ENGLISH 10 – 10/12 (M) What are we doing? The Kite Runner quiz Vocab review Why are we doing it? To assess understanding of the book To prepare for the vocab quiz tomorrow How do you know you got it? Your quiz score What’s coming up? Get Q2 book: Haroun and the Sea of Stories. Agenda (1) Journal (2) Quiz (3) Review
7.1: MYSERTY- WHERE? George walks into a room and is handed a number. His belongings are taken from him and he is asked to take off his clothes. A uniformed man escorts him to a locked chamber. An hour later, he emerges from the chamber covered in dirt and sweat. The clues: George’s number was attached to a key. Only a male was allowed to escort George to the chamber. George goes through this ritual once a month. George wore a robe after taking off his clothes. George tipped the uniformed man $10. Where is George and what is he doing?
AffectAssertiveBrazenComplaisant DepredationDisinterestedDocileEffect EmigrateFlamboyantImmigrateIntrepid MellowPacificPrecedeProceed StridentUnabashedUninterestedDeprivation
ENGLISH 10 – 10/13 (T) What are we doing? Turning in vocab stories. Final vocab quiz of the quarter Colons Why are we doing it? To learn the proper use of colons To assess understanding of vocabulary How do you know you got it? You can properly use colons. Your vocabulary quiz score What’s coming up? Get Q2 Book: Haroun and the Sea of Stories OGR #2 due THURSDAY – in class and on Agenda (1) Journal (2) Turn in stories (3) Vocab review time (4) Kite Runner discussion (5) Colon PowerPoint (6) Colon practice
7.2: COLONS What is a colon and what are some ways it can be used? (Hint: there are about 9)
ENGLISH 10 – 10/14 (W) PSAT Agenda (1) PSAT (2) (3) (4)
ENGLISH 10 – 10/15 (R) What are we doing? Colon use practice Parallel structure Why are we doing it? To practice using colons correctly To use parallel structure to enhance our writing How do you know you got it? You can correct the colon use in the practice sentences You understand the parallel structure examples and can create your own. What’s coming up? Buy Haroun and the Sea of Stories (Salman Rushdie) Agenda (1) Collect OGR #2 (2) Warm-up (3) Colon practice (4) Parallel structure
7.4: COLONS Rewrite the following sentences, adding or removing colons as necessary. (1) Idaho offers many outdoor activities, such as fishing, skiing, and hiking. (2) The radio was playing her favorite Elvis songs “Kentucky Rain” and “Blue Suede Shoes.” (3) We saw daffodils, apple blossoms, and lambs in the fields, spring is here. (4) I live by Oscar Wilde’s advice “The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it." (5) She plays three instruments the fiddle, the mandolin, and the recorder.
ENGLISH 10 – 10/16 (F) What are we doing? Journal entry Turning in warm-ups Discussing Q1 essay Finishing quote journal, working on brainstorm Why are we doing it? To prepare us for the Q1 essay How do you know you got it? You can express what it means to grow up and back it up with evidence. What’s coming up? Get Haroun and the Sea of Stories OR bring $13 on Tuesday Agenda (1) Journal (2) Quiz (3) Essay information
7.5: TONE “I stood up nervously, wondering what it could be. I felt my classmates’ piercing eyes as I mechanically left the classroom. Teacher Hou walked ahead of me without seeming to notice my presence. I followed silently.” (Ji-Li Jiang) 1.) What is the tone? 2.) Draw and fill in the chart below. ExampleHow does it create tone? Diction Detail Syntax
NO-NO LIST Add these words to your essay handout. Don’t use these words. GoodNicePrettyTerrible BeautifulFineBadVery ThingStuffReallyWonderful A lot
English 12H – 10/12 (M) What are we doing? – Style file #4 – Writing conferences Why are we doing it? – To practice quote integration – To prepare for Q1 essay How do you know you got it? – Quote integration practice What’s coming up? – Finish up Act V of Pygmalion. – Start working on the Q1 essay
English 12H – 9/15 (T) What are we doing? – Finishing writing conferences (3 rd ) – Senior picture (3 rd ) – Going over Style File #4 & Act III AP questions Why are we doing it? – To practice quote integration – To analyze the rhetoric and language of Pygmalion How do you know you got it? – AP question discussion, quote integration resposnes What’s coming up? – Pygmalion book test Friday. – 1984 book test Tuesday. – Socratic seminar questions due Wednesday. – Buy Q2 books
English 12H – 9/16 (W) What are we doing? – Senior info/handout – Finishing commercials – Commercial questions & discussion – Vocabulary for-realsies this time – Magazine Advertisement Outline Why are we doing it? – To prepare for the language of Pygmalion – To analyze visual rhetoric How do you know you got it? – Discussion and answers to the four questions What’s coming up? – Magazine & Pennies! – Pygmalion Act I by FRIDAY – Vocabulary quiz Monday
For example, Barry uses sarcasm when he says, “for example, it has dashboard switches that enable you to inflate or deflate your tires as you drive. Is that cool or WHAT? In a perfect guy universe, this feature would seriously impress women,” because he is showing how unnecessary is is to be able to inflate or deflate your tires while driving (Barry para. 4). For example, Barry uses sarcasm when he says that the humvee can “inflate or deflate your tires as you drive. Is that cool or WHTAT?” (Barry para 4.). The author illustrates how ridiculous man is by showing his infatuation with an unnecessary feature.
English 12H – 10/15 (R) What are we doing? – Finishing Art & Copy Why are we doing it? – To analyze the use of rhetoric in advertisements – To learn about the history of persuasive ads How do you know you got it? – Packet questions What’s coming up? – Pygmalion quiz tomorrow – 1984 quiz Tuesday – Socratic seminar questions Wednesday – Rough draft Monday (TWO typed copies)
English 12H – 10/16 (F) What are we doing? – Pygmalion quiz Why are we doing it? – To analyze visual rhetoric – To assess understanding of the book How do you know you got it? – Quiz score What’s coming up? – 1984 test Tuesday – Socratic seminar questions Wednesday – Q1 Essay rough draft Monday – Buy The Things they Carried
Style File #4 During his boxing match with Arthur, Toby realizes that he and Dwight have one thing in common: violence. "And when it landed, and my old friend's head snapped back so terribly, I felt a surge of pride and connection, connection not to him but to Dwight." (Wolff 221) 1.) Naked quote 2.) Punctuation is wrong
Style File #4 When he learns of Dwight's abuse, Toby's brother Geoffrey reacts with anger and disbelief, exclaiming, "He hit you! What do you mean, he hit you" (Wolff 203)? 1.) Ambiguous pronouns 2.) Punctuation is wrong
Style File #4 An-Mei teaches Rose that a girl "must stand tall and listen to your mother standing next to you. That is the only way to stand tall and straight." (Tan 213). 1.) Unnatural point of view shift 2.) Punctuation is wrong