South Bohemian Region isn´t very rich in raw materials and is traditionally based on the primary sector (agriculture, forestry and fishery. ). Industrial production is concentrated in towns, namely the engineering and food industries. We have chosen 5 companies, mainly from the Tabor area, which are important and export goods. They are two engineering companies (Kovosvit, Bluetech) and three food producers (Madeta, Maso Plana, Budvar). We were interested in their history, production and export. Some companies don´t reveal their export figures, so we found only the destinations of products and percentages. Their export is targeted to the EU countries. We also looked at the migration of Czech people inside the Czech Republic. We found out that the number of migrants was falling during the years People are not willing to move because of jobs. Exceptions are highly qualified people and industrial areas around Prague and some big cities. Maso Plana Madeta Budvar Bluetech Kovosvit Next
Kovosvit joint-stock company, engineering industry founded in 1939, now has 950 employees one of biggest manufacturers of milling and turning machines Exports 60% of its production to EU countries (Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Poland) Takes part in numerous trade fairs NextMore information
Name: Kovosvit MAS Seat: Sezimovo Usti Founded: 1939 Legal form: joint-stock company Kovosvit is one of the biggest manufacturer of machine tools in the Czech Republic, 60% of production goes for export. The production began in 1939 and very soon the company established a basic offer of machine tools. The machines were made mainly for the Bata Company in Zlin, which manufactured shoes. The two basic types of products were drilling and turning machines. This production continued after the war and turning and milling machines are still at the centre of the production. In 1990 the company changed its name to Kovosvit MAS, joint-stock company. It is a modern and competitive company with 950 employees at present. Back The range of products is supplied to the car, engineering or energy industries. Castings from the foundry were supplied to VOEST ALPINE Linz or TOS Trencin. The company products are regulary shown at trade fairs in Nitra, Slovakia, TIB Bucharest, Romania, MACH-TOOL Poznan or EUROTOOL Cracow, Poland.
Bluetech limited liability company, agriculture founded in 1963, has 130 employees now small-sized company makes conveyer belts, equipment for sorting waste and post-harvest treatment strongly individual attitude to customers´ needs NextMore information
Name: Bluetech Seat: Pacov Founded:1963 Legal form: limited liability company (since 1993) Bluetech is a traditional small-sized engineering company. It makes conveyers and belt transport machinery. The company has about 130 employees and you can find it in Pacov, a town between Pelhřimov and Tábor. Bluetech is an exporting company and does business in the EU countries. The original name was Traktorka, later STS Pacov, Beltech and now Bluetech. At the beginning they sold farm machinery. The company designs its machines individually and personally with every investor. Everything, from the project through manufacturing to installation, is prepared according to the customer´s individual needs. There is close cooperation with the buyers and individual solutions. The mechanics mount the machines right at the customer. Production characteristics: belt conveyers are a means of transport for materials in agriculture and industry (engineering, building, paper or food) equipment for sorting waste equipment for post-harvest treatment Back
Madeta joint-stock company, food industry founded in 1902, now has 1, 700 employees biggest milk processor in Czech Republic exports to EU, Lebanon, Arab Emirates, USA products: yoghurts, desserts, cheeses NextMore information
Name: Madeta Seat: Plana nad Luznici Founded: 1902 in Tabor Legal form: joint-stock company MADETA is more than one hundred years old. If you go back to the beginnings of dairy farming in the South Bohemia Region, go back to Then the first cheese makers were founded in the Schwarzenberg court near Ceske Budejovice (Budweis). Madeta itself was born around the year 1902 in the town of Tábor. It was named MLEKARENSKE DRUZSTVO TABORSKE (TABOR DAIRY COOP). MADETA has eight plants, that develop and grow on purely Czech capital. They are located not far from each other, practically in one region. In one year more than half a billion litres of milk “pours” into its operations, which is a fifth of all of the production in the Czech Republic. MADETA is largest processor of milk in the country. Approximately 25% of their production is exported abroad, to Lebanon, the United Arab Emirates, European Union countries, Russia, Asia, Africa, and to America. Unfortunatelly the company doesn´t provide more exact information about its export to the EU countries. Their products do not contain any preservatives! Their products are milk,creamy desserts, processed cheese (Madetka, Labuznik, Ferda and more...), Diet yoghurt, Butter, Cream, Cottage etc... Many products has been awarded the Best product of the Year (Lipanek creamy dessert, South Bohemian butter spread or Lipno processed cheese). Back
Maso Plana joint-stock company, food industry founded in 1973, now has 700 employees one of biggest meat processors main products: heat treated food (sausages), cans, durables (salami), smoked meat and fresh meat company provides information about pork and beef origin exports only less than 3% of its production (Slovakia, Poland) NextMore information
Name: Maso Plana Seat: Plana nad Luznici Founded: 1973 Legal form: joint-stock company (since 1993) Maso Planá is a member of the AgroFert Group. The history of the company began in January It was privatised in At present it is modern meat processing factory and ranks among the 3 biggest meat processors. In 2007 it defended the standard ISO and is a holder of many certificates. This company first started the production of meat packed in the protective atmosphere. The company also informs of the supplier of pigs and of the farm where the animal comes from. It has a perfect system of beef identification too. The customer can directly verify the origin of the bought meat by entering the EAN code on the company web. Main activities of this company are processing, production and conservation of meat products. Main products: heat treated products, cans, durables, smoked meat, ready-made meals or fresh meat (pork and beef) As first in the Czech Republic the company got the licence to export ham into the USA and of all sorts of meat into EU countries. At present it exports to Slovakia and Poland. The company has also projects co-financed by the EU. Maso Plana is one of the biggest employers in the region and has 700 workers. Employees enjoy benefits like company medical care, language education, social fund, pension insurance, company canteen or hostel. Back
Budvar, national corporation food industry Founded in 1895, now has 700 employees Most successful Czech food company Makes 8 kinds of beer (larger, strong, pale or non-alcoholic beer) Exports 47% of production to 50 countries Has subsidiaries in Germany and Great Britain Owns famous beerhouse Masne kramy/Meat Market in Ceske Budejovice Sponsor of sport and culture NextMore information
: Budvar Name: Budvar Seat: Ceske Budejovice Founded: 1895 Legal form: national corporation The Czech Share Brewery was founded in In continued more than 700-year historical tradition of brewing of beer in Česke Budejovice. Its most known trademarks include Budweiser, Budvar, Budweiser Budvar, Bud, Budejovicky Budvar and Czechvar. Now Budvar is a modern company, which employs 700 workers today. Quality and uniqueness of beer from České Budejovice is based on the best use of domestic materials(Moravian malt and Žatec hop). Budejovicky Budvar sells 53% of their annual production on the home market, 47% goes for export. Now Budvar makes ) 8 kinds beer (Czech Premium Lager, Pale Beer, Premium Dark Lager, Non-alcoholic beer, Bud Super Strong, Krausened Lager, Pardal Pale Beer and Imported Lager). The Budweiser Budvar is most successful Czech food company. Today Budvar exports its beer to 50 countries in 5 continents. In Europe e.g. to Austria, Germany, Poland. Hungary, Slovakia. There are subsidiaries in Germany and Great Britain. It has foreign restaurants in England (London), Germany (Frankfurt, Koln), Austria (Vienna), Slovakia (Košice) and Russia. In December 2007 the Masne kramy Beerhouse in Budejovice was re-opened after a 5- year absence and is run by Budweiser Budvar.The former Meat Market was of wood from the 13th century. In 1554 a brick house was built in place of the wooden construction. Customers walked through the middle aisle, meat stalls were situated at the sides.The butcher trade operated there until Since then, the building served as Budvar beerhouse. The company supports a number of sports and cultural activities: the main areas of their attention are ice-hockey and cycling (Budweiser Budvar – the official beer of Czech ice hockey and Tábor cycling team), in area of culture the National Library in Prague and the South Bohemian Theatre. Back
Thank you for your attention Class 3 B OA Tabor