2 The main purpose in car-to-car networks is to improve communication performance. To demonstrate real scenarios with car-to-car technology. To evaluate all traffic parameters obtained in simulations by considering 100s of vehicles that receive alert signals for specific events. To simulate one traffic accident both in a highway & in urban scenario with different traffic patterns Analyze the data received by the cars in a particular range. Overcome certain topological deficiencies.
DIVYA K 1RN09IS016 RNSIT 4 The main objective of C2C (car-to-car) networks is to exchange information between vehicles & use it to decrease the number of possible road accidents. They mainly exchange data between vehicles and roadside infrastructure(RSU). To exchange information between vehicles, the simulation platform consists of NS-2, SUMO and TraCI, with vehicles driving in one scenario & sending, receiving and forwarding data. At some point, a vehicle breaks down and broadcasts a warning message. Vehicles that receive this message should seek new routes.
DIVYA K 1RN09IS016 RNSIT 5 There are various traffic & network simulators to simulate C2C networks. The objective is to exchange information to influence the vehicle behavior in mobility model The simulator works on a time-discrete basis, updates vehicles positions & directions every sec Simulations have been carried out to evaluate network performance, throughput & delay Statistical values such as number of hops, time of reception, velocity of vehicles at the moment of reception etc are considered in our simulation platform Thus, we can determine which scenario performs car-to-car communications.
DIVYA K 1RN09IS016 RNSIT 6 NS-2 network simulator, SUMO and TraCI are used for simulations. TraCI is designed to interlink road traffic and network simulators and thus control the behavior of vehicles in simulations. The reason for combining SUMO and NS-2 with TraCI is that they can be adapted to our needs The traffic and network simulators interconnected generate realistic simulations of vehicular adhoc networks (VANETs) That is, if a car sends information reporting an accident, the neighbors may receive it and make their own decisions (changing route, velocity….)
DIVYA K 1RN09IS016 RNSIT 7 TraCI uses TCP-based client/server architecture. After starting the SUMO application, NS-2 connects to it by setting up a TCP connection The client application sends commands to SUMO to control the simulation run. SUMO answers with a status response to each command
DIVYA K 1RN09IS016 RNSIT 8 Highway scenario It’s a 25 km long region with 2 lanes in each direction. In this scenario, we see the utility of car-to-car communications to reduce in time the number of warning messages about the highway accidents taking place at high speeds. This scenario is normally characterized by direct line of sight visibility. Manhattan scenario In this scenario, an attempt has been made to represent a section of Manhattan that can withstand lots of traffic and receive strong signal attenuation due to buildings. The streets have only 2 lanes in each direction to create traffic congestion
DIVYA K 1RN09IS016 RNSIT 9 WE ANALYZE 3 TRAFFIC PATTERNS: High trafficMedium trafficLow traffic
DIVYA K 1RN09IS016 RNSIT 10 On a highway, there is a line of sight & the message can be propagated much faster in few hops. Here, 70% of the packages are received within the 2000 meters
DIVYA K 1RN09IS016 RNSIT 11 We can see how the accident message is spread to more vehicles as time goes by.
DIVYA K 1RN09IS016 RNSIT 12 We can see the overall number of vehicles of the simulation to receive the accident message & the number of hops. All vehicles have received the alert message in no more than 6 hops
DIVYA K 1RN09IS016 RNSIT 14 Accident message is received within the first 400 meters only. With low traffic or high fading, its possible that only nearby vehicles could communicate between them.
DIVYA K 1RN09IS016 RNSIT 15 It is observed that in the city accident message reaches less than 80% of the vehicles
DIVYA K 1RN09IS016 RNSIT 16 We can see how the number of vehicles receiving the accident message decreases considerably with respect to highway. Only 3% of the alert messages are received in the first hop due to low traffic & fading in the city
DIVYA K 1RN09IS016 RNSIT 18 HIGHWAY SCENARIOMANHATTAN SCENARIO 100% reception of messages in both high & low traffic conditions because of line of sight 80% in low traffic conditions because of obstructions between transmitter & receiver Accident message arrives at 8800 meters in 6 hops Accident message arrives at 3000 meters in greater or equal to 10 hops 28% of vehicles receive the accident signal in 1 hop. Less than 5% of vehicles receive the accident signal in 1 hop
DIVYA K 1RN09IS016 RNSIT 19 Add new features in the network layer Improve car-to-car communications Perform routing algorithm based on geographical positions Reduce & optimize the packet delivery time Install RSU or PHS in “black spots” like tunnels, mountain or village roads with low traffic