Brand Semiology Session Three
The image of a product Name Graphics Shape of logo Colours associated with it Packaging
The role of packaging How does it affect the product’s image? How does it enhance the customer’s experience? What impact does it have on price and quality expectations?
Environmental impact Does eco-friendly packaging have a positive or negative effect on the customer?
Packaging materials
Brand names How do you think brand names are developed? How important are the words that are associated with brands? Which is more important – the name, the company behind it, the images attached to it or the packaging?
Word play If you were in the creative team, what words would you associate with these products? – Perfume – aimed at the young professional woman. – Trainers in styles for both men and women targeted at keen gym-goers. – Range of top quality linen for the bedroom, with a damask-style pattern (same colour as base colour).
Market research Develop a questionnaire that will gain statistical data on attitudes and expectations of product packaging Maximum of 5 questionsMulti-choice answers
Assignment Packaging survey Carry out a survey to discover the current attitudes to: 1.Luxury packaging 2.Eco-friendly packaging 3.Own brand packaging Arrange your findings into demographic groups by age, gender and profession. Include young people and retired people in your survey.
The presentation The materials for today’s module are at Any queries me at