Need to Sell Now!!!! Buy my meteoroid today! By Mrs. Adams
What is a meteoroid? A meteoroid is a space rock that is smaller than an asteroid or a comet. I I was just chillin’ in space when I got knocked out of my orbit. I wonder what will happen to me next?
Sometimes meteoroids get trapped by a planet’s gravity and then become meteors. As the meteoroid travels through a planet’s atmosphere, it breaks into particles. The particles experience friction as they fall through the atmosphere. The particles temporarily glow because they are heated to an extremely high temperature. We call these falling particles meteors or shooting stars. I’m the fastest shooting star in the West!!!
If part of the meteor hits the surface of the planet, then it is called a meteorite. I wanted to see my brother today but he said he was all tied up.
So the words meteoroid, meteor and meteorite tell the reader the size and the location of the space rock. I want a shooting star, Grandma, now!!! Well, right after I’m done eating my hand.
For 3 billion dollars, I will lasso my meteoroid and push it into Earth’s atmosphere.
For 12 billion dollars, you can travel into space and push the meteoroid of your choice into the atmosphere!
Please buy today!! My meteoroid will be flying by Earth this month. Create your own meteor shower!! Name the meteor shower for someone you love!!
Don’t have enough money for the meteoroid? Reserve space in our special Meteor Shower Motel. We’ll reserve a comfortable bed so you can relax as you watch the night sky.
Book a room in August so that you can lie under the stars and watch hundreds of meteors move through our atmosphere during the Perseid meteor shower !!atmosphere.
Meteor showers are named for the constellation that is the same part of the sky as the meteors. The Perseid meteor shower looks like meteors fall from the constellation Perseus.
The Earth passes through pieces of the Swift-Tuttle comet every August. The Swift-Tuttle comet visits our solar system every 130 years.
The comet has a tail that is thousands of miles long. As the Earth passes through the tail, pieces of the comet are drawn to the Earth’s surface because of gravity.
I’d tell a meteor joke to end this presentation but they don’t have much have much of an impact. The End