What are parts of flowering plants and their function?
Fruits/seeds dry and hard fruit wall dry and hard fruit wall Fruits/seeds brightly coloured brightly coloured sweet sweet juicy juicy by splitting open Fruits/seeds small small light light dry dry wing-like wing-like Fruits/seeds buoyant buoyant waterproof waterproof air spaces air spaces At a glance… by wind seed dispersal by water Adaptations for reproduction plants Fruits/seeds small small hooks hooks stiff hairs stiff hairs by animals
We will learn that plants produce flowers which have male and female organs.We will learn that plants produce flowers which have male and female organs. We will learn that seeds are formed when pollen from the male organ fertilises the female organ.We will learn that seeds are formed when pollen from the male organ fertilises the female organ. We will learn to label the parts of a plant and flower.We will learn to label the parts of a plant and flower.
Roots Roots Stem Stem Leaves Leaves Flower Flower
Look at this picture. Can you label the parts of the plant?
The roots absorb water from the soil.
The stem helps to support the plant.
The leaves use sunlight to provide the plant with energy.
The flower helps the plant to reproduce.
This is the name for the FEMALE FEMALE part of the flower. This is the name for the MALE MALE part of the flower.
(female part)
(male part)
stigma style ovary anther filament pollen
We know that plants produce flowers which have male and female organs.We know that plants produce flowers which have male and female organs. We know that seeds are formed when pollen from the male organ fertilises the female organ.We know that seeds are formed when pollen from the male organ fertilises the female organ. We can label the parts of a plant and flower.We can label the parts of a plant and flower.
ools/scienceclips/ages/9_ 10/life_cycles.shtml esize/ks2/science/living_ things/plant_life_cycles/ read/1/