Even Superman Needs the Justice League! “We can leap tall buildings in a single bound but we can’t flip a ballroom in 30 minutes!”
Welcome & Introductions Alison Ward University of Tennessee – Knoxville Whitney Comer Coastal Carolina Beth Waltrip University of Akron Dean Smedley University of South Carolina - Columbia
Learning Outcomes Gain insight into the different “cultures” of Programming and Operations. Learn how to communicate and collaborate in order to reach common goals. Gain knowledge and understanding of the different priorities, responsibilities, and specific missions for professionals working in Student Activities or Facilities/Operations.
Learning Outcomes Learn how to develop a better understanding of each other and create positive relationships. To identify opportunities that lead to effective collaboration.
Why do we find ourselves in this position? We know what we do, so why doesn’t everybody else? League Member History Lesson
A 2006 study of student union organizational charts by ACUI indicated that just under 70% of the institutions participating had union and student activities functions aligned in the same department. League Member History Lesson
2011 ACUI benchmarking survey of 415 unions… Over 80% under their Student Affairs department Approx. 10% under Business Affairs or Auxiliary Services. League Member History Lesson
Attrition Multiple stakeholders / departments Event prioritization / Domino effect League Member Realities
Challenges… Decreasing budget - Asked to do more with less Decreasing revenue (uncertainty in bookstore operations, decreasing game room revenue) Expecting union revenues to help fund other campus departments Other campus facilities with union-like services (food service, coffee shop, etc.) League Member Realities
Challenges… Deferred maintenance becoming a budget concern Keeping up with rapidly changing technology More competition for students’ attention/less interest in traditional programs (and thus less traffic in unions after lunchtime) League Member Realities
Identity Crisis? Different priorities Lack of understanding (goals, terminology, abilities, etc.) Communication League Member Realities
1.Facilitate conversations. Understand language Goals & expectations 2.Checklists Event planning Set-up needs Role as a League Member
According to CAS (Council for the Advancement of Standards for Higher Education) The primary goals of College Unions (CU) must be to bring campus constituents together, build campus community, support and initiate programs, provide services, and maintain facilities that promote student learning and development. Role as a League Member
League Members: Operations Staff 1.Oversee the use and care of building equipment, furnishings, and facilities. This includes: Oversight of activities, schedules, equipment. General building security (including key access, emergency procedures such as building evacuations or medical emergencies). Maintenance needs (in coordination with Facilities) Appearance/cleanliness of public spaces and meeting rooms (in coordination with housekeeping staff).
League Members: Operations Staff 2.Daily event management. This includes: Manage event space including review, approval and disapproval of requests. Audiovisual equipment setup/operation Room setup/reset Monitoring events Coordinate with dining services Assist facility users in any reasonable request, including last-minute changes and audio-visual needs Coordinates with other Operations staff
League Members: Operations Staff 3.Provide exceptional customer service to all constituents. Includes faculty, staff, students, visitors and the community at large. Serve in a public relations capacity for the department and the University.
The purpose of Campus Activities Programs (CAP) must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs. Role as a League Member
League Members: Programming 1.Plan, execute and evaluate programming initiatives for the campus. 2.Request space reservations for planned events. Include information regarding needed AV, room set up requirements 3.Promote/market planned events. 4.Staff events and assist with any performer/event needs. 5.Assist with cleaning after events. 6.Identify campus programming needs through assessment.
Paradigm Shift Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary - an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way. Oxford Online Dictionaries – A fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.
Paradigm Shift: ONE TEAM
Regular meetings (Hall of Justice communicating) Collaborate on programming (How to conquer a situation) Share resources (e.g., funding, people, facilities). Example: Wonder Woman’s invisible jet and Batman’s motorcycle.
Result… 1.Additional Resources Stronger – more people power (Batman’s tools/Superman’s heat- ray vision)
Result… 2.Leadership Opportunities Sometimes Batman will take the lead; other times, Wonder Woman
Result… 3.Shared Ideas One superhero has an idea how to solve a problem and another has another idea that may be more effective
PRACTICAL STEPS WHAT NOW? 1.Make a plan 2.Be open 3.Learn what the other members of your team do Spend time at an event. Ask to attend a meeting. Schedule regular meetings together.
Questions? Whitney Comer, Coastal Carolina University, Executive Director, Office of Student Life, Dean Smedley, University of South Carolina, Associate Director for Russell House Operations, Beth Waltrip, University of Akron, Associate Director, Student Union Operations, Alison Ward, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Evening Building Manager