Friends of the Earth Bee Friendly Schools
Honey There are different sorts of bee – this is a honey bee Video clip of honey bees collecting nectar/pollen and buzzing round flowers Waggle dance to say where the nectar is Bees collect nectar which is liquid sugar and pollen which is protein -‘bee meat’ Video clip of honey bees making honey in a hive Honey bees make honey for their winter food
Flowers Flowers are bright and colourful to attract bees Video clip of bumble bees, solitary bees and honey bees buzzing around flowers
Poppy/sunflower seed bread Plants need bees as they mix up the pollen between the flowers. This is called pollination. Video clip of bees showing pollen on legs When the pollen from different flowers of the same type gets mixed up, these flowers grow into a seeds (sunflower / poppy/...) Video clip of a flower changing into a seed
Apple When bees pollinate some flowers, the seeds are inside fruits like apples Video clip of bees on a fruit tree Video clip of a fruit tree flower turning into a fruit
Tomato ketchup When bees pollinate some flowers, the seeds are inside vegetables like tomatoes Video clip of bees on a tomato/pepper/... Video clip of a fruit tree flower turning into a fruit
Binoculars - goldfinch A lot of birds eat berries, fruit or seeds (goldfinches). They would have far less food if bees did not pollinate the plants Video clip of bird eating berries/fruit/seeds
Bird watching book - robin Other birds eat insects – but a lot of the insects eat plants which are pollinated by bees Video clip of insects eating plants, birds eating insects
Everything is connected Video clips - summary: Bees eat nectar and pollen The bees pollinate the plants so seeds, fruit and berries grow We eat some of the fruit, seeds, berries and plants So do the birds and insects The birds spread the seeds so they grow into new plants Some birds eat the insects
Bees in trouble Film clips Far fewer bees Less wild flowers / wild places Fields to grow food, bigger fields, same crop Wild places used to build homes, shops, businesses Pesticides and weedkillers Diseases
Bee Friendly gardens Video clips of some being made / what they look like / what you might put in They will help other wildlife too You can tell other people how important bees are and ask them to put in bee friendly plants