Summary of the NuSTAR neutron detector working group meeting M. B. Gómez (UPC) / D. Cano Ott (CIEMAT)
NUSTAR Neutron detector working group agenda TalkSpeaker Status of the MONSTER detector construction at VECCK. Banerjee Status of the MONSTER detector construction at CIEMAT D. Cano-Ott The BELEN detector for DESPECM. B. Gómez Status of the IGISOL facility construction H. Pentillä Summary of the “IAEA consultants meeting on beta delayed neutrons”. I. Dillmann The “NEutron DEtector developments for Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Applications (NEDENSAA)” NUPNET Project D. Cano-Ott Non presencial contributions Satus of the NeuLAND detector constructionK. Boretzky Common discussion Neutron detector working group meeting
200 detectors, 10cm radius 1 MeV TOF distance (m) Geometric efficiency 1ns4ns 212.5%3.5%6.0% 35.6%2.5%4.2% Ø=20cm L=5cm The DESPEC MOdular Neutron SpectromeTER Cylindrical cell of 20 x 5 cm filled with BC501A/EJ301 Reasonable intrinsic efficiency ( 1MeV) Energy threshold ~ 30 keVee (E n 100 keV) Reasonable energy resolution < 10% up to 5 MeV: Good neutron timing ~1ns Good β timing: < 4ns Reasonable flight path 2-3 m TOF Good total efficiency: 150 – 200 detectors Design compatible with the SPIRAL-2 spectrometer D. Cano Ott – NUSTAR meeting, Bucharest Urgent: clarify the time resolution of the implantation setup
The MONSTER collaboration and associated partners CIEMAT Nuclear Innovation – Nuclear Fission Division Dept. of Energy Instituto de Física Corpuscular, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (Spain) LPC – Caen (France) University of Jyvaskyla (Finland) Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy) – NEDA project University of Uppsala (Sweden) – NEDA project VECC – India D. Cano Ott – NUSTAR meeting, Bucharest
CIEMAT’s + St. Gobain design for the MONSTER cell completed
30 cells from St. Gobain have arrived and were sent back to the factory a few months later due to paint peel-off problems. Expected delivery by the end of 2011, beginning of Hamamatsu R4144 PMTs + voltage dividers have arrived. Additional funding for 10 cells has been obtained in Total: 40 cells funded
The mechanical structure of the demonstrator is nearly completed. Additional work and funding will be necessary for the 200 module version.
VECC will fabricate 50 MONSTER cells. Design and engineering drawings have been completed in collaboration with CIEMAT (D. Cano et. al). We are now in the process of fabricating 4 detector as proto-type development. Initial characterisation of the prototype will be done in VECC with the conventional electronics (Mesytec MPD4 + in-house developed VME based data acquisition system) and after satisfactory test it will be tested with the waveform digitizer being developed at CIEMAT, Spain. After satisfactory test we can send these detectors for the experiment under PRESPEC umbrella and start production of the rest of the detectors. Status of the activities at VECC K. Banerjee, NUSTAR meeting, Bucharest Government of India Department of Atomic Energy
The MONSTER cell construction plant at VECC
M. B. Gómez Hornillos, R. Caballero, A. Riego G. Cortés, A. Poch, C. Pretel, F. Calviño SEN, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Barcelona, SPAIN J.L. Taín, A. Algora, C. Domingo-Pardo, J. Agramunt and Gamma Spectroscopy Group IFIC- Valencia, SPAIN D. Cano, T. Martínez, A. García and Nuclear Innovation Group CIEMAT-Madrid, SPAIN I.Dillmann Uni Giessen and GSI, GERMANY A.Yeremin, A.Popeko, E. Sokol JINR, RUSSIA BEta deLayEd Neutron detector Bucharest 2011 SEN, UPC, Barcelona
Design of the prototype of the Beta Delayed Neutron detector with Monte Carlo simulations MCNPX and GEANT4. Four different versions: BELEN-20 at 20 atms for JYFL (2 versions). Used in experiments BELEN-30; 20 atm, 10 atm for GSI. Used in exp. BELEN-90 for FAIR. Under design. TDR in progress. Preliminary version. Two BELEN-20 detectors constructed at UPC workshop. Test of BELEN-20 detector with 252 Cf source at UPC laboratory. Experiment at JYFLTRAP (Finland) to measure β delayed neutron emission of fission fragments (in collaboration between UPC, IFIC and CIEMAT): Nov 2009: 95 Rb, 88 Br, 94 Rb, 138 I. Jul 2010 : 95 Rb, 88 Br, 85 As, 86 As, 85 Ge, 91 Br, 137 I. Neutron Background test at S4 in GSI. Experiment at GSI with BELEN-30 & SIMBA September 2011, nuclei of astrophysical interest: S323: 127 Pd, 126 Pd, 128 Ag. Montes et al S410: 215 Tl, 211 Hg. Domingo, Dillmann, Taín, Gómez et al M. B. Gómez et al. SEN, UPC, Barcelona SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES WITH NEUTRON COUNTERS
BELEN-30 at GSI BELEN-30 Polyethylene shielding Isomer tagger MUSIC SIMBA implantation det M. B. Gómez et al. SEN, UPC, Barcelona
Measurement of beta delayed neutron emission of astrophysical interest at GSI: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS M. B. Gómez et al. SEN, UPC, Barcelona S410: Preliminary Identification 217 Pb 214 Tl 211 Hg Z (+ 1) A/q
Measurement of beta delayed neutron emission of astrophysical interest at GSI: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS M. B. Gómez et al. SEN, UPC, Barcelona Pulser Noise Neutron signal Counts Energy (ch) Energy deposited in 3 He neutron counters.
Measurement of beta delayed neutron emission of astrophysical interest at GSI: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS M. B. Gómez et al. SEN, UPC, Barcelona SIMBA: Energy deposited in Si strips Strip # Energy deposited (ch) Implantation Noise Beta decay
Konstanze Boretzky for the NeuLAND WG in R 3 B -- Bucharest - Oct NeuLAND: The High Resolution Neutron Time-of-Flight Spectrometer for R 3 B NeuLAND design goals: >90% efficiency for GeV neutrons Multi-hit capability for up to 5 neutrons invariant-mass resolution: NeuLAND-target distance 35 m ∆E < 20 keV at 100 keV above the neutron threshold NeuLAND detector parameters: full active detector using RP/BC408 face sice 250x250 cm 2 active depth 300 cm 3000 scintillator bars 6000 PM / readout channels 32 tons
Konstanze Boretzky for the NeuLAND WG in R 3 B -- Bucharest - Oct From Submodules to Full Detector NeuLAND submodule 250(270 incl. light guides)x5x5 cm 3 30 double-plane build up NeuLAND face sice 250x250 cm 2 active depth 300 cm 100 submodules build one double-plane
Konstanze Boretzky for the NeuLAND WG in R 3 B -- Bucharest - Oct Performance Examples high multi-neutron recognition:high resolution at the particle threshold: 1 neutron 600 MeV 35 m distance to target E rel =100 keV high efficiency for low neutron energies: E n [MeV]Eff. [%] neutrons „tetra-neutron“ 600 MeV 35 m distance to target E rel =100 keV
Konstanze Boretzky for the NeuLAND WG in R 3 B -- Bucharest - Oct NeuLAND October 2011 very, very busy TDR due on Nov. 1 st Convener: Konstanze Boretzky, GSI Darmstadt, Germany Deputy: Ushasi Datta Pramanik, SINP Kolkata, India GSI Darmstadt: D. Bertini, K. Boretzky, J. Hehner, M. Heil, G. Ickert, Y. Leifels, D. Rossi, H. Simon HZDR Dresden-Rossendorf: D. Bemmerer, T. Cowan, Z. Elekes, M. Kempe, M. Sobiella, D. Stach, A. Wagner, J. Wüstenfeld, D. Yakorev TU Darmstadt: T. Aumann, C. Caesar, D. Gonzalez Diaz, A. Ignatov, D. Kresan,H. Scheit TU Dresden: T. Cowan, M. Röder, K. Zuber U Cologne: J. Endres, A. Hennig, V. Maroussov, A. Zilges U Frankfurt: R. Reifarth, M. Volknandt India: SINP Kolkata: P. Basu, S. Chakraborty, S. Chatterjee, U. Datta Pramanik, J. Panja, A. Rahaman Portugal: LIP Coimbra: A. Blanco, P. Fonte, L. Lopez -- U Lisbon: D. Galaviz Redondo, J. Machado, P. Teubig Romania: ISS Bucharest: M. Cherciu, M. Ciobanu, M. Haiduc, M. Potlog, E. Stan Russia. Kurchatov Institute Moscow: L. Chulkov PNPI St. Petersburg: G.D. Alkhazov, V.A. Andreev, A.A. Fetisov, V.L. Golovtsov, E.A. Ivanov, A.G. Krivshich, L.N. Uvarov, V.V. Vikhrov, S.S. Volkov, A.A. Zhdanov
Brief status of Jyväskylä IGISOL move JYFLTRAP: Cooled down and powered in August, shimmed, tested, running Waiting for the beam line and HV platform to be built LASER: Laser cabins have been build, air conditioned - ready to start install instrumentation Cyclotron beams and beam lines MCC30/15: worked in the STUK (national radiation safety authority) inspection: 150 µA in a pulse in low duty cycle Beam tube to IGISOL cave installed K130:Beam line installed; beam tuning test planned 24. October Separator front end and beam lines: Most of the beam lines built Parts are installed at the rate mechanical workshop can produce them Part of the work outsourced (actuators) Control system under construction Xmas miracle…? First beam! H. Pentillä
NUSTAR week 2011 Bukarest, Oct , 2011 Iris Dillmann IAEA Consultants Meeting on -delayed neutron emission evaluation October 2011 Participants: D. Abriola (IAEA Nuclear Data Section, Vienna/ Austria) D. Cano Ott (CIEMAT Madrid/ Spain) I. Dillmann (JLU Giessen/ GSI Darmstadt, Germany) M. Kellett (IAEA Nuclear Data Section, Vienna/ Austria) B. Pfeiffer (JLU Giessen/ Germany) B. Singh (McMaster University, Hamilton/Canada) A. Sonzogni (NNDC Brookhaven/ USA) J. L. Tain (IFIC Valencia/ Spain) Main conclusion: Need of a "Co-ordinated Research Project" (CRP) on -delayed neutron evaluation for reactor physics and astrophysics Problem 1: Missing documentation Problem 2: Last compilation 10 years ago => more data available now Problem 3: Good standards available? Problem 4: Up to now only fission region was evaluated Last evaluation: Rudstam, Aleklett and Shiver, ADNDT 53, 1 (1993) Last compilation: Pfeiffer, Kratz, Möller (2001): arXiv:nucl-ex/
The NEutron DEtector developments for Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Applications (NEDENSAA) NUPNET project is an effort to pool available resources and on going R&D by the various partners throughout Europe with the aim of providing significant improvements in neutron detection. Working Package 1: Development of new materials Working Package 2: Characterisation of scintillator materials for neutron detection Working Package 3: Innovative detector concepts Working Package 4: Photosensors Working Package 5: Processing technologies Working Package 6: Optimal design of neutron detectors and γ-ray detectors Working Package 7: Training and networking The NUSTAR neutron detector working group was the seed of the project and its activities are naturally integrated into it. Official link between the developments for FAIR and SPIRAL2. Partners: INFN – Legnaro (Italy) CNRS – IN2P3 (France) CEA (France) associate University of Jÿväskÿla (Finland) CIEMAT – Madrid (Spain) IFIC – Valencia (Spain) TU Dresden (Germany) INRNE (Bulgaria) TÜBITAK (Turkey) associate University of Uppsala (Sweden) associate
A school on neutron detectors and Monte Carlo simulation (GEANT4) should be organised for the youngest scientist. Last school organised at CIEMAT more than three years ago. The demand of beam time for tests will be increased in the mid term future. The FAIR management has to include it into its development plants and make more beam time available. Several partners have expressed the need of purchasing equipment via NUSTAR/FAIR for getting better prices. Additional remarks of Neutron WG
DetectorStatus of the projectTDRCompletion time NeuLANDDesign fixed. Tests ongoing Due date end of 2011 (November 1 st ) 2014 LENATests ongoing at GSI In preparation. Expected by end of BELEN Demonstrator with 30 counters tested at JYFL and FRS. First version circulating 2012 – 2013 MONSTER CIEMAT (40 cells): 30 cells arrived. Sent back to factory for reparation (leaks and paint peel off). Extra funding for 10 cells obtained. VECC: 4 prototypes under construction. 50 detectors planned. In preparation. Expected by end of