How are slaves captured? By: Raegan Light
Facts Parents send their own kids to slavery thinking that the kids will get school and food. They even sell their own children if they are poor just to get money for themselves.
Facts Continued Pirates offer their captives into slavery for money. Even a criminal may be sentenced to slavery. Even a unplayable debt can cause you to go into slavery.
Facts Continued Kids even get kidnapped. They are tricked and then they go into slavery. Some people even abuse children at their own house.
Pictures Continued
Questions These are some questions I had after this research: Why do people have slaves? When did slavery start? Why do people have slaves? Who started slavery?
Sources Article “History of Slavery” 1 st page Interview “Rambo Kumar” Peggy Callahan st
Sources Continued Interview “Louis Etongwe” Peggy Callahan st Interview “Helia Lajuensse” Peggy Callahan st and 2 nd pages
Modern Slavery By: Amanda Silvestre
Facts Slaves get captured by getting tricked by slave owners and getting kidnapped. For example, Helia Lajeunese mom died so she lived with her grandma then she died too so her neighbor took her and treated her like an animal.
Facts Continued Slaves are forced to work without pay. For example, Rambho Kumar was 13 years old and was forced to work without pay.
Facts Continued People escaped and helped free other slaves. For example, Louis Entongwe escaped from slavery and helped free other slaves.
Sources Interview “Rambo Kumar” Peggy Callahan 2005 Interview “Louis Entongwe” Peggy Callahan 2005 Interview “Helia Lajeunese” Peggy Callahan 2007