CROW WING COUNTY PROBATION SERVICES TASK FORCE Presented by Central Minnesota Community Corrections
REMAIN IN THE JOINT POWERS Be Fiscally Responsible and improve upon on our current delivery of corrections and collaborations! What does this mean to you? You can save tax dollars and the clients will have better services!
We can achieve better results by making some amendments to the current Joint Powers structure. THE TASK FORCE WAS FORMED TO DETERMINE EFFICIENCY OF SERVICES AND FISCAL IMPACTS IF INTEGRATION OCCURS No matter the delivery method, we can. Can we have more collaboration with Community Services? No matter the delivery method, we can. No Is it cheaper for the county taxpayers to integrate with community services? No No Is there support from the Judges, County Attorney and Law Enforcement to integrate with community services? No
COLLABORATION We share cases with community services; we are already collaborating by: Screening Team in place as required by MN Statute Completion of Chemical Use Assessments –results and follow up Regular contact with social workers on shared cases Encouraging clients to become more self-sufficient reducing the need to be assisted by programs paid for by taxpayers - Employment Seeking -Chemical Programming -Cognitive-Behavioral Programming We can continue to collaborate on current efforts such as the Crossover Model etc. Corrections continues collaboration with our criminal justice partners; Law Enforcement, the Courts, and County Attorney’s Office We collaborate with our neighboring counties and as a Management Team
A POLICY MAKING TEAM CAN BE FORMED We recommend a memorandum of understanding be established between corrections and community services in Crow Wing County for the purpose of joint policy making and enhanced services. Achieves better delivery of services while doing the most fiscally responsible thing- remaining in a Joint Powers!
IT IS COST EFFECTIVE TO REMAIN IN THE JOINT POWERS In a Joint Powers we can share revenues, i.e. supervision fees and electronic home monitoring fees Shared costs for administration Unknown fiscal impact to IV-E reimbursements by integrating with community services based on the model they choose to follow Crow Wing County can still claim Targeted Case Management revenues while in the Joint Powers through collaboration The OPEB Liability is shared between the counties- the true impact can be identified in a full actuarial however the number of current lifetime benefits in Crow Wing is closer to 60% so withdrawal may cost more long term. Additional revenues will be needed by Crow Wing County to balance the loss of shared revenues we receive in the Joint Powers We lose the opportunity for joint grant applications
IT IS COST EFFECTIVE TO REMAIN IN THE JOINT POWERS (CONTINUED) Actual estimated cost to Crow Wing County to integrate- $97,834 Total cost to integrate with CS is projected at $464,003 CS is counting on projected revenues of $69,000 and if those are not reached then more dollars would be needed from the levy in addition to the already calculated $97,834 Total Cost to remain in Joint Powers for 2016 is $366,169 The CMCC Budget will be near balanced through attrition and future planning shows a positive outcome on our budget. CMCC will continue to operate in the manner that we are able to serve the clients in the most fiscally responsible way.
REVENUE EFFECTS Continue to maintain a high IV-E and case management reimbursement rate. AND continue to receive IV-E funding for corrections cases that qualify under the Joint Powers. Children’s Mental Health cases can continue to be opened under the current JP structure. Those services are reimbursable, preventative and leave children in the community. This is already occurring in the other two counties. Child Welfare -Targeted Case Management (CW-TCM) cases can continue to be opened in conjunction with Community Services under the current JP structure. The CW-TCM for $69,000 in revenue for integration is a guesstimate based on the past children that may have qualified. This is a fluid revenue and could change from year to year.
THE JOINT POWERS PROVIDES EXCELLENT SERVICE DELIVERY FOR CORRECTIONAL SUPERVISION Ability to share lower level cases, sex offender supervision and management across county lines We have trainers in all three counties trained in evidence-based practices which are a shared resource 1 FTE is shared for the purposes of cognitive-behavioral intervention courses and electronic home monitoring (both programs are court ordered) 1 FTE is shared and expert in CSTS (the program required by the state for tracking offenders) We operate Learning Teams across county lines- these teams focus on our already implemented best practices- risk assessments, cognitive-behavioral programming, motivational interviewing and case planning- necessary for effective interventions with offenders
IMPROVEMENT ON CURRENT SERVICE DELIVERY IN A JOINT POWERS TO ENHANCE THE SERVICES BETWEEN DEPARTMENTS We can incorporate releases for all clients shared with community services on the front end to enhance communication between departments Community Services can share case plans with probation agents and probation agents can share probation agreements and case plans with community services as applicable We can work together to achieve better results for clients in each department
REMAIN IN THE JOINT POWERS FINAL RECOMMENDATION – REMAIN IN THE JOINT POWERS The Crow Wing County Board in partnership with Aitkin and Morrison Counties could ask for an amendment of the Joint Powers Agreement to give the county administrators the authority to issue special requests of the corrections managers in each county for participation in individual county endeavors. The Crow Wing County Board in partnership with Aitkin and Morrison Counties could ask for an amendment of the Joint Powers Agreement to state “Three commissioners from each county be present to make a quorum.” The Joint Powers Agreement be amended to include “for a motion to be approved at least three members from the individual member counties vote in favor of the motion.” Establish a memorandum of understanding between Central Minnesota Community Corrections and Crow Wing County Community Services which incorporates the value of collaboration. This would include a team of policy makers between the two units to encourage better collaboration. The policies that result would be enforced by both CMCC and Community Services. It should also support endeavors sought by individual counties for collaboration of services. With approval, the CMCC Advisory Board could also be enlarged to include a member of social services from each of the three member counties. The CMCC Director be invited for inclusion in the department head meetings to encourage open communication and effective alliance between departments.