ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Chapter 4 Power Functions Section 4.1Section 4.1 Power Functions: Positive Exponents Section 4.2Section 4.2 Power Functions: Negative and Fractional Exponents Section 4.3Section 4.3 Power Functions and Expressions Section 4.4Section 4.4 Power Functions and Equations Section 4.5Section 4.5 Modeling with Power Functions
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4.1 Power Functions: Positive Exponents Section 4.1
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 4.1 The Shape of the Graph of a Power Function We know from Chapter 3 that the graph of f(x) = x 2 is U-shaped (see the left graph in Figure 4.1). What about the graph of a higher power, such as g(x) = x 3 ? Its graph has the chair shape on the right of Figure 4.1 Figure 4.1: Two shapes for the graph of a power function Any function of the form f(x) = x n, where n is a positive integer, has a graph with one of these general shapes (except that when n = 1, the graph of f(x) = x is a straight line).
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Example 2 Match the graphs in Figure 4.2 with the three functions f(x) = x, g(x) = x 4, and ℎ (x) = x 7. Figure 4.2: Comparison of x 7, x 4, and x Solution Graph C is the graph of f(x) = x, because f is a linear function and graph C is a straight line. The graph of g(x) = x 4 is U-shaped because the exponent, 4, is even, so it is Graph B. That leaves Graph A for ℎ (x) = x 7. This makes sense because the exponent, 7, is odd and Graph A is chair- shaped. Section 4.1
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The area of a circle, A, is a function of its radius, r, given by A = πr 2. Here A is proportional to r 2, with constant of proportionality π. In general, Section 4.1 A power function is a function that can be given by f(x) = kx p, for constants k and p. We call k the coefficient and p the exponent. A power function is a function that can be given by f(x) = kx p, for constants k and p. We call k the coefficient and p the exponent. What Is a Power Function?
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (a) The coefficient is 0.04 and the exponent is 2. (b) We have f(35) = 0.04 ⋅ 35 2 = 49 and f(113) = 0.04 ⋅ = 511. These statements tell us that it takes 49 ft for the car to stop if it is traveling at a speed of 35 mph and 511 feet if it is traveling at 113 mph. It takes longer to stop if it is traveling faster, which makes sense. Figure 4.3 shows this behavior on the graph of f: As v gets larger the values f(v) get large r. (See slide after next for Figure 4.3.) Example 3 The stopping distance, in feet, of an Alfa Romeo on dry road is proportional to the square of its speed, v mph, at the time the brakes are applied, and is given by the power function f(v) = 0.04v 2. (a) Identify the coefficient and the exponent. (b) Evaluate f(35) and f(113) and interpret your answers in terms of stopping distances Solution Section 4.1
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. In Figure 4.4 the graph of g is above the graph of f. This makes sense because although the two functions have the same exponent, 2, the function g has a larger coefficient than f. This means that the stopping distance when the car is going 35 mph on a wet road is larger than on a dry road. (See next slide for Figure 4.4.) Example 4 The stopping distance of an Alfa Romeo going at v mph on a wet road is given byf(v) = 0.05v 2. Graph g and the function f from Example 3 on the same axes, and use the graphs to compare the stopping distances on dry and wet roads when a car is going at 35 mph. Solution Section 4.1
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Figures for Examples 3 and 4 Section 4.1 Figure 4.4: Stopping distance on wet road versus dry road, as a function of velocity Figure 4.3: Braking distance of an Alfa Romeo on dry road If we want to compare two power functions with the same exponent, we look at the coefficient.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All of the graphs in Figure 4.5 are U-shaped, although one of them is an upside-down U because of the negative coefficient. If the exponent is odd you can also get an upside-down-chair shape if the coefficient is negative. Figure 4.6 shows all four possible shapes and when they occur. Figure 4.6: Shapes of graphs of a power function f(x) = kx p : Interpreting Exponents and Coefficients Section 4.1
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. In general a power function is not linear. But if p = 0 or p = 1, then the power functions are linear. For example, the graph of y = x 0 = 1 is a horizontal line through the point (1, 1). The graph of y = x 1 = x is a line through the origin with slope 1. See Figures 4.7 and 4.8. Figure 4.7: Graph of y = x 0 = 1 Figure 4.8: Graph of y = x 1 = x The Special Cases p = 0 and p = 1 Section 4.1
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The graphs of A and B are above the x axis, so they are graphs of functions with non-negative values. The functions f and g have non-negative values, because in both those functions the output is a positive number times a square. Which is which? The graph A is above the graph B, and g(x) ≥ f(x) because g has a larger coefficient than f. So A is the graph of g and B is the graph of f. That means C must be the graph of ℎ (x) = −2x 2. Notice that this graph has the same shape as the graph of g but is symmetric about the horizontal axis. That is because ℎ (x) = −g(x). The Shape of the Graph of a Power Function Example 5 Match the graphs in Figure 4.5 with the functions f(x) = x 2, g(x) = 2x 2, and ℎ (x) = −2x 2. Section 4.1 Solution Figure 4.5: Graphs of power functions with exponent 2 and different coefficients
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Long-run Behavior of Power Functions Example 6a (a)Let f(x) = 6x 2 and g(x) = x 3. Which is larger, f(5) or g(5)? What about f(10) and g(10)? Solution (a) We have f(5) = 6 ⋅ 5 2 = 150 g(5) = 5 3 = 5 ⋅ 5 2 = 125. So f(5) > g(5). Even though the exponent, 3, of g is larger than the exponent, 2, of f, the fact that f has a larger coefficient makes f(5) larger. The situation changes when we consider x = 10, where g(10) is larger. We have f(10) = 6 ⋅ 10 2 = 600 g(10) = 10 ⋅ 10 2 = Section 4.1
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Long-run Behavior of Power Functions Example 6b Let f(x) = 6x 2 and g(x) = x 3. (b) For what values of x is g(x) > f(x)? Solution (b) We know that f(x) is greater than g(x) for x = 5 and f(x) is less than g(x) for x = 10. Where are they equal? Let’s look at the structure of the power functions.We have: f(x) = 6 ⋅ x 2 g(x) = x ⋅ x 2. If x = 6, these two expressions are equal, so f(6) and g(6) are equal. For x 6, we see g(x) is larger. See Figure 4.9. Section 4.1 Figure 4.9: Graphs of y = x 3 and y = 6x 2
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. A higher power of x will always eventually be larger than a lower power of x. The value of x at which it becomes larger depends on the expressions and the coefficients. Section 4.1 When comparing two power functions with positive coefficients, the one with the higher power dominates the one with the lower power in the long run. Long-run Behavior of Power Functions
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Example 7 Which function dominates in the long run, f(x) = 2x 3 or g(x) = 100x 2 ? Solution Since 3, the exponent of f, is greater than 2, the exponent of g,we expect f to dominate g. Figure 4.10 shows that f overtakes g at around x = 50. (Solving the inequality 2x 3 > 100x 2 algebraically shows that this is exactly where it happens.) Section 4.1 Figure 4.10: Comparison of 2x 3 with 100x 2
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section POWER FUNCTIONS: POSITIVE EXPONENTS Key Points Definition of a power function The shape of the graph of a power function Interpreting exponents and coefficients Long-run behavior of power functions
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4.2 Power Functions: Negative and Fractional Exponents Section 4.2
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 4.2 The Shape of the Graph of a Negative Power Figure 4.12 shows the graphs of f(x) = x −1 and g(x) = x −2. The figure shows some important differences between negative powers and positive powers. A negative power is undefined at x = 0, and the graph approaches the y-axis when x is close to 0. We say that the y-axis is a vertical asymptote when this happens. Also, as x gets large in either the positive or negative direction, the graph approaches the x-axis. We say that the x-axis is a horizontal asymptote. Figure 4.12: Possible shapes for the graph of a power function with a negative exponent
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Example 1 Match the graphs in Figure 4.13 with the three functions f(x) = x −1, g(x) = x −2, and ℎ (x) = x −3. Figure 4.13: Graphs of power functions: Negative powers Solution For x > 1, the graph C lies above the graph B which lies above the graph A. To identify the graphs we must determine which is largest and which is smallest among x −1 and x −2 and x −3 when x > 1. For positive powers, a larger exponent gives a larger number. Taking x = 2, for example, we have 2 2 = 4 and 2 3 = 8, so 2 < 2 2 < 2 3. To understand a negative power we write it as the reciprocal of a positive power. For example, 2 −1 = ½, 2 −2 = 1/2 2 = ¼, and 2 −3 = 1/2 3 = 1/8, so 2 −1 is the largest and 2 −3 is the smallest. So C is the graph of f(x) = x −1, B is the graph of g(x) = x −2, and A is the graph of ℎ (x) = x −3. Section 4.2
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 4.2 Example 2 The weight, in pounds, of an astronaut who is r thousand miles from the center of the earth is given by the function w(r) = 2880 r −2. (a) Is w a power function? If so, identify the constants k and p. (b) How much does the astronaut weigh at the earth’s surface, 4000 miles from the center? How much does the astronaut weigh 1000 miles above the earth’s surface? Solution (a) This is a power function w(r) = kr p with k = 2880 and p = −2. (b) At the earth’s surface we have r = 4, since r is measured in thousands of miles, and w(4) = 2880 ⋅ 4 −2 = 2880/4 2 = 180 lb. At 1000 miles above the earth’s surface we have r = 5, and w(5) = 2880 ⋅ 5 −2 = 2880/5 2 = lb.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 4.2 The Shape of the Graph of a Negative Power Figure 4.14 shows that the weight of the astronaut is a decreasing function of the distance. The exponent in the power function in Example 2 is negative, so we say w is inversely proportional to the square of r. Figure 4.14: Weight of astronaut decreases as r increases.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 4.2 Fractional Powers For a certain species of animal, the bone length, L, in cm, is given by where A is the cross-sectional area of the bone in cm 2. (a) Is L a power function of A? If so, identify the values of k and p. Example 4a Solution (a) Since we have L = 7A 1/2. So this is a power function of A with k = 7 and p = 1/2. See Figure Figure 4.15: Bone length as a function of cross-sectional
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (b) For A = 36 cm 2, the bone length is For A = 100 cm 2, the bone length is The bone length for A = 100 cm 2 is larger. This makes sense algebraically, because 100 > 36, so Solution (b) Find the bone lengths for A = 36 cm 2 and A = 100 cm 2. Which bone length is larger? Explain your answer in algebraic terms. Example 4b Section 4,2 Fractional Powers (continued)
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. We can compare the size of fractional powers using the same ideas we used for integer powers. As before, the relative size of powers of x depends on whether x is greater than or less than 1. If x > 1, a higher power of x is greater than a lower power. Figure 4.16 shows us that this result holds for fractional exponents as well. Notice that the function y = x in Figure 4.16 is the power function y = x 1. We see that when x > 1, we have x 3/2 > x 1 and x 1 > x 1/2. In each case, the higher power of x is greater than the lower power. For 0 < x < 1, the situation is reversed, and the higher power of x is less than the lower power. Figure 4.16: Comparison of y = x 1/2, y = x, and y = x 3/2 Comparing Different Fractional Powers Section 4.2
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Example 5 For each pair of numbers, use the exponents to determine which is greater. (a) 3 or 3 1/2 (b) 0.3 or (0.3) 1/2 Solution (a) Since the base 3 is larger than 1, we know that a higher power is bigger than a lower power. The two exponents are 1 and 1/2 and 1 is larger than 1/2, so we have 3 1 > 3 1/2. The number 3 is greater than the number 3 1/2. (b) Since the base 0.3 is less than 1, the situation is reversed, and a higher power is smaller than a lower power. Since the exponent 1 is larger than the exponent 1/2, we have (0.3) 1 < (0.3) 1/2. The number (0.3) 1/2 is greater than the number 0.3. Figure 4.16 (see previous slide) illustrates these calculations. It shows that the graph of y = x 1/2 lies above the graph of y = x when 0 1. Section 4.2
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Example 6 For each pair of numbers, use the exponents to determine which is greater.(a) 3 or 3 3/2 (b) 0.3 or (0.3) 3/2 Solution (a) Since the base 3 is larger than 1, we know that a higher power is bigger than a lower power. The two exponents are 1 and 3/2 and 3/2 is larger than 1, so we have 3 3/2 > 3 1. The number 3 3/2 is greater than the number 3 1. (b) Since the base 0.3 is less than 1, the situation is reversed and a higher power is smaller than a lower power. Since the exponent 3/2 is larger than the exponent 1, we have (0.3) 3/2 < (0.3) 1. The number 0.3 is greater than the number (0.3) 3/2. Again, Figure 4.16 (see second previous slide) illustrates these calculations. It shows that the graph of y = x 3/2 lies below the graph of y = x when 0 1. Section 4.2
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section POWER FUNCTIONS: NEGATIVE AND FRACTIONAL EXPONENTS Key Points Recognizing expressions of the form kx p The shape of the graph of a negative power Understanding fractional exponents
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4.3 Power Functions and Expressions Section 4.3
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Recognizing Powers In practice, an expression for a power function is often not given to us directly in the form kx p, and we need to do some algebraic simplification to recognize the form. Section 4.3 Example 1ab Is the given function a power function? If so, identify the coefficient k and the exponent p. (a) f(x) = 2/x 3 (b) g(x) = 4x + 2 Solution (a) We have f(x) = 2/x 3 = 2x −3, so this is a power function with k = 2 and p = −3. (b) We cannot rewrite 4x + 2 in the form kx p, so this is not a power function.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Recognizing Powers (continued) Section 4.3 Example 1cd Is the given function a power function? If so, identify the coefficient k and the exponent p. Solution (c) We have so k = 5/2 and p = 1. (d) We have so k = 1/4 and p = −1.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. It is important to remember the order of operations in a power function f(x) = kx p : first raise x to the p th power, then multiply by k. Section 4.3 Solution We have Thus (a) and (c) define the same function. From (a) we see that it is a power function with k = 2 and p = −3. Also, So (b) and (d) define the same function, and from (d) we see that it is a power function with k = 0.5 and p = −3. So it is different from the power function defined by (a) and (c). Example 2 Which of the expressions define the same function?
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Recognizing Powers Power functions arising in applications often have constants represented by letters. Recognizing which letter in an expression stands for the independent variable and which letters stand for constants is important if we want to understand the behavior of a function. Often a quite complicated looking expression defines a simple function. Section 4.3
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 4.3 Solution (a) The volume V is a power function of r, with k = (4/3)π and exponent p = 3. Recall that the graph of a power function with p a positive odd integer resembles Figure 4.1 on page 140. In the first quadrant, a graph such as (I) satisfies this requirement. Example 3a For each power function, identify the coefficient k, and the exponent, p. (Assume that all constants are positive.) Which graph (I)–(IV) gives the best fit? (a) The volume of a sphere as a function of its radius r: Figure 7.17: Which graph fits?
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 4.3 Solution (b) Writing the equation as, we see that F is a constant times r −2, so it is a power function of r with k = GmM and exponent p = −2. Since the exponent is negative, the function’s output decreases as its input increases, and graph (II) fits best. Example 3b For each power function, identify the coefficient k, and the exponent, p. (Assume that all constants are positive.) Which graph (I)–(IV) gives the best fit? (b) The gravitational force that the Earth exerts on an object as a function of the object’s distance r from the earth’s center: G, m, M constants. Figure 7.17: Which graph fits?
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 43 Example 3c For each power function, identify the coefficient k, and the exponent, p. (Assume that all constants are positive.) Which graph (I)–(IV) gives the best fit? (c) The period of a pendulum as a function of its length l: g a constant. Figure 7.17: Which graph fits? Solution (c) Writing the equation as we see that P is a power function of l with and exponent p = 1/2. Graph (IV) looks most like a square root function, so it fits best.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 4.3 For each power function, identify the coefficient k, and the exponent, p. (Assume that all constants are positive.) Which graph (I)–(IV) gives the best fit? (d) The pressure of a quantity of gas as a function of its volume V (at a fixed temperature T): (n, R, T constants.) Figure 7.17: Which graph fits? Example 3d Solution (d) Writing the equation as we see that P is a constant times V −1, so it is a power function of V with k = nRT and exponent p = −1. Since the exponent is negative, as in part (b), graph (II) again fits best.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 4.3 Example 3e For each power function, identify the coefficient k, and the exponent, p. (Assume that all constants are positive.) Which graph (I)–(IV) gives the best fit? (e) Energy as a function of mass m, E = mc 2, c a constant (the speed of light). Figure 7.17: Which graph fits? (e) Writing the equation as E = c 2 m 1, we see that E is a power function of m with coefficient k = c 2 and exponent p = 1. We recognize this as an equation of a line. Thus graph (III) fits best. Solution
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Interpreting Expressions for Power Functions Section 4.3 Solution If p is positive, then 10 p > 5 p, and if p is negative, then 10 p < 5 p. Multiplying both sides of these inequalities by a positive coefficient k does not change them. (a) Here exponent p = 3 and the coefficient k = 7 are both positive, so f(10) > f(5). (b) We have Since the exponent is negative, we have 10 −3/2 < 5 −3/2, so f(10) < f(5). (c) We have Since both the coefficient and the exponent are positive, f(10) > f(5). Example 4 Which is larger, f(10) or f(5)?
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section.4.3 Solution Since 0.5 > 0.25, we have 0.5 p > 0.25 p if p is positive, and 0.5 p < 0.25 p if p is negative. However, these inequalities are reversed if we multiply both sides by a negative coefficient k. (a) We have f(t) = −4t −1/3, with coefficient −4 and exponent −1/3. Since the exponent is negative, we have 0.5 −1/3 f(0.25) (both numbers are negative, and f(0.5) is closer to zero). (b) We have Since the exponent 1/2 is positive, we have 0.5 1/2 > /2. Multiplying both sides by −1/5 reverses the inequality, so f(0.5) < f(0.25). Example 5 Which is larger, f(0.5) or f(0.25)?
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. If the interest rate is 5% then x = 0.05, so V = 5000( ) 10 = 5000 · = dollars. When the interest rate is 10%, we have x = 0.10, so V = 5000( ) 10 = 5000 · = 12, dollars. Note that since 1.10 > 1.05, we have > , so the certificate with the higher interest rate has a greater value after 10 years. Section 4.3 Example 6 After ten years, the value, V, in dollars, of a $5000 certificate of deposit earning annual interest x is given by V = 5000(1 + x) 10. What is the value of the certificate after 10 years if the interest rate is 5%? 10%? Solution
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 4.3 Example 7 The amount you need to invest for 10 years at an annual interest rate x if you want to have a final balance of $10,000 is given by P = 10,000(1 + x) −10 dollars. How much do you have to invest if the interest rate is 5%? 10%? Solution For an interest rate of 5% we have P = 10,000( ) −10 = 10,000 · 1.05 −10 = dollars. When the interest rate is 10% we have P = 10,000( ) −10 = 10,000 · 1.10 −10 = dollars. In this case, 1.10 > 1.05, we have 1.10 −10 < 1.05 −10, so the certificate with the higher interest rate requires a lower initial investment.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section POWER FUNCTIONS AND EXPRESSIONS Key Points Recognizing expressions of the form kx p Relating the form to graphical and numerical behavior Recognizing powers Interpreting expressions for power functions
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4.4 Power Functions and Equations Section 4.4
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Consider the braking distance traveling at v mph, which is given, in feet, by Braking distance = 0.036v 2. Suppose we know the braking distance and want to find v. Then we must solve an equation.. Consider the braking distance traveling at v mph, which is given, in feet, by Braking distance = 0.036v 2. Suppose we know the braking distance and want to find v. Then we must solve an equation.. At the scene of an accident involving an Alfa Romeo, skid marks show that the braking distance is 300 feet. How fast was the car going when the brakes were applied? Example 1 Solution S ubstituting 300 for the braking distance, we have the equation 300 = 0.04v 2. To find the speed of the car, we solve for v. First, we isolate v 2 by dividing both sides by 0.04:v 2 = 300/0.04 = Taking the square root of both sides, we get Since the speed of the car is a positive number, we choose the positive square root as the solution: We see that the car was going nearly 87 mph at the time the brakes were applied. Section 4.4
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 4.4 Taking the square root of both sides of an equation is different from the other operations we have looked at since it leads to two equations. Taking the square root of both sides of an equation leads to two equations, The same is true of any even root. Taking the square root of both sides of an equation leads to two equations, The same is true of any even root. For example, taking the square root of both sides of the equation x 2 = 9 leads to the two equations We often combine the two possibilities using the ± symbol, and write x = ±3.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Solution Since the weight is 100 lbs, the distance from the earth’s center is the value of r such that 100 = f(r), so We choose the positive square root since r is a distance. When the astronaut weighs 100 lbs, she is approximately 5367 miles from the earth’s center (which is about 1367 miles from the earth’s surface). Section 4.4 An astronaut’s weight in pounds is inversely proportional to the square of her distance, r, in thousands of miles, from the earth’s center and is given by Find the distance from the earth’s center at the point when the astronaut’s weight is 100 lbs. Example 2
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. In Example 1 the domain of f is v ≥ 0, because v is the speed of a car going forward. However, the domain of a power function with an integer exponent can also include negative numbers. See Figures 4.20, 4.21 and 4.22, which show the graphs of f(x) = x 2, g(x) = x 3, and ℎ (x) = x 4, defined for all x. Solving equations like the one in Example 1 requires more care when the domain of the power function includes negative numbers. How Many Solutions Are There? Section 4.4 Figure 4.20: Solutions to x 2 = 16 Figure 4.21: Solutions to x 3 = -8 Figure 4.22: Solutions to x 4 = 16
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 4.4 In general, if p is even and a is negative, then the equation x p = a has no solutions. There is another situation when the equation x p = a has no solution, and that is if p is negative and a = 0. In general, if p is even and a is negative, then the equation x p = a has no solutions. There is another situation when the equation x p = a has no solution, and that is if p is negative and a = 0. If p is an even integer (other than zero) and a is positive, the equation x p = a has two solutions, x = a 1∕p and x = −a 1∕p. If p is even and a is negative, then the equation x p = a has no solutions. If p is odd, x p = a has one solution, x = a 1∕p. How Many Solutions Are There?
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Example 5 How many solutions are there to each of the following equations? (a) −773 = 22x 3 (b) −773 = 22x 2 (c) 773 = 22x 2 (d) 0 = 22x 2 Solution (a) Since the exponent is odd, there is one solution. (b) Since the exponent is even and −773/22 is a negative number, there are no solutions. (c) Since the exponent is even and 773/22 is a positive number, there are two solutions. (d) Since 0/22 is 0, there is one solution. Section 4.4 The context of a problem may rule out one of the solutions as in Example 1. You do not necessarily have to solve an equation to see how many solutions it has. You can use the structure of the equation to decide without solving.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. In previous chapters we considered the operations of adding a constant to both sides and multiplying both sides by a non-zero constant. These operations produce an equivalent equation, because they do not change whether two numbers are equal or not. Equations Involving Fractional Powers Section 4.4 In this chapter we have introduced new operations, such as squaring both sides, which can change the equality or inequality of two numbers. For example, the two numbers 2 and −2 are unequal before squaring, but both equal to 4 after squaring. The same problem can arise in raising both sides of an equation to any even power. These operations can lead to extraneous solutions: solutions to the new equation obtained by squaring both sides which are not solutions to the original equation. Whenever we use these operations, we have to check all solutions by substituting in the original equation.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Solve each of the following equations: Section 4.4 Example 6a (a)We solve for and then square both sides: We check that 144 is a solution: Solution
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 4.4 Example 6b Solve each of the following equations : ( b) Proceeding as before, we solve for and then square both sides: However, in this case 144 is not a solution: We could have noticed this without solving the equation, since is always positive, so cannot be 9. Solution
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. In Example 6 (b), something strange happened. Although we started out with an equation that had no solutions, we ended up with t = 144. Section 4.4 This is because we used the operation of squaring both sides, which produced an extraneous solution. When we raise both sides of an equation to an even power, it is possible to get an equation that is not equivalent to the original one.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section 7.3 p POWER FUNCTIONS AND EQUATIONS Key Points Solving equations involving integer powers Number of solutions of x p = a Equations involving fractional powers
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4.5 Modeling with Power Functions Section 4.5
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. In Example 3 on page 141, an Alfa Romeo’s braking distance as a function of velocity is given by f(v) = 0.04v 2. How does the engineer testing the car find the function? Often we model a phenomenon with a family of functions such as f(v) = kv 2, and find the parameter k using experimental data. For example, if a test drive shows that the braking distance at 35 mpg is 49 ft, then we know f(35) = 49, so we can solve k(35) 2 = 49 for k and get k = 49/35 2 = Section 4.5
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (a) We have y = kx 4. We substitute y = 150 and x = 2 and solve for k: y = kx = k · (2 4 ) k = 150/(2 4 ) = The formula is y = 9.375x 4. Solution Section 4.5 Example 1a Find a formula for y in terms of x. (a) The quantity y is proportional to the fourth power of x, and y = 150 when x = 2.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (b) We have y = k/x 3. We substitute y = 5 and x = 3 and solve for k: The formula is Solution Section 4.5 Example 1b Find a formula for y in terms of x. (b) The quantity y is inversely proportional to the cube of x, and y = 5 when x = 3.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Since P is proportional to the square root of L, we have To find k, we substitute L = 3 and P = 1.924: P = kL 1/ = k(3 1/2 ) k = 1.924/3 1/2 = So P = f(L) = 1.111L 1/2. The period of a pendulum is the time it takes to make one full swing back and forth. As long as the pendulum is not swinging too wildly the period depends only on the length of the pendulum. The Period of a Pendulum Solution Section 4.5 Example 2 A pendulum’s period P, in seconds, is proportional to the square root of its length L, in feet. If a 3 foot pendulum has a period of seconds, find the constant of proportionality and write P = f(L) as a power function.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The Period of a Pendulum (continued) Solution We substitute L = 220 and see that P = 1.111(220 1/2 ) = seconds. Section 4.5 Example 3 The length of Foucault’s pendulum, built in 1851 in the Panthéon in Paris, is 220 feet. Find the period of Foucault’s pendulum.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. What If We Do Not Know the Power? Section 4.5 For example, in biology, scientists often look for power functions to describe the relationship between the body dimensions of individuals from a given species. Table 4.1 relates the weight, y, of plaice (a type of fish) to its length, x. Table 4.1 Are length and weight of fish proportional? We want to model the relationship between y and x by a power function, y = kx p. Length (cm), x Weight (gm), y
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Example 4 Show that the data in Table 4.1 does not support the hypothesis that y is directly proportional to x. Table 4.1 Are length and weight of fish proportional? Solution If one quantity y is directly proportional to another quantity x, then y = kx, and so k = y/x. This tells us that the ratio of the first quantity to the second quantity is the constant value k. So to test the hypothesis we see if the ratios y/x are approximately constant: Since the ratios do not appear to be approximately constant, we conclude that y is not proportional to x. Section 4.5 Length (cm), x Weight (gm), y
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Similarly, if one quantity y is proportional to a power of another quantity, x, then we have y = kx p, for some p. We can solve for k to obtain In this case, the ratio of y to the p th power of x is a constant. Similarly, if one quantity y is proportional to a power of another quantity, x, then we have y = kx p, for some p. We can solve for k to obtain In this case, the ratio of y to the p th power of x is a constant. Section 4.5 What If We Do Not Know the Power? (continued) If y is proportional to x p, then the ratio y/x p is constant.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Example 5 Determine whether the data in Table 4.1 supports the hypothesis that the weight of a plaice is approximately proportional to the cube of its length. Table 4.1 Are length and weight of fish proportional? Solution To see if weight y is proportional to the cube of length x, we see if the ratios y/x 3 are approximately constant. To three decimal places, we have and so on for the other ratios. To three decimal places, all the ratios y/x 3 are the same, so weight is approximately proportional to the cube of its length, with constant of proportionality Section 4.5 Length (cm), x Weight (gm), y
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The same method can be used to determine if one quantity is inversely proportional to a positive power of another quantity. Solution If y is inversely proportional to x 2 then it is proportional to x −2, so y = kx −2. We calculate y/x −2 to see if this ratio is constant. We have: We see that the ratio is constant: 21,600. Therefore y = 21,600x −2. Section 4.5 Example 6 Using Table 4.2, show that y could be inversely proportional to x 2. Table 4.2 x y21,
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. If y is directly proportional to x, then doubling the value of x doubles the value of y, tripling the value of x triples the value of y, and so on. Understanding power functions can help us predict what happens to the value of the output variable when we change the input. The Behavior of Power Functions Section 4.5 What happens if y is proportional to a power of x?
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Solution (a) If the speed doubles from v = 20 mph to 40 mph, the braking distance increases from 0.04(20) 2 = 16 ft to 0.04(40) 2 = 64 ft. Taking ratios, we see that the braking distance increases by a factor of 4: 64 ft/16 ft = 4. Likewise, if the speed doubles from v = 30 mph to 60 mph, the braking distance increases from 36 ft to 144 ft. Once again, this is a fourfold increase: 144 ft/36 ft = 4. What happens to the braking distance for the Alfa Romeo in Example 3 on page 141: (a) If its speed is doubled from v = 20 mph to 40 mph? From 30 mph to 60 mph? Example 7a Section 4.5
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Solution (b) If the speed triples from v = 10 mph to 30 mph, the braking distance increases from 4 ft to 36 ft. If the speed triples from 25 mph to 75 mph, the braking distance increases from 25 ft to 225 ft. In both cases the braking distance increases by a factor of 9: 36 ft/4 ft = 225 ft/25 ft = 9. What happens to the braking distance for the Alfa Romeo in Example 1 on page 141: (b) If the speed is tripled from 10 mph to 30 mph? From 25 mph to 75 mph? Example 7b Section 4.5 Notice that in each case in Example 7(a), multiplying the speed by 2 multiplies the braking distance by 4 = 2 2, and in each case in Example 7(b), multiplying the speed by 3 multiplies the braking distance by 9 = 3 2. Doubling the speed quadruples the braking distance, while tripling the speed multiplies the braking distance by 9. Examples 8 and 9 show why this is true algebraically.
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Example 8 For the Alfa Romeo in Example 3 on page 141, what does the expression 0.04(2v) 2 represent in terms of braking distance? Write this expression as a constant times 0.04v 2. What does your answer tell you about how braking distance changes if you double the car’s speed? Solution The expression 0.04v 2 represents the braking distance of an Alfa Romeo traveling at v mph, so the expression 0.04(2v) 2 represents the braking distance if the car’s speed is doubled from v to 2v. We have New braking distance = 0.04(2v) 2 = 0.04 · 2 2 v 2 = 4(0.04v 2 ) = 4 · Old braking distance. So if the car’s speed is doubled, its braking distance is multiplied by 4. Section 4.5
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Example 9 What happens to the braking distance if the speed of the Alfa Romeo in Example 3 on page 141 is tripled? Solution If the original speed is v, then after being tripled the speed is 3v, so New braking distance = 0.04(3v) 2 = 0.04 · 3 2 v 2 = 9(0.04v 2 ) = 9 · Old braking distance. So if the car’s speed is tripled, its braking distance is multiplied by 9. Section 4.5
ALGEBRA: FORM AND FUNCTION 2 nd edition by McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, et al.,Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Section MODELING WITH POWER FUNCTIONS Key Points Constructing power functions Finding an unknown power The behavior of power functions