Ministry of Labour Prevention Starts Here Health & Safety at Work CUSW Annual Health, Safety and Wellness Conference November 2, 2012
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Overview Transformation of the OHS System Setting the stage Expert Advisory Panel (EAP) Priority Recommendations Status Update on Implementation In the Works Our System Partners 2
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Transforming the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) System In early 2010, the government appointed an Expert Advisory Panel (EAP) of health and safety experts from labour groups, employers and academic institutes. Led by Tony Dean, the Panel consulted extensively in its review of Ontario’s OHS System December 2010 – Government accepted all 46 consensus recommendations in the EAP Report Many of the Panel’s recommendations will be phased in over time to allow for further consultation on detailed proposals and for workplace parties to become familiar and prepared for new duties and responsibilities as required 3
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Setting the Stage for Transformation June 1, 2011 – Bill 160 received royal assent. It amends OHSA and WSIA and puts in place a legislative framework enabling MOL to implement the Expert Advisory Panel’s recommendations October 2011 – Chief Prevention Officer appointed to: Develop a provincial occupational health and safety strategy, including goals and performance measures for OHS system partners Prepare an annual report, including assessment of progress made towards achieving goals in strategy Advise the Minister on : Prevention of workplace injuries and occupational disease Any proposed changes to the funding and delivery of prevention services The setting of standards for designated entities Carry out duties related to training and certification Provide oversight of Health and Safety Associations (HSAs) April 1, 2012 – Prevention activities transferred to MOL from WSIB 4
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Setting the Stage (cont’d) August 2012 – Prevention Council established. First meeting was held on September 28, Members Equal numbers of labour and employer representatives (4 each) Representation from non-unionized workers, the WSIB and experts in health and safety Role is to advise the CPO on: Priorities for the purpose of an integrated occupational health and safety strategic plan Development of the provincial occupational health and safety strategy and of the annual report Key performance indicators and standards Any significant proposed changes to the prevention system design, funding and delivery model that may emerge 5
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here EAP Panel Priority Recommendations The Panel identified 11 of its recommendations as priorities for implementation. A number of them have been completed or work is significantly underway. Additional detail is provided in the next few slides. Here are the major themes: Creation of a new prevention organization at MOL Headed by Chief Prevention Officer (CPO) Supported by a multi-stakeholder advisory body – Prevention Council Development of mandatory programs for workers and supervisors that explain their rights and responsibilities as described in the Occupational Health and Safety Act Development training standards for highly hazardous work; initial focus to be mandatory entry-level training for construction workers and training for workers who work at heights 6
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here EAP Panel Priority Recommendations (cont’d) Major themes continued: More support for vulnerable workers – those who have a greater exposure than most workers to conditions hazardous to health and safety and who lack the power to alter those conditions More support for small business – to better understand the needs and interests of employers and workers in small businesses Supporting a quicker resolution to reprisal complaints 7
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Implementing the Priority Recommendations: A Status Update April 1, 2012 – Process in place and supporting materials developed to expedite the resolution of reprisal complaints under OHSA Expedited process at OLRB Referrals by MOL inspectors where workers are fired Support mechanisms for workers and small employers Awareness Products June 1, 2012 – Health & Safety at Work – Prevention Starts Here poster released (available in English, French and 15 other languages) - mandatory posting in the workplace effective October 1,
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Update on Implementation (cont’d) Spring/summer 2012 – Worker Health and Safety Awareness in 4 Steps Workbook and Employer Guide Public consultations Winter 2012 Piloted Summer 2012 Expected to be released Fall 2012 Spring 2012 – Supervisor Awareness in 5 Steps Workbook and Employer Guide Public consultations Spring 2012 Pilots to be scheduled Fall 2012 Expected to be released late Fall 2012 E-learning awareness modules In addition to hard copy, both workbooks to be available in electronic formats 9
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here In the Works Details on the following ongoing initiatives appear on the next slides: Stakeholder engagement Integrated OHS strategy for Ontario Better business analytics Training standards 10
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here A Stakeholder Engagement Plan In early stage of development Will expand existing relationships, develop a broader partnership base, build a strong network of interconnected relationships Three key themes – enhanced assistance to vulnerable workers, improved penetration with small business and an integrated service delivery model encompassing the entire OH&S system Fall 2012 – Task Groups for vulnerable workers and small business to be established 11
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here An Integrated OHS Strategy for Ontario Winter 2012/13 – Integrated Occupational Health and Safety Strategy Framework to be drafted with the advice of the Prevention Council and in consultation with system partners and stakeholders Goal of the integrated strategic framework is to provide a clear vision of OH&S in Ontario It will guide the development of operational plans which contain activities to reach the strategy’s goal A discussion paper will be released for comment Following that, a formal strategy document, informed by the consultation will be developed It will have a broad perspective with attention devoted to key priorities including support for small business; vulnerable workers; high hazard sectors; an integrated and coordinated service delivery system; and expanding capacity through innovative partnerships 12
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here The Strategy (cont’d) The strategy will: Reflect and align with the strategic context in which it is being delivered Span the OH&S continuum from awareness to excellence, and from voluntary compliance to enforcement Accept that short-term adjustments are needed for long-term excellence and sustainability Recognize the importance of working with labour, employers and private sector providers, Ontario Public Service ministries, agencies, other levels of government and our system partners It is also expected to provide a progress report on implementation of the Expert Advisory Panel Report recommendations; and an opportunity to seek views on the next wave of recommendations to be implemented as well as on broad principles underlying prevention programs, which will be the subject of further consultation 13
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Better Business Analytics Performance Metrics Beginning to look at a robust set of performance metrics for the OH&S System To test and assess how we are doing Market Penetration Working on getting a better understanding of our ability to access all organizations, assess our current capacity and who we are reaching Understanding these gaps in our service will make us better able to create a delivery model that meets workplace parties needs 14
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Training Standards Winter 2012/13 – consultations on training standards 15
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Key OHS System Partners Ministry of Labour Develops, communicates and enforces occupational health and safety requirements and employment standards. Develops, coordinates and implements strategies to prevent workplace injuries and occupational illnesses and can set standards for health and safety training Six Health and Safety Associations - four provide sector specific consulting, training, products and services 16
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Key OHS System Partners (cont’d) Infrastructure H&SA Serves electrical, construction and transportation sectors Public Services H&SA Serves health, education and municipal sectors Workplace Safety North Serves mining, pulp and paper and forestry sectors Workplace Safety and Prevention Services Serves industrial farming and service sector Workers Health and Safety Centre An occupational health and safety training centre for workers Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Six medical clinics located across Ontario that provide occupational health services and information 17
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Key OHS System Partners (cont’d) Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Administers Ontario’s no-fault workplace safety insurance for employers and provides loss of earnings and health care benefits for their workers Continues to have responsibility for promoting OH&S 18
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here OHS System Partners Working Together Strategically Prevention Council Forum to strategically engage: Labour, employer and community leaders utilizing member networks; MOL and OH&S initiatives, e.g., vulnerable workers and small businesses, prevention functions, etc. 19
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Contact the Prevention Office To raise a question about prevention or to request that your address be added to the Prevention Office distribution list, please us at: 20
Training and Safety Programs (TSP) Branch Overview Prevention Office
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Organizational Structure Director Training & Safety Programs Manager Training Standards Manager OHS Programs Manager Strategic Initiatives 22
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here TSP Responsibilities The Training and Safety Programs (TSP) branch is responsible for training, standards development and safety programs implementation Key aspects of the work to take place in the TSP branch, include but is not limited to the following: Establish requirements for certified members and administer program for certifying Joint Health and Safety Committee members Establish standards for Health and Safety representatives training Establish standards for curriculum, delivery, and training providers 23
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here TSP Responsibilities (cont’d) Develop mandatory training programs (e.g. awareness, high- hazard, entry level) Put in place an accreditation program Work with WSIB to revise existing incentive programs Establish new non-incentive prevention programs Administer existing programs with WSIB during transition Establish auditing framework to ensure compliance with training standards Lead the implementation of strategic initiatives across government and at various levels Develop programs to address the OHS system transformation 24
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here TSP in a Nutshell…. “ We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes (and time) it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” ― Maya Angelou 25
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Key Activities Underway Health and Safety at Work posters – as of October 1, 2012 mandatory posting is in effect Completed public consultations, focus groups and pilots of the Worker Awareness Workbook. Scheduled for final release December 2012 Completed public consultations and focus groups of the Supervisor Awareness Workbook. Pilots are currently being scheduled Joint Health and Safety Certification program administration transfer to the Ministry and revisions to Part 1 and Part 2 standards Planning for program review to look at prevention-based programs 26
Stakeholder and Partner Relations Branch Overview Prevention Office
Organizational Structure Director Stakeholder & Partner Relations Manager Stakeholder Liaison Manager Knowledge Management 28
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Stakeholder and Partner Relations Key responsibilities: Develop a Ministry-wide stakeholder engagement strategy Develop a division external relations plan Develop a communications plan Key Goals / Issues: Become the one window access point for stakeholders to interact with the Government of Ontario on occupational health and safety matters 29
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Stakeholder Liaison Key responsibilities: Leads development and implementation of a centralized stakeholder outreach strategy Initiates and nurtures critical relationships and partnerships Leads the development of a strategic communications framework Key Goals / Issues: Creates relationship presence for the Prevention Office with partners and system actors as part of the Ministry of Labour 30
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Knowledge Management Key responsibilities: Oversees all areas of knowledge and information management pertaining to occupational health and safety Building strong relationships with health and safety information and knowledge management community Develop a single access point for occupational health and safety resources Key Goals / Issues: Establish the Prevention Office as the single go-to resources for occupational health and safety resources and information 31
Strategy and Integration Branch Overview Prevention Office
Organizational Structure Director Strategy & Integration Manager Transfer Partner and Research Funding Manager Strategy and Implementation Manager Data Management and Performance Metrics 33
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Strategy and Implementation Key responsibilities: Strategic plan Integrated planning Annual Report Key Goals / Issues: Create a single, integrated strategic plan with one set of priorities Prepare an annual report on OHS system performance 34
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Transfer Partner and Research Funding Key responsibilities: Oversight of six (6) HSAs Research funding Prevention grants Key Goals / Issues: Accountability Value for money Align funding with Prevention goals 35
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Data Management and Performance Metrics Key responsibilities: Data Management Performance Measurement Key Goals / Issues: Established performance measurement framework Improved information sharing and accessibility while ensuring confidentiality is maintained Enhanced data and information management with a focus on data standards, quality assurance processes, and leading indicators 36
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Prevention Starts Here Linkages / Key Interactions Transfer Partner & Research Funding Strategy & Implementation Data Management & Performance Metrics Integrated Planning Performance measures for strategy Information sharing with health and safety system partners 37
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