whose results for any subgroup meet criteria for lowest performing 5% of Title I schools in the state School level plan must also address resource inequities; if no improvement, can become state- monitored Comprehensive Schools; state may undertake addtl imprvmt in any LEA w/ significant # of schools in these categories
English Language Learners Inclusion in State Accountability Annual Progress in proficiency Disaggregation: long-term, ELL w/ disability Core Subject Testing IDRA
State Policy Concerns and Implications for Local Board Governance How will the State of Texas exercise its discretionary authority and will it roll-back on civil rights protections? Will state goals for achievement and graduation be meaningful to protect civil rights? Will accountability indicators help identify struggling students in a meaningful way? What will the “other school quality and success indicators” include? Will high stakes testing consequences continue or will we move to more holistic review? Will required tests in excess of federal requirements continue in Texas? Will required interventions be supportive or punitive? IDRA
State Policy Concerns and Implications for Local Board Governance (cont.) How will the State of Texas exercise its discretionary authority and will it roll-back on civil rights protections? Will school districts have latitude in evaluating teachers meaningfully or will they be required to include student performance? Will private charter schools and vouchers continue to distract attention from providing all students opportunities in their neighborhood school? Will Texas create effective policies that allow the state to recruit and retain high quality teachers? Will Texas finally provide schools with the resources needed to help all students succeed? IDRA
What will Local School Boards Do? HB 5: Endorsements and College Readiness HB 5: Graduation Review Committees Poor quality pre-K Higher Class Sizes Inequitable Intradistrict Resource Distribution Unqualified, Inexperienced Teachers (Long-term substitutes) Compensatory programs: before/afterschool School Discipline policies Support struggling students, teachers, school leaders and parents IDRA
Are Texas Students Ready for College According to STAAR Results? Source: TEA State Academic Performance Report, Two or More STAAR Subjects at Postsecondary Standard * Hispanic IDRA
Contact David Hinojosa Director of the IDRA South Central Collaborative for Equity National Director of Policy (210) , ext IDRA