Topics, situations, notions, functions
Topics and situations Language has traditionally been segmented into sounds, vocabulary, grammar, but it may equally well be taught through topics. but it may equally well be taught through larger meaningful segments based on whole ‘ chunks’ of discourse Such chunks can be based round common topics such as holidays, work, family…. etc. base the language round situations like expressing interests, introducing oneself, informing……etc Topics and situations are communicative events.
Notions and functions Notions and functions are the ways particular meanings are realized in language . For example – a topic is “the family”, a situation is “visiting a friend’s home”, notions and functions may be things like “time past” or “inviting”. “Time past” may include past tenses, phrases …, “inviting” may include phrases like “Would you like to …?”, “I suggest…”.
The difference between a notion and a function A notion is a concept, or idea: it may be quite specific (e.g. vocabulary –dog, house etc) or it may be very general – time, size, emotion, movement. A function : is some kind of communicative act – e.g. suggesting, promising, apologizing, greeting, etc.
Examples: Language functions Disagreeing : I wouldn’t do that … I would Complaining: I’m sorry to say that but Asking for information: could you tell me Advice: you should Guessing: I’d say Offering help: Can I help you Preference: I’d rather Suggesting: What about Warning: Be careful Demanding Explanation: Does this mean
Teaching chunks of language; from text to task Topics, situations, notions and functions should be taught as meaningful chunks of language in context. “Holistic” : the idea of uniting topics, situations, notions and functions. In addition, the importance of dealing whole, meaningful chunks of language in context rather than lists of vocabulary or isolated examples of grammatical structures.
Some techniques of teaching such samples contextualized within texts. Learning by heart : Definition: (also known as rote learning) is a memorization technique which based on repetition. The idea is that one will be able to quickly recall the .meaning of the material the more one repeats it Learning by heart has been associated with the audio –lingual methodology. ( repetition)
Varying a theme to take the basic text and elaborate on it. Rather than simply learning or answering comprehension questions on texts, the class may be invited to vary and extend them, leading to further exploration of the kind of language being learned.
Task 1- create a new text on a similar topic. 2 - suggest other ways the characters could have expressed the same notions or functions; what difference would these changes have made? 3- suggest other ways the meeting might have developed, and how the characters might have expressed themselves; 4 -re-present the original text in a different way;, for example, reconstruct the dialogue.
Teaching chunks from task to text Teaching topics, situations, notions and functions through tasks and learner initiated language rather than through ready made texts. The main initiative comes from the students. It depends on task -based learning method.
Task ( Describing people) The objective of the task is to produce and use language growing out of topics and notions connected with parts of body, clothes and of situations and functions connected with describing and explaining.
Coordinating different language categories Situations Topics Notions and Functions Grammar Vocabulary Getting to know someone Tastes, hobbies Inquiring, informing, greeting Interrogative forms Verb (e.g. enjoy + - ing Swimming, sports, etc. Reporting an accident Road accidents Time past Narrating Describing Past tense Road, car, drive, etc. Shopping Clothes Making requests Modals Would, could, might Clothes, Adjectives of colour, size, etc. Planning a holiday Travel, accommodation Future time Predicting suggesting Future tense Train, plane, etc. Hotel, camping Asking about or describing a profession Professions Activities Equipment Requesting information Describing activity Yes/no questions Present tense farmer, secretary, etc