By: Enric, Shyam, Jane, Yijia, Iad.
Dispersal is important because if the seeds are not dispersed, many germinating seedlings will grow very close to the parent plant. This results in competition between every one of the seedlings as well as with the parent plant. The competition is for light, space, water and nutrients. The parent plant will most likely win as they are older and stronger. Without sunlight, water, and space, the seedlings will unfortunately die. All of these are important for plants to be able to grow. This is an example of plants fighting for sunlight, space and water.
By water The fruits of most water plants have buoyant, waterproof coverings that allow them to float and disperse their seeds by water. By Splitting Suddenly - Explosive Action of Fruits Some fruits scatter their seeds by literally exploding. The pod dries, bursts open and forcibly shoots the seed for several feet in all directions. By Wind Some seeds are enclosed in wing-like husks (with one or two propeller blades) or fluffy coverings that help them drift some distance away from the parent plant. By Animals/Humans Animals often serve as seed carriers. Seeds (with sticky hairs, bristles, hooks, or barbs) are transported by sticking to the fur of animals or on the clothing of human beings. Birds and other animals eat the fleshy fruits and discard the seeds or they may eat both but the seeds are not digested and are passed out with their droppings, often far away from the parent plant.
1) What is one thing that will happen if seeds are not dispersed? ANSWER: The seedling will most likely die due to the lack of sunlight, water, and space. 2)Name three methods of seed dispersal. ANSWER: By wind, by water, human/animals. 3)*personal knowledge---Name a plant that disperses its seeds by wind. ANSWER: dandelion 4) Some fruits scatter their seeds by literally exploding. True or False? ANSWER: True