Copy the underlined word, give a possible definition for it, and explain what in the sentence helped you come up with that definition. Today’s task (right side) * 1. Before surgery, I have to abstain from all food and drink. * 2. Once I’m postoperative, however, they will bring me food. * 3. Hopefully, the pain will recede into the background and I won’t feel it. 5 minutes
* Some common Latin prefixes: Today’s notes (left side, Cornell style) * ab- (away, from)- abnormal: not ordinary * post- (after)- postpone: put off until another time * re- (back)- recoil: spring back * re- (again)- redo: to do again
* Using the definitions of the prefixes, look back at the definitions you wrote in the task. * Highlight any you feel are correct. * Change any you feel are incorrect. Today’s Identify/Correct (right side) 4 minutes