Chapter 3 Technologies & Promotion of Culture in a Globalizing World
Chapter Focus To what extent do media and communications technology affect identities?
Where We Have Been ❖ We have looked at: ❖ The 3 dimensions of Globalization: ❖ Political ❖ Social ❖ Economical ❖ How Globalization affects peoples identities.
Where We Are Going ❖ In this Chapter we will be looking at: ❖ Universalization of Culture ❖ Hybridization ❖ The CRTC ❖ The Impact of Communication Technology
Universalization of Culture
POP Culture ❖ What is POP culture? ❖ Brainstorm in your group examples of POP culture that affects you ❖ Then Identify what technologies you use everyday that effect you life!
Popular Culture ❖ YOU have an effect on popular culture: ❖ Skinny pants, iPod, reality TV shows, Hollywood: all these are part of our culture because WE buy into them. ❖ If you chose not to “accept” them, they would fall out of popular culture (remember the Tamagotchi?) ❖ The “Emo” is now accepted as a “social group” in popular culture ❖ Popular culture also has an affect on your identity. ❖ Do you wear “popular clothing” or traditional clothing? (ie. Ukrainian, East Indian, Japanese, etc.)
Transnational Media ❖ Much of our culture is presented to us through multimedia. Transnationals are prevalent in this area. ❖ By providing people around the globe with similar media (radio, T.V., movies, books, etc.) we are exposed and experience the same culture of this media. This is the “Universalization of Popular Culture” ❖ Just as McDonald’s “tweaks” their restaurants for different cultures, so it is with Transnational Media Corporations. They merge cultures and identities; a process called “hybridization”
Think for a second… You’ve been affected by transnational media companies ❖ Brainstorm with your group some examples of transnational media companies ❖ AOL/Time Warner ❖ Disney ❖ General Electric ❖ These are the big players
Pirates of your Identity ❖ Take a look at the image on Page 49 (10 -1) pge 42 (10- 2) of your text. ❖ Answer the questions in the caption. ❖ Let’s write down some of your answers on the board. ❖ And remember this is only ONE movie. The penetration into our culture is HUGE.
Hybridization ❖ Can take many forms: ❖ Art ❖ Music ❖ Film (Bollywood as an example) ❖ Internet chat is a hybridization: You take english words and shorten them for speed and meaning. ❖ Does this new “language” affect your identity? Does it change your use of language?
Media and Culture
Promoting Culture ❖ Media can be used to promote culture. But one must keep in mind what cultural values and identity is being presented. ❖ Who controls the message being broadcast? ❖ Are these people proficiently educated in all cultures, ethnicities, age groups, religions, etc, to be presenting a “perspective” about them? ❖ Are teens portrayed properly on all T.V. Shows? No. We were all teens once (you still are) so we know better. But what about other points of view we don’t have experience with? How do we know we are getting the true representation?
Globalization and the media ❖ Upon Watching the video, in your mind who controls the media? ❖ Can the media be trusted? Why? ❖ How do media and communication technologies affect the way media is presented?
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ❖ Did you know the CBC is publicly funded (ie. You pay for it)? ❖ Their purpose is to promote Canadian perspectives and culture. They primarily broadcast only Canadian content (radio,T.V., and internet) ❖ SRC (Societe Radio-Canada) does the same for French speaking Canadians. ❖ They hope to maintain a Canadian identity by promoting Canadian content. ❖ Who decides what Canadian perspectives are? Who decides what Canadian culture should look like?
Can you name Canadian Content? ❖ Make a list of some Canadian movies and TV shows…. ❖ It can be difficult cause when I mean Canadian I mean fully funded and produced in Canada
Think About It... ❖ Do you think we need our own national broadcaster to maintain Canadian identity? ❖ Do you use any of CBCs services? ❖ Do you watch shows that feature no “white” culture and are not in English?... ❖ Do people in Canada who are not part of the majority need shows they can “associate” with? ❖ How does this affect their culture? ❖ Read Pages 56-57
Media-um Success ❖ The French language is a minority language in Canada. Yet, it is as important as English. ❖ Through the use of Media and laws the government of Canada has successfully (matter of opinion) kept French alive in Canada (although English enjoys a greater following) ❖ Many Aboriginal languages are on the verge of being extinct in Canada. They are now looking to new ways of promoting these languages. Multimedia is one of them.
Read page 62 (10-1) p 42 (10-2). What is the message of this cartoon? Do you agree?
What is Canadian Content? ❖ Its an interesting question for one would think if something is made in Canada therefore it would be Canadian. ❖ BUT!! Its not! ❖ Look on pg 63. ❖ Canadian Content is derived from a points system. In order for a production to be deemed “Canadian” it must fulfill at least 6 points on the Canadian Audio Visual Certification Office points system. ❖ Do you think this is a good way of guaranteeing Canadians receive high quality Canadian entertainment?
Main Points ❖P❖Popular culture influences us - We influence popular culture ❖W❖We are influenced by media ❖L❖Like all information, we need to be critical of the source ❖C❖CBC and the CRTC are promoters of Canadian identity (for good or bad) ❖M❖Minority languages in Canada may be extinct soon. With them we lose the perspectives they offered.