Lesson Objectives Improved the healthfulness of foods served to students. Improve the quality of foods served to students. Improve the appeal of foods served to students. 2
Seasonings: Important Terms Bouquet Garni (Bo-Ka GAHR-Nee) Culinary* Culinary Technique* Sachet D’ Epices (Sa-SHA Day-Pees) Caramelize Marinade *Discussed in a prior lesson 3
Purchasing Tips Buy from a reputable supplier; no federal grading system. Check the date of manufacture of product before accepting. Purchase twice a year for efficiency and freshness. Produce distributor may provide fresh herbs. 4
Storage Tips Fresh herbs should be refrigerated. – Shelf life approximately 4 days Dried herbs and spices should be stored in cool, dry location in air tight containers. Dry herbs and spices break down when exposed to air, light, and heat. Shelf life 6 months to 1 year on dried herbs and spices. 5
Video: Seasoning Selection and Storage 6
Menu Planning Tips Check amount of sodium in herbs and spices. Purchase salt-free seasonings. Purchase seasonings without added MSG. Look to local farmers as an alternative for purchasing fresh produce, such as herbs. for more information 7
Flavoring Foods What are practical school nutrition ingredients or techniques you use to flavor foods? 8
Video: Seasoning Usage 9
Flavoring Foods (cont.) Spices are prepared from roots, buds, flowers, fruits, bark, or seeds of plants. Herbs are from the leaf or soft portion of plants. 10
Activity Review Spices handout found in Participant’s Workbook. Taste test: Various spices from chart. 11
Activity Review Herbs handout found in Participant’s Workbook. Taste test: Various herbs from chart. Demonstration: Chiffonade technique for herbs. Demonstration: How to zest citrus. 12
Flavoring Foods (cont.) Start small and increase until flavor desired is reached. Use twice as much fresh as dried herb. – What is an example? Use twice as much dried as ground. – What is an example? 13
Flavoring Foods (Cont.) Double amount of spices and herbs from 50 to 100 servings. Use 25% from 100 servings and up. Remember, heat builds quickly; use caution when adding hot pepper. 14
Flavoring Foods (Cont.) What is an infusion? How do you prepare a marinade? How do you prepare a reduction? 15
Activity Review Common Blends handout found in Participant’s Workbook. Demonstration: Compare commercially prepared spice blends and salt-free blends. 16
Seasoning Tips Use citrus juices with milder fruits. Sweet herbs compliment citrus. Savory fresh herbs can be added to salads. – How could you flavor mashed potatoes? 17
Seasoning Tips (cont.) Use less salt to season fries. Use spice blends in baked fruit. Use garlic and peppercorns in garlic sticks/bread. Cook rice in stock or flavored broth. – What are other ways to flavor foods served in child nutrition programs? 18
Seasoning Tips (cont.) Whole spices best for longer cooking recipes. Sesame seeds should be toasted for better flavor. Dry mustard has no smell; aroma develops when mixed with liquid. Flavors become more intense over time. 19
Activity Demonstration: How to chop fennel. 20
Activity Refer participants to USDA Honey Dressing recipe found in Participant’s Workbook. – What are the preparation steps? Refer participants to USDA Ranch Dressing recipe found in Participant’s Workbook. – What are the preparation steps? 21
Activity Refer participants to USDA Honey-Lemon Chicken recipe found in Participant’s Workbook. – What are the preparation steps? Refer participants to USDA Italian Seasoning Mix recipe found in Participant’s Workbook. – How would you use this recipe to flavor ground beef? 22
Video: Enhancing Flavors 23
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