Honolulu Zoo Crisis Management Plan (Revised December 3, 2013)
Crisis Management Plan Mission: Provide guests with meaningful experiences & foster an appreciation for our living world. Intentional and Unintentional Crises pose a threat to our mission, publics and reputation. A crisis management plan is necessary to prepare our organization for the event of a crisis in order to minimize potential damage.
Plan Acknowledgment & Execution Acknowledgement Form Read and fully understand document contents. Rehearsal Dates – annually Jan 15, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 First Action Date Activate when a situation could negatively affect the org and its publics. Enact by contacting emergency personnel, president and zoo director.
Contacts Primary Contacts Internal – President, Zoo Director, VPs, HZS Executive Director External – Police, Fire Dept., Hospital, Mayor, Emergency Services Dept. Secondary contacts Staff Board Members Stakeholders Media Community
Crisis Risk Assessment Weather Workplace Violence Disease Outbreaks Technical Failure Structure Failure
Communication Information Proprietary Information Confidential Contact President, Zoo Director & Executive Zoo Director before releasing info Incident Report Sheet Recording the actions taken during a crisis (Including detection, who contacted, actions taken). Team Communication Strategy Worksheet Record the communication carried out during a crisis (Including the stakeholder and purpose).
Crisis Control Center Onsite location: Administration Offices Offsite location: Queen Kapiolani Hotel 150 Kapahulu Ave, Honolulu, HI 96815