Am I able to sequence a series of diagrams that depict chromosomes movement during plant cell division? Can I classify methods of reproduction as sexual or asexual? Students will describe the principal mechanisms by which living things reproduce and transmit information between parents and offspring.
Get out your scientist notebook out to check the Punnett square challenges from Friday!
Using what you already know write a 3 sentence summary that describes the relationship between DNA, Genes, and Inherited Traits. (What are they and how are they related?)
DNA can be broken down into segments called genes. Genes have different combinations of nucleotides (A-T, C-G). The different combinations are what create the different inherited traits.
On what structures are the genes of an organism located? Aorganelles Bmembranes Cphenotypes Dchromosomes
Which of these determines the physical characteristics of an organism by controlling how cells grow and develop? Atraits Bgenes Cphenotypes DPunnett squares
The physical traits of organisms are determined by genes that have alternate forms. What are these alternate forms of genes called? Achromosomes BDNA Calleles DPunnett squares
Where are the genes for the physical traits of an organism located? Aon a strand of RNA Bon a chromosome Cinside a hormone Dinside a carbohydrate
Hereditary information is contained in ________________ AGenes, which are located on chromosomes BCells, which are located in genes CGenes, which are located in the cell membrane of each cell DSpecialized cells, which are located in organelles
Each group will be given a Punnett Square Challenge. For each challenge you must create and interpret a Punnett square to predict possible genetic combinations passed from parents to offspring during sexual reproduction. The following must be written on a loose leaf sheet of notebook paper: 1. Crossed Punnett square 2. All possible genotypes and phenotypes of offspring 3. The answer to the question (percentages, ratios, etc.) 4. You and your team have 5 minutes.
The Punnett square to the right shows a cross between a tall pea plant (TT) and a short pea plant (tt). Which statement about the offspring of his cross is most likely true? AAll the offspring will have the same phenotype and genotype. BAll the offspring will have the same genotype, and half will have the same phenotype. CThree-quarters of the offspring will be tall, and one-quarter will be short. DAll the offspring will grow to medium heights.
In pea plants, round seeds (R) are dominant over wrinked seed (r). The Punnett square below sets up a cross between two parents that are heterozygous for round peas. Which of the following describes all possible genotypes resulting from this cross? A RR and rr B RR, Rr, and rr Cround seeds Dwrinkled seeds
In humans, having attached earlobes (A) is dominant to having free earlobes (a). In which cross will 25% of offspring most likely have free earlobes? A Aa x Aa B AA x AA C aa x aa D AA x aa