Lorna Priest SIL Non-Roman Script Initiative © Copyright 2002 SIL International Publishing Futures A perfect world?
Encoding ANSI will be gone ANSI will be gone Unicode Unicode – UTF-8 – UTF-16 – UTF-32
Data Structure SFM gone! SFM gone! XML, XSL and XSLT XML, XSL and XSLT – XML is a standard for marking up data clearly indicates structure of the data, generally in a way that indicates the meaning of different parts of it rather than how they will be displayed clearly indicates structure of the data, generally in a way that indicates the meaning of different parts of it rather than how they will be displayed has beginning and ending tags has beginning and ending tags – XSL is a language for expressing stylesheets: a language for transforming XML documents, and a language for transforming XML documents, and an XML vocabulary for specifying formatting semantics an XML vocabulary for specifying formatting semantics – XSLT is a language for transforming XML documents into other documents (XML, HTML, etc)
Source document Editing (including Keyman, etc) Output Process (Publishing Tool) Analysis Tool (Paratext / FieldWorks) Types of documents: 1. Scripture 2. Academic dictionaries complex charts tables TOC Index 3. Literacy General publishing overview
Input overview (future) Source Document: XML/Unicode DTD/Schema: XSEM, OSIS DocBook Preprocessing/ Checking/ analysis keyman Font: OpenType, AAT, Graphite, TeX Typecaster Welder(?) VOLT XML editor Output Process (Publishing Tool)
Publishing overview (future) Source Document: XML/Unicode Output Process:: graphicsFonts TeX: muTeX, Omega, etc. Result Document: XML text Transformation Process: XSL-FO PERL XSLT (xt, sax, msxml3) Result Document: HTML FrameMaker MSPublisher CSS Input: Keyman XML editor Preprocessing/ Checking/ analysis Style Sheet: XSL CSS XSL-Formatter / UltraXML / RenderX SQL CD: TW / FW PDF RTF Web/Commerce Video/music Etc,etc.
Publishing Overview (past/present) Source Document: sfm Preprocessing/ checking/analysis: (ccount, diafind, cvchek, wdl, hyphenation, quotes uc/lc, etc.) Output Process: Ventura Publisher Style Sheet: template graphic Print/pdf film Font Typecaster Welder Input Method: Keyman WinWord SFC TeX (TeXgX, Omega, etc.) Style Sheet: Scripture macros Transformation Process: CC Result Document: Text/Ventura tagged
Conversion (perfect world) Preprocessing/ analysis: ??? Input Method: Keyman XML editor WinWord Output Process (Publishing Tool) Source Document: XML/Unicode Legacy Document: LL, Shoebox, sfm Keyman 3.2 Keyman 5 8-bit font smart fonts Word/Ventura styles XSL/CSS Mapping Repository 8-bit Unicode DTD/Schema: XSEM TEI lite? sfm XML
Conversion Overview (imperfect world) XML & Unicode Document Legacy Document: LL, Shoebox, sfm SFM & Unicode Document 8-bit > Unicode Unicode > 8-bit sfm > XML XML > sfm Mapping Repository
Conversion Overview (imperfect world) XML & Unicode Document Legacy Document: LL, Shoebox, sfm SFM & Unicode Document 8-bit > Unicode Unicode > 8-bit sfm > XML XML > sfm
Transition period scenarios… How will this affect us? How will this affect us? Practical issues we will face Practical issues we will face – IPub will begin receiving Unicode text Unicode text – Will you convert it back to 8-bit for publishing in Ventura? 8-bit text 8-bit text – Leave it for now until we switch publishing applications XML text XML text – Will you convert it back to sfm? – Or will you then switch publishing applications?
Practical things we can start doing Work with NRSI on creating publishing fonts (typographical features) Work with NRSI on creating publishing fonts (typographical features) Work with someone (LSDev?) on preprocessing checks Work with someone (LSDev?) on preprocessing checks – works with Unicode and XML Learn TECkit mapping Learn TECkit mapping XML XML – Learning XSL/XSLT, creating XSL/XSLT stylesheets – Examine OSIS and XSEM from a publishing point of view and decide – Develop tools for markup conversion (to OSIS/XSEM) Yet to be decided (including C2X)
Practical things we can start doing… Research and choose editing application Research and choose editing application Research and choose publishing application Research and choose publishing application – InDesign / FrameMaker – TeX related – XSL Formatter / UltraXML Begin developing stylesheets, etc for application Begin developing stylesheets, etc for application
For more information, contact: Non-Roman Script Initiative SIL International 7500 West Camp Wisdom Rd. Dallas, TX This presentation is © Copyright 2002 SIL International, and may not be reproduced without permission.