Budget Briefing March 2013 for Argonne National Lab H.Weerts, R. Yoshida HEP Division Argonne National Laboratory March 1, 2013 Open all spreadsheets
2 Information Budget and Staffing Tables (FY13-FY16) Tables and information are available on the WEB at : Feedback is appreciated … Also on memory sticks that are available Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts Argonne HEP budget briefing for 2015 All information needed for the budget briefing is stored in a Demographics type spreadsheet first sent around by J. Bogert. This spreadsheet is called: ANL-Lab-Demographics-for-2015-budget.xlsx The spreadsheet the HEP office asked us to fill out is derived from this spreadsheet and is called: ANL-2015-budget-filled.xlsx The Tables requested for the different scenarios plus other information can be found in a PDF file called: ANL-2015-summariesABC.pdf The talks for the budget briefing, containing most of those tables plus other information is: ANL-HEP-budget-briefing-2015.pptx -- H.Weerts ANL-HEP-vision-2015.pptx -- R.Yoshida
3 Presentations Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts Argonne HEP budget briefing for 2015 There will be 2 talks: All the funding Scenarios, directions and cuts -- HW General directions & future: ANL vision -- RY
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 4 Prelude As usual it was a ”last ditch effort”….. Not quite, but MANY numbers Current financial snapshot: FY12 FY13 outyears Scenario C: $’s, Tables & how program develops– use to explain our direction, even if it is somewhat of a dream financially Scenario B: $’s, Tables & how program develops - will show Main body Please: interrupt, slow me down, tell me to move along, speed up etc……. This year emphasis is on $$... Will be short on other information Scenario A: $’s, Tables & how program develops– have; will not show
5 Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts
6 Very well connected to other divisions; people in other divisions do work for HEP; HEP works in other divisions. Example: NE provides additional engineering support; hiring joint postdoc with nano materials. Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts
Future States; Dec. 11, 2012, H.Weerts 7 Who is the HEP division at Argonne ?
8 Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts HEP division accessible electronically– work in progress In attempt to make division more accessible we are setting up a site on Argonne Sharepoint to have “division online”. Should be useful for DOE to find info quickly. Examples: Quarterly reports Group examples: Energy FrontierEnergy Frontier Intensity Frontier Cosmic Frontier Detector R&D Accelerator Work in progress.
Main theme for Argonne HEP 9 ENABLE Approach for Argonne HEP in short: Actions and activities are driven by “ enabling ” future of HEP Enable : Enabling US participation in ATLAS/LHC Developing new “ technologies ” for accelerators & detectors to enable experiments Interact with & use material science, photon science, computing, nano scale, accelerator expertise at Argonne to do this ( interact with other sciences); enable new technologies Transfer HEP expertise to other fields ( detector & accelerator expertise for example) Direction for future of field ( theory & roles in Snowmass 2013) Connections & collaboration with/resource for universities Connections to industry with new technologies Future States; Dec. 11, 2012, H.Weerts Uniqueness: Basic development of new tools like: sensors, detectors, acceleration methods, computing …… driven by HEP needs & use non-HEP expertise at Argonne UNIQUE future HEP and do it in a way that is Reach out to expertise and technologies that other divisions at Argonne have; do it so both benefit Rik will come back to this and at some point pay for it
10 Argonne HEP science program overview Neutrino physics MINOS analysis Nova Double Chooz LBNE (g-2) Advanced Acc. R&D AWA facility (dielec. wakefield, two beam, LC concept) Accel. Physics SCRF new directions Theory Pheno. BSM & QCD Collider program Cosmic Frontier Need theory & exp. for physics Detector R&D LAPD ( new photo detectors) DHCAL ( digital gas HCAL) DAQ systems New sensors Trigger systems “Science” program ILC R&D (AAI) SCRF, positron source, controls system LCs Future States; Dec. 11, 2012, H.Weerts Energy Frontier Intensity Frontier Cosmic Frontier THE Frontier Strong support groups: Electronics group, serves several divisions; design & build Mechanical support group; design & build Computing support & Scientific Computing for ATLAS 2013 Astro physics VERITAS DES SPTpol Future: CTA-US LSST SPT-3G Collider physics CDF analysis ATLAS ( analysis center & upgrade); computing LC longer term (R&D & ILC & CLIC) ILC: positron source, complete TDR
11 Argonne HEP program & connections Neutrino physics MINOS analysis Nova Double Chooz LBNE (g-2) Advanced Acc. R&D AWA facility (dielec. wakefield, two beam, LC concept) Accel. Physics SCRF new directions Theory Pheno. BSM & QCD Collider program Cosmic Frontier Need theory & exp. for physics Detector R&D LAPD ( new photo detectors) DHCAL ( digital gas HCAL) DAQ systems New sensors Trigger systems ILC R&D (AAI) SCRF, positron source, controls system LCs Future States; Dec. 11, 2012, H.Weerts 2013 Astro physics VERITAS DES SPTpol Future: CTA-US LSST SPT-3G Collider physics CDF analysis ATLAS ( analysis center & upgrade); computing LC longer term (R&D & ILC & CLIC) ILC: positron source, complete TDR Computational Cosmology Argonne Computing MCS, ALCF, MSD, CNM, APS(XSD, ASD), PHY, AAI DOE: ASCR, BES and NP + National Security “Other” Argonne expertise HEP Part of Exascale Scientific Computing Argonne Broaden Scientific Comp. capability Build on expertise (LDRD funds) Material Science++ Sensor & Detector Center
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 12 Facilities ( within division) 12 Electronics: Mechanical: All groups are in the HEP division Group Resources (11 people) : –( engineers to techs) –ASICS at Fermilab Serves several divisions; In FY12: ~40% work for HEP Group Resources (7 people) : –Engineers to techs ( From Nova, telescopes to DES support) Unique capabilities HEP only Division expanded into more space; added all of Building 360 ( 2 floors, labs, conference rooms + offices) Space: 23K sq ft buildings + labs Close interactions: science engineering 2007 2009 Upgrade of lab
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 13 Facilities ( within Argonne) 13 Unique capabilities in new materials, SC materials, sensor development, micro fabrication. CNM, MSD, APS, MCS& ALCF ES ALD machines Atomic Layer Deposition(ALD) systems in MSD, owned by HEP Argonne wide: Unique & Strong collaborations with HEP. Leadership computing; Blue Gene P Q Advanced Photon Source (APS) Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) HEP MIRA/BG-Q
Budget only 14 Transition to budget only part Start with some background information. Although there are many results of research being done, they will not be shown here. This is all about budget ( except for some pictures). DOE visits in 2012: Jim Siegrist visit in January DOE ANL site visit Sept Alan Stone visit Nov 29, 2012 Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts
Doing business at Argonne 15 These were in effect February, 2013 and are used for this budget briefing. = Cost of operating division at Argonne: buildings, division management, electricity, water, deionized water, cooling, heating, computing, division infrastructure, etc. FY12 Argonne bands & salary adjustment: Argonne charges salaries by band, so not actual ( we always loose ……..) Adjustment: FY13= FY12*1.024; first raise for people in two years.
16 Doing business at Argonne In last years: Increasingly expensive at Argonne to do business … now getting better ES&H overhead & effort required in division increased dramatically ( > 1 FTE) … more of my time Too many rules; especially ones that do not improve safety, but just make headaches. This is improving though Our safety record is nearly “perfect”, but we suffer because everybody shares the blame at ANL when something goes wrong Right slope …… Also note that future years have no built in increase in overhead rates ( when converting $ FTE ’ s), but do include inflation ( with paid salaries frozen) Indirect cost multiplier FY06FY07FY08FY09FY10FY11FY12FY Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts
Overview to get some numbers & set the scale Funding/ FTE FY12 ( actual spent)FY13 ( projection) K$FTEsK$/FTEK$FTEsK$/FTE DoE21, , Other7, , ARRA Total29, , Includes M&S and operations. Just to set scale: 1 FTE is ~275K for Argonne HEP. Number to keep in mind for budget considerations later Nuclear Medium Energy; LDRD, Nova, WFO, DES, electronics, ONR, Misc. Note: Includes all funding & effort ( ILC included) Actual Projection “ Other ” funding is integral part of the division operations; direct DoE funding can not be considered in isolation. Scenario A for FY12
Some special remarks in FY12 18 Not sure I should say this, but….. Looking back through FY11, FY12 & budget briefing & reviews: “Most” we proposed, we received funding for (some ARRA) LAPPD R&D; Layered SCRF cavity R&D; ATLAS Tier -3 computing role; neutrino program funded; wire/fiber less DAQ; AWA upgrade plans; Astro program reviewed well; now establishing First priority: deliver on these Struggling with how this will look in FY13, FY14…… without knowing the budget Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts Division has been on a positive slope ( in all aspects, not just $ wise).
Budget introduction 19 Some ground rules/explanations: Go to spreadsheet and use as example. Use Scenario C: Scenario B, matches to “control line” In “Scenario FTE” tables Detailed spreadsheets for FTE’s for A,B & C scenarios a la Bogert. Fiscal Years are losing their meaning with funding coming at end of year and accounting becomes difficult. Carryover becomes significant in planning. Just too many numbers…….and it is all “virtual” Too many scenarios with small differences ??? xls In this talk will go through programs and explain Scenario C, then for each program compare C and Scenario B ( FY13AFP, then *0.98/yr), because more “real”. Have Scenario A ( FY13”=FY13AFP*0.97, then flat/flat). Start with Scenario C, because it is baseline for a “healthy” program assumed until recently. Use this to explain where we like to go or what we could do ( even if unrealistic ). Then discuss reductions from that. Indicate where priorities are for larger reductions. Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts Predicted reaction to Scenario C: What do they smoke at Argonne ?
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 20 A reality check: FY12 funds received and funds spent Mostly spent more than we received; used carry over. Indication that fiscal year boundaries are not “real” anymore. Agreement amazing. These numbers you will see a lot
Scenario C-- Introduction 21 What will Argonne HEP bring to the field for that effort, now through ~2016 Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts FY12 funding
Scenario C 22 Use “Feb FY13” & Scenario C for FY13 Go through line by line– identify the big ones Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts End of upgrade, starting up; more later More later; cosmology group; CMB >> “theory” group; more later Big increases are in: Astro “Theory” AWA Detector R&D How real are we ? What do we think is important? THE BIG one; ambitious; waiting for review feedback Start “HPC for HEP”
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 23 Scenario C FY12 and FY13 Requested Table. Will discuss for each area/frontier Seems like FY12 not a baseline anymore
Out-years in Scenario C 24 FY14 compared to FY13 Justify in area discussion Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts Horizon: Cosmic frontier/Comp. Cosmology first request after LDRD funding. LSST & Dark Energy Science
Out-years Scenario C 25 FY15 Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts “Stable”; Executing program
Collider Physics /Energy Frontier 26 CDF ATLAS EW convener; chair of reading group, B physics, W-mass is coming & then probably done Upgrade efforts in future: LVPS, Tile cal electronics --- with Chicago Trigger & DAQ --- with MSU FTK ( Fast Track Trigger) –with Chicago Computing ……. ATLAS transition to analysis/physics ENABLE ATLAS physics in US Leading role in Higgs papers; chairs of main editorial boards Strong analysis group and expertise Very active ATLAS Support Center (ASC) Leading/defining role in Tier-3 setup US => worldwide ( R.Yoshida, D.Benjamin(Duke)) Review: seemed to like this direction Plan “minimal effort” Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts Early Career Wmass= MeV Phasing out We thought we had a very positive review last year Score: “favorable”; ASC was positive; good age profile Effect ? Higgs discovery Can not do better !
LVPS Brick Redesign Prototype design cycle begun ~June, 2009 Produced V7.1 in December, 2009, Quantity 10 –Long term test began at CERN in March, 2010 5 boxes of updated design (v 7.3) –Installed in detector January 2011 Radiation damage tests of components and powered bricks began December 2010 & 2011 – some redesign ( found flaws in old components) Installed 40 over 2011/12 break– working well 216 remaining ones done; ahead of schedule & cost 27 Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts Big effort & all Argonne Hardware
Scenario C– Collider Physics 28 Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts Evolution under “ideal” Is this the way to proceed ?? CDF rolling into ATLAS. Is this right thing? Brought in young people ( Price replacement) Nodulman ……. Moving some effort to “HPC for HEP” – reduces EF budget
Scenario C& B– Collider Physics 29 Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts Intended to take effort out to go to Comp HEP; see later.
Intensity Frontier 30 Diverse program at accelerator and reactor. MINOS Nova Double Chooz LBNE Phasing out; no MINOS+ Will propose complete future program at May IF review for feedback. What will program be in 2020 at ANL? Answer; need more than Nova plus future LBNE or Group active in US program; publish neutrino newsletter Developed Assembly ( vacuum lift, glue application) All in use at Ash River assembly (vacuum tester) Built Near Detector modules & run coordinator (Paley) Looking forward to physics Calibration system ( with Drexel Univ) First measurement of 13 published Energy spectrum shape result ( Djurcic) Use unique buildings & engineering at Argonne Engaged in collaboration (Goodman, Deputy Spokesperson) Electronics for light detection system; Calibration system Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts All moved to FNAL (g-2) Calibration & monitoring system of B-field Started new effort (P.Winter)
Nova at Argonne 31 Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts
Nova at Argonne-- project supported 32 Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts NOvA FHEP This illustrates problem at ANL Have large scale construction capabilities and “nothing” to construct.
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 33 Scenario C–Intensity Frontier Observations: Ramping down MINOS Build up Nova effort and participate in near detector(J.Paley) & then in Nova LBNE slow, but effort in Detector R&D Double Chooz decreasing; measure shape of energy distribution Start Muon (g-2); beginning of charged lepton flavor program-- growth
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 34 Scenario C& B– Intensity Frontier
Cosmic Frontier 35 Participating in analysis; leading DM search Effort towards future & upgrades Preparing for future CTA array Collaboration with Chicago, UCLA and SLAC Trigger with Iowa (installed !) DES Strong contribution –- to project Very active in science: other surveys Responsible for producing run “ plan ” or “ map ” for DES Proposed /built/commissioned & running the Pre-cam Growth: Constant discussions with K.Turner about evolution Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts VERITAS future CTA CMB/SPTpol Expertise in sensors, TES; delivered sensors Connect sensor development with science ( 1 FTE) Maintain sensor development; part of detector R&D as well ( use ANL expertise) Proposal for SPT3G next phase CTA with SLAC; now R&D funded by NSF
Future States; Dec. 11, 2012, H.Weerts 36 Argonne connections: Argonne join South Pole Telescope, enable polarization measurement Collaboration: MSD-NST-HEP and Chicago Use superconductor expertise in MSD Enable CMB program in HEP ( ANL unique among labs) Problem: Transition edge sensors with polarization capability did not exist for Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments at required sensitivity. Enable to probe very early universe at GeV scale, “close” to Big Bang; count #neutrinos and neutrino mass. Built up expertise, no other national lab has now. Argonne HEP technology Effort: NIST ANL/UoC Future: Build all at ANL
Computational Cosmology 37 Establish Computational Cosmology group in HEP in May 2011; funding from ANL Computational Science Initiative: S.Habib & K.Heitmann + 4 postdocs/fellows. 3 year LDRD support. Scale: 1M/yr. Future: ASCR & HEP funding Cosmic Frontier/ Comp. Cosmology group Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts This group has ties to different research areas (VERY multidisciplinary) and therefore funding sources; Substantially improve Particle & Astro theory in Chicago area and in the country SciDAC HEP theory—cosmology ( they are “Pythia/Herwig” of cosmology) Cosmic Frontier (LSST, DESC) ASCR – High performance computing HEP Computing -- SciDAC “HPC for HEP” -- helped starting this: exp & theory
Future States; Dec. 11, 2012, H.Weerts 38 Argonne connections: Theory underpinning for cosmology program; enable physics Collaboration: MCS-ALCF-HEP Part of scientific computing initiative at Argonne Connections to cosmology efforts at Chicago & other labs( new SciDAC) Problem: Do precision cosmology. Current and future experimental surveys of universe need simulations that compare different theoretical universes to data and try to identify “correct”. Need to “create” universes on computer. Precision probe of dark energy, dark matter, inflation and neutrino physics. Built up expertise, no other national lab has in cosmology simulations. Argonne HEP “technology” enabling Use Hardware/Hybrid Accelerated Cosmology Code Framework (HACC) to simulate. Scales to “million-core” system Gordon-Bell 2012 finalist “MIRA” universe Different approach to direct measurement Largest “man made” universe ever
Cosmic Frontier 39 Participating in analysis; leading DM search Effort towards future & upgrades Preparing for future CTA array Collaboration with Chicago, UCLA and SLAC Trigger with Iowa (installed !) DES Strong contribution –- to project Very active in science: other surveys Responsible for producing run “ plan ” or “ map ” for DES Proposed /built/commissioned & running the Pre-cam Growth: Constant discussions with K.Turner about evolution Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts VERITAS future CTA CMB/SPTpol Expertise in sensors, TES; delivered sensors Connect sensor development with science ( 1 FTE) Maintain sensor development; part of detector R&D as well ( use ANL expertise) Proposal for SPT3G next phase Connection to Computational Cosmology initiative Recent CTA with SLAC; now R&D funded by NSF LSST Try to identify hardware ( not easy) Leading simulation efforts ( LDRD funded; Comp. Cosmology+ SciDac) Developing analysis framework Dark Energy Science Collaboration
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 40 Scenario C– Cosmic Frontier Program result of September 2010 program review & feedback Next review coming up this fall -- await feedback Future & current proposals built in 1.Assume VERITAS transitions into CTA 2.LSST Dark Energy Science starts in FY14; Comp. Cosmology group 3.Proposal for SPT3G 4.Are attempting organization for future Next Generation CMB “ultimate” ground based CMB experiment (ANL, SLAC, LBNL + univ groups) -- after LSST
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 41 Scenario C&B– Cosmic Frontier
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 42 Scenario C-- Theory Before going into theory need to introduce the ingredients in the current theory efforts at Argonne: conventional HEP theory and the future integration of the computational cosmology/cosmic frontier theory effort, currently supported by ANL scientific computing initiative
Theory 43 4 permanent ANL staff; 3 joint positions, 1 UoC, 2 NU Funding : ANL support: 200K FY10, 200K FY11 & ½ postdoc(IIT) in FY12 Thought: Group positioned perfectly for review in A lot of effort in ‘09 & ‘10 to make this all happen. Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts Very positive & close interactions with DOE OHEP C-N Leung( lots of questions) Now: Very positive transformation. 4 postdocs ( 1 ANL, 2 joint NU, 1 joint UIC) Funding somewhat complicated; reason for rise in FY12 Compared to very good university group One group member “not aligned with lab theory mission” Questions about joint appointments 2011 review Actions: Reduce one member to 50% ( work for ALD in FY12; reduce to 50% in FY13) Bring one joint appointment from 62.5% to 50% ( as should be) No new hires in foreseeable future ( coupled to current management) Question: review next year; actions needed ? Participate in Higgs discovery (production/interpret) Request $ help to get to January 2014
Theory ingredient 44 Establish Computational Cosmology group in HEP in May 2011; funding from ANL Computational Science Initiative: S.Habib & K.Heitmann + 4 postdocs/fellows. 3 year LDRD support. Scale: 1M/yr. Future: ASCR & HEP funding Cosmic Frontier/ Comp. Cosmology group Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts This group has ties to different research areas (VERY multidisciplinary) and therefore funding sources; Substantially improve Particle & Astro theory in Chicago area and in the country SciDAC HEP theory—cosmology ( they are “Pythia/Herwig” of cosmology) Cosmic Frontier (LSST, DESC) ASCR – High performance computing HEP Computing -- SciDAC “HPC for HEP” -- helped starting this: exp & theory ~100K funded in FY12, real request in FY14.
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 45 Scenario C-- Theory 4 ANL staff, 3 joint appointments = 5.5 FTEs
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 46 Scenario C&B-- Theory
Scientific Computing= HPC for HEP 47 For FY12 and out-years propose: Work with leadership computing at Argonne to enable HEP to take advantage for multi-core processors Ultimately use Blue Gene P and future machines, not accessible now for HEP Use expertise in Scientific Comp. group Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts Scientific Computing Initiative established “Computational Cosmology “group in HEP division in FY11. Use that expertise & connection to establish link: HEP to leadership computing Also in request AND Computational Cosmology/Cosmic Frontier Organized five lab Computational Cosmology collaboration & SciDAC proposal in FY12; led by S.Habib –funded Group doing very well in establishing collaborations with other labs, with divisions at Argonne and others. Slide last year From last year Over last year: Geant4-- & ATLAS version running on Blue Gene P ATLAS fast simulation running Proposed framework to connect to grid enable production Presented & well received as ANL initiative ( with others) Well received by HPC/ASCR; even suggest “Blue Gene P for HEP “ Ultimate goal: run “all HEP computing needs on ASCR supplied hardware” Much progress
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 48 Scientific Computing= HPC for HEP Scenario C & B “moved” funding from Energy frontier in both scenarios In Scenario C expect additional funding for 1FTE in out years
The Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) facility 49 -Mission: High-Power/High-Brightness Electron Beams for Wakefield Acceleration and applications to future LC. -Producing world record high current electron beams -developing technologies for beam generation, propagation, & characterization. -Approach: Advanced Accelerating Structures and Concepts -Design, construction and testing of high gradient WF structures: dielectrics, photonic band gap, left-handed meta-materials. -Enhanced transformer and multi-drive beam wakefields. Stage 1Stage n laser klystron Two-beam acceleration GeV Module Beam source Beam dump Collinear GeV Module Stage 1 Stage n laser klystron 2L2L L Beam source Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts
50 Future States; Dec. 11, 2012, H.Weerts AWA group Demonstrate ~500MeV/m gradients & multi stage two beam acceleration in both ways Group critical for possible LC involvement accelerator science program dielectric wakefield acceleration two beam acceleration AWA facility expanded & upgraded AWA = Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Argonne HEP technology The AWA Upgrade Increase power Present: 100 MW 1GW scale Gradients: 100MeV/m 1 GeV/m scale Strategy: Increase the drive beam energy 15 MeV 75 MeV Additional ANL(building) & DOE funding Next few years Argonne connections: Part of Argonne Accelerator Institute (AAI) ASD in APS; future machine Joint R&D Problem: Current accelerating structures limited to ~120MeV/m and metal structures only Enable shorter and more powerful accelerators New gun for drive beam
Picture of AWA facility before & after AWA upgrade---- major-- $2M investment by ANL GPP funds 51 Future States; Dec. 11, 2012, H.Weerts
ILC accel R&D 52 Argonne wide participation, coordinated through Argonne Accelerator Institute (AAI) Cavity processing facility ( in NP, joint ANL-FNAL) for EP, ultra sonic cleaning, clean room with HPR. Set up SCRF cavity test facility with NP E-cloud simulation J.Carwardine (APS, control systems) part of GDE Control System development (EPICS) Physics/Science of positron source simulation ( HEP) Leadership role worldwide in positron source ( WG in GDE and at CLIC)--- expected to complete this with some funding Processing facility for cycles for ILC and Project X in production In very close collaboration with Fermilab In operation Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts All coordinated through M.Harrison, lead for ILC. ILC accelerator activities…past Future
SCRF cavity R&D; ARRA project 53 Clearly correlate “hot spots” in cavities with dissipative losses and residual resistance which can be measured on coupons Study results of baking procedures & develop new ones Developing ALD of NbTiN, with T c ~15K succeeded ! Two cavities coated -- first problems Second is in testing now -- results next week or week after Parallel work on Cu and Al based cavities ( much cheaper), make SC by coatings Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts Steps: Proof SC films work– done Build dedicated ALD machine – done Coat cavity – first fall did not work Second cavity now in progress SCRF program ( ARRA funded initially, then Early Career SLOW SLOW
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 54 Scenario C –Accelerator R&D AWA needs support during upgrade & after. Also impact of “no ILC R&D “ funds: group are positron source experts SCRF working on multi-lab proposal for layered structures………now seen as promising direction for SC research proposed focus for ANL-BNL EFRC ( BES funded !!) Are expecting ILC funds in FY13 for positron source Does “developing FEL concept based on two beam acceleration” count?
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 55 Scenario C & B– Accelerator R&D Question: What happens after early career ? We have two very different cases -- describe
Detector R&D 56 LAPPD most important; DHCAL progressing, Optical DAQ proposing “Main” efforts NameDescriptionCollaboration with LAPPD Large Area Picosecond PhotoDetector (New, Large, Cheap and Fast) Chicago, SSL Berkeley, SLAC, FNAL + universities & companies DHCAL RPC based digital hadron calorimeter; imaging calorimeter; 1m 3, 350K channels Within CALICE & SiD In US: Boston, Iowa, FNAL, McGill, Northwestern, UTA Optical DAQ Signal transport via modulated laser and MEMS mirror arrays Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) Argonne TES mm wave(~90GHz), threshold edge sensors(TES) for CMB B-mode polarization Material Science & Chicago TriggerTopological trigger for VERITAS and futureIowa State (ADR) BIG gorilla in the room Presented to review committee last year: Area where ANL has defined and is defining new direction Can provide leadership for development Unique capabilities Strong collaboration with others Argonne interested and other science areas (NP & photon sciences) Active in DPF panel Did very well in lab comparative review ( feedback ?) and excellent in LAPPD review
Red points are LAPPD Both axes are log scale The “12 tile” is the supermodule LAPPD ‘s goal: Funded for 3 years: FY10-FY12; well supported. Review (strong committee) Dec 2012: Performance over the previous 3 yrs of the R&D period has been excellent. Progress has been impressive Potentially revolutionary technology (ALD+MCP) Significant infrastructure and expertise has been developed to prepare for next stage Outreach to industry has been exemplary Committee was impressed with the success of a truly interdisciplinary collaboration – setting a good example for others to emulate Approved STTR proposal for INCOM, relies on future work at ANL.
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 59 Scenario C– Detector R&D Area where ANL has defined and is defining new direction Can provide leadership for development Unique capabilities Strong collaboration with others Argonne interested and other science areas (NP & photon sciences) Active in DPF panel Did very well in lab comparative review ( feedback ?) and excellent in LAPPD review Ambitious program presented last year. Multidisciplinary Proved success already Building on previous
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 60 Scenario B & C– Detector R&D
Scenario B 61 Indicate where cuts would go in case more Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts Can do Can not execute program started; investment in future GENERAL: will survive FY13, but have to plan for long term effects in FY15 & 16
Scenario B 62 Budget for FY12 is not panic yet. Discussion Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts
Requested Table…… Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 63
Comments on procedure Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 64 In this exercise we simply reduced each B&R by 2-3% and then flat flat Even in this scenario: Need guidance from a national program perspective What are priorities of the program nationally They should not be set at lab or group level We need some task force or sub panel to give advice Especially if cuts are on the level of 5% or greater This would allow: Mixing of budget codes ?? Realigning the program with priorities At the moment these are Argonne/my priorities Without even mixing B&R codes May be better: not so much detail, but more overall directions/priorities ?
Some remarks and thoughts Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 65 Discussion among: SLAC, LBNL and Argonne. Can we coordinate better on program ? Suggestion: “Frontier PACs” that advice and “guide” a coherent US program; start it in the set up of P5 and continue Involve community ( thru committees) Started with Cosmic Frontier thinking -- others ? Advise on directions ILC in Japan & LCC The “old” ILC and GDE are done New structure Linear Collider Board ( met last week) How will US react to a request from Japan? Need something in “US to respond” Was asked to join LCC directorate: M.Harrison and HW SLAC and Argonne have discussed: would like to help & play leading role in this. NeXT Attempts to raise funds for gaseous, high pressure Xe detector D.Nygren pushing Complete the 100kg Spanish prototype ( will need ~$2M) Fit into neutrino program and/or Dark Matter Any guidance; suggestions ?
Summary 66 Too many numbers ……. This year was (again) worse, because no clear starting point for future Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts Argonne HEP has been transformed over last years. Transformation will continue In case of large budget reductions we (HEP in US) need to look at whole program and (re)prioritize to get the most with limited resources. Not completely obvious to me what choices are…… Based on unique & new directions and approaches
Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2013, H.Weerts 67 The End