PROPOSAL- RESEARCH DESIGN PROPOSAL #3 Describe the experiment or ethnography you are planning on executing. I am planning to interview my friend who has been assigned distinct writing assignment, reports, analysis for her music/ film class, and much more. I will investigate how she is able to manage writing these distinct writing assignments that are assigned to her. I will be focusing on the different formats that her papers are based upon, the length, etc… Also, how much time she gives herself in writing first, and how she is able to begin the process of writing these papers, whether it is brainstorming, peer reviewing, and revision such as the concepts that we were able to go over in class. What are the steps you will take first? Prepare the questions that I will be asking her. Record her answers in an audio recorder or jot down her answers in a notebook. Analyze her answers to the questions I asked. Compare her process of writing her papers with my experiences. Compare the distinct processes of the distinct papers that she has to write, whether she has to abide by a different format for example. Show these steps in a PowerPoint presentation that will also include her distinct writing assignments. What materials will you need? An audio recorder A notebook Microsoft PowerPoint Include her writing assignments in the PPT. (Visual) Who will the participants be? I will be the interviewer, who will be interviewing Maritza Soriano on her distinct writing experiences. This will be a face to face interview because I want to interpret her reactions when describing her writing experiences whether good or bad. (Rhetoric- Body Language) What is your hypothesis and what do you hope to gain from doing this experiment? My hypothesis is that even though she has written different papers for her distinct classes they all involve rhetoric. Her process of writing will vary depending on her writing assignments, as well as the different formats that I assume have been used. Even though, she will have different writing experiences when comparing them they will have similar qualities.
RHETORIC Style - Plot Concept Tempo Pulse Ethos, Pathos, Logos- Student Essay Responses Ethnography- Observatory Report Music Video Response Journals/ Dialogues
WRITING PROCESS- HOW WAS YOUR FIRST TIME REACTION KNOWING THAT YOU HAD TO WRITE AN ANALYTICAL ESSAY, AND A MUSIC/ FILM ANALYSIS FOR THE FIRST TIME HERE AT CSUN? Analytical Essay “ In High School, we constantly wrote analytical essays that had to do with the readings that we went over in class, and being assigned this type of writing at CSUN wasn’t really scary, on the contrary I felt comfortable writing these essays because I had experience from High School.” Analytical Essay “ In High School, we constantly wrote analytical essays that had to do with the readings that we went over in class, and being assigned this type of writing at CSUN wasn’t really scary, on the contrary I felt comfortable writing these essays because I had experience from High School.” Music/ Film Analysis “ Writing a Music/ Film analysis was very different for me, it was intimidating knowing that this time around I needed to become aware of everything that is involved within a film, obviously noticing the pattern of the music, as well as the history of the film itself. In this case I had no experience, so I wasn’t very comfortable working on this.” Music/ Film Analysis “ Writing a Music/ Film analysis was very different for me, it was intimidating knowing that this time around I needed to become aware of everything that is involved within a film, obviously noticing the pattern of the music, as well as the history of the film itself. In this case I had no experience, so I wasn’t very comfortable working on this.”
CONT… HOW DOES YOUR WRITING PROCESS DIFFER WHEN WRITING A TRADITIONAL ANALYTICAL ESSAY AND A MUSIC/ FILM ANALYSIS? Analytical Essay “ With an Analytical essay I am aware with what format I need to follow. For instance, I follow the traditional MLA format, as I always need to include the cited sources when I include certain works. I analyze the readings and include certain quotes that will strengthen my argument. In this case, I needed to support my views on identity through a five paragraph essay. “ Music/ Film analysis “ Believe it or not, these analysis have similarities, for instance in complex texts sometimes it’s hard trying to find the meaning but through analyzing the work in depth we are able to retrieve that hidden meaning. In this analysis I need to mention everything that is involved in the film that I choose to analyze. I need to include the composers, directors, the names of the music used, the time, and much more. I do this by analyzing the credits at the beginning and ending of the movie. Similarly, I need to provide the reader with a glimpse of what the story is about. ”
CONT… WHAT IS YOUR WRITING PROCESS? Analytical Essay “ Even though I am used to writing analytical essays I struggle writing the introduction. I do brainstorm because it helps me solidify my ideas. My teachers in High School never told me that it was mandatory but in school years that is something that we have learned and we need to keep using that knowledge. In High School we perpetually did peer view which was really helpful because I was able to come up with more ideas with my classmate’s advice and input. I have not done peer review yet at CSUN, but I do tell my friends if they can go over it. Going through this process helps me finish earlier, for instance in writing my identity essay it only took me two days.” Music/ Film Analysis “ I also use brainstorm when writing my music and film analysis, because I need to choose a movie that I will decide to analyze. I don’t do peer review when writing this, I just revise it by myself, checking grammar, spelling, and much more. Unlike the typical analysis, this analysis is very time consuming. I need to watch the movie, jot down in a notebook all of the music that is used, when it is used, I need to write the names of the composers, directors, and other names of people that took part in creating this film, and then translate all this information to a word document that will also include descriptions of what exactly was happening when the music started playing, and also include the plot. I need to analyze the style of the movie, the tempo and pulse of the music and much more. It is very overwhelming and I have less than a week to do it.”
WHAT I LEARNED? Rhetoric Similar qualities Managing time Peer review, revision, brainstorming Formats Experiences (School)