Exponent Properties Review
Multiplication Property of Exponents
Division Property of Exponents
Power-to-a-Power Property
In a nutshell… Power Multiply Add Divide Subtract Numbers get bigger when we raise to a power, multiply, and add! Numbers get smaller when we divide and subtract!
Zero Exponents
Negative Exponents We don’t like to have negative exponents in our answers! – HOW do we fix that? – MOVE IT and LOSE IT! Write the answer over “1” to make a fraction. Move it and Lose it! What are we “losing”? The negative sign!
Negative Exponents (Examples) Move it & Lose it!
Questions we ask ourselves: 1. What kind of operation am I doing with the powers? – (multiply, divide, or power-to-a-power) 2. What do I do with the EXPONENTS? – (add, subtract, or multiply) 3. Can I simplify by combining like terms? 4. Do I have any negative exponents in my answer? – (If yes, MOVE it and LOSE it!)