The Research Question
A research question guides and centers your research. It should be clear and focused, as well as synthesize multiple sources to present your unique argument. Even if your instructor has given you a specific assignment, the research question should ideally be something that you are interested in or care about. Be careful to avoid the “all about” paper and questions that can be answered in a few factual statements.
The answer to a good research question will often be the THESIS of your research paper! And the results of your research may not always be what you expected them to be. Not only is this ok, it can be an indication that you are doing careful work!
“Is it right for scientists to create new life forms? (Bioethics) “Do religious minorities offer diversity or threaten security?” “What is the solution to terrorism?” “Is the death penalty effective and moral?” “How do hate crimes and freedom of expression differ?” “What are the causes and solutions to eating disorders?” “Do the media images of women promote violence?” “Are there basic human rights all people deserve?” “How can we decrease youth violence?” “Does welfare help or hurt families? What should be done?” “Are teenagers victims of age discrimination?” “What should be done about child labor in other countries?” “Is day care a form of child neglect?” “What should be the purpose of public schools?”
Look at the following examples. Pay attention to how each goes from a topic to a question.
Topic poverty and education How does poverty affect a student’s success? What role does poverty play in academic success? Research Question
Topic medical marijuana What are the benefits of medical marijuana? How does medical marijuana improve the health of its patients? Research Question
Topic electronics usage How does the use of electronics affect academic success? What are the benefits of electronics usage? Research Question
In order to help outline your paper, create supporting sentences for your research question.
Topic: Marijuana Legalization Thesis: Marijuana should be legalized across the board. Research Questions: What is marijuana legalization, and why is it an important issue? What is the necessary background information? What arguments support the legalization of marijuana for recreational use? What arguments oppose the legalization of marijuana for recreational use? How can the above arguments be refuted? Based on my research why do I think marijuana should be legalized for recreational use?
General topic: Outsourcing Focused Topic: What is the impact of outsourcing on the U.S. economy? Research Questions: What is outsourcing and why is it an issue? Why do companies outsource? What are some companies that outsource? How many American jobs have been outsourced? How does outsourcing benefit the U.S. economy? Low prices for good and services How does outsourcing hurt the U.S. economy? Loss of jobs After all that I have read, what are my conclusions about outsourcing?
General Topic: social networking Focused Question: What are the benefits and drawbacks of online social networking for children? Research Questions: What is online social networking and why is this an important sociological question? What is the necessary background information? What role does peer socialization play in a child’s development? In the past, what were the ways in which children socialized with their peers? How has that changed in the past years? statistics What research illuminates the positive effects of online social networking? What research details negative effects of online social networking? Based on my research, what can I conclude about the benefits and drawbacks of online social networking?
“Develop Research Questions.” Modesto Junior College. 15 Aug Web. 11 Oct “Sample Topic Questions.” Tom March: Thesis Builder. Ed. Tom March. N.p., Jan Web. 11 Oct “What Makes a Good Research Question?” Writing Studio. Duke University. Web. 11 Oct
five Using the examples as a guide, develop your research question and five supporting questions.