Human Trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina SAMIR RIZVO State Coordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and Illegal Migration
History of trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Obstacles to fight THB effectively Lack of legislative framework Lack of legislative framework Lack of institutional capacities Lack of institutional capacities Lack of mechanisms for protection of victims Lack of mechanisms for protection of victims Very low level of public awareness Very low level of public awareness Lack of international cooperation Lack of international cooperation
First National Action Plan prosecution, protection and prevention prosecution, protection and prevention 1. Legislative reform 2. Capacity building 3. Raising of public awareness 4. Protection of victims 5. Enhancement of international cooperation
State Coordinator Role implementation of joint polices and procedures of the competent bodies of BiH in the area of suppressing trafficking in human beings and illegal immigration, as well as to set up effective coordination of the activities proscribed by the valid laws of BiH, which is a competence of different BiH institutions. implementation of joint polices and procedures of the competent bodies of BiH in the area of suppressing trafficking in human beings and illegal immigration, as well as to set up effective coordination of the activities proscribed by the valid laws of BiH, which is a competence of different BiH institutions.
coordinate activities in relation to trafficking of human beings with relevant domestic and international institutions and organizations as well as to direct activities and establish contacts with other ministries at the level of BiH and entities, and based on needs with other local bodies. initiate and organize meetings (national referral meetings) with all organizations and institutions involved in activities of suppressing trafficking in human beings and illegal immigration initiate activities on collection of relevant information for the purpose of preparing reports for BiH and especially to follow up the implementation of the NPA in suppressing trafficking in human beings in BiH, and in relation to it will implement other activities established by BiH Council of Ministers.
Ministry of Security two officials responsible to maintain coordination with the Liaison Officers from all the Ministries of Interior in BiH working on issues of trafficking in human beings. The appointed officials will also be tasked to collect data and assist in preparation of the adequate reports for BiH, coordination and preparation of the trainings and education together with other law enforcement officials and officials from the SBS, Interpol and entity ministries. two officials responsible to maintain coordination with the Liaison Officers from all the Ministries of Interior in BiH working on issues of trafficking in human beings. The appointed officials will also be tasked to collect data and assist in preparation of the adequate reports for BiH, coordination and preparation of the trainings and education together with other law enforcement officials and officials from the SBS, Interpol and entity ministries.
Ministry of Human Rights one official responsible for preparation of the instruction on treatment of victims of trafficking, cooperation with the NGO sector and other institutions providing assistance to victims of trafficking, establishment of the safe house for victims of trafficking, monitoring and protection of trafficking victims especially children, organization of their repatriation and other issues with regard to the protection of their basic human rights, organize trainings and education in cooperation with other state and entity ministries regarding these issues and issue of identification of trafficking victims and their protection. one official responsible for preparation of the instruction on treatment of victims of trafficking, cooperation with the NGO sector and other institutions providing assistance to victims of trafficking, establishment of the safe house for victims of trafficking, monitoring and protection of trafficking victims especially children, organization of their repatriation and other issues with regard to the protection of their basic human rights, organize trainings and education in cooperation with other state and entity ministries regarding these issues and issue of identification of trafficking victims and their protection.
Ministry of Justice one official responsible for preparation of concrete sustainable education programs for law enforcement officials and coordination of activities with the Centers for education of judges and prosecutors in entities and Brcko District of BiH in relation to education and trainings of judicial bodies who are dealing with investigation and application of new laws relating to trafficking in human beings and application of new international standards one official responsible for preparation of concrete sustainable education programs for law enforcement officials and coordination of activities with the Centers for education of judges and prosecutors in entities and Brcko District of BiH in relation to education and trainings of judicial bodies who are dealing with investigation and application of new laws relating to trafficking in human beings and application of new international standards
Ministry of Foreign Affairs one official responsible for cooperation with National Coordinator with regard to the follow up of the Stability Pact activities in the area of trafficking in human beings. The appointed official, in particular, follows and collects information on the activities of other countries from the region and widely, on all important international activities in suppressing trafficking in human beings especially to exchange information with National Coordinator and prepare adequate reports, programs, projects and participation of BiH on important international gatherings or initiatives. one official responsible for cooperation with National Coordinator with regard to the follow up of the Stability Pact activities in the area of trafficking in human beings. The appointed official, in particular, follows and collects information on the activities of other countries from the region and widely, on all important international activities in suppressing trafficking in human beings especially to exchange information with National Coordinator and prepare adequate reports, programs, projects and participation of BiH on important international gatherings or initiatives.
Prosecutor Office one official responsible to monitor and inform about cases against traffickers who are arrested and indicated for violation of the law. He/she is responsible for cooperation in the area of trainings and education related to international standards in processing similar cases, cooperation with other ministries in relation to other issues for the purpose of effective processing of cases. one official responsible to monitor and inform about cases against traffickers who are arrested and indicated for violation of the law. He/she is responsible for cooperation in the area of trainings and education related to international standards in processing similar cases, cooperation with other ministries in relation to other issues for the purpose of effective processing of cases.
For the purpose of effective follow up, relevant reporting, enhanced exchange of information on the situation in suppressing trafficking in human beings and illegal immigration, the appointed officials together with the National Coordinator are preparing yearly plan of activities for the implementation of the Action Plan to suppress trafficking in human beings in BiH and financial plan for the approval of Council of Ministers of BiH.
The National Coordinator in cooperation with the appointed officials is tasked: To prepare and suggest measures to the BIH Council of Ministers in relation to activities suppressing trafficking in human beings and illegal immigration. To prepare and suggest measures to the BIH Council of Ministers in relation to activities suppressing trafficking in human beings and illegal immigration. To prepare, follow up and implement NPA to suppress trafficking in human beings in BIH, as well as to propose any changes, amendments and measures to the CoM of BiH for its better implementation. To prepare, follow up and implement NPA to suppress trafficking in human beings in BIH, as well as to propose any changes, amendments and measures to the CoM of BiH for its better implementation. Continues reporting each three months to the CoM of BiH on the situation in the area of trafficking in human beings and illegal immigration. Continues reporting each three months to the CoM of BiH on the situation in the area of trafficking in human beings and illegal immigration. Preparation of annual reports, information and financial plan for the implementation of planned activities. Preparation of annual reports, information and financial plan for the implementation of planned activities. Harmonization of programs and projects aiming to implement the goals set by the NPA to suppress trafficking in human beings in BiH. Harmonization of programs and projects aiming to implement the goals set by the NPA to suppress trafficking in human beings in BiH. To organize and hold on each third month national referral meetings with all domestic and international institutions involved in the activities on suppressing trafficking in human beings and illegal immigration in BiH. To organize and hold on each third month national referral meetings with all domestic and international institutions involved in the activities on suppressing trafficking in human beings and illegal immigration in BiH.
Results INVESTIGATIONS INVESTIGATIONS 48 investigations initiated 40 investigations concluded successfully – criminal records submitted to the prosecutor offices INDICTMENTS INDICTMENTS 18 indictments against 30 suspects VERDICTS VERDICTS 18 verdicts, 16 of which resulted in convictions - imprisonments of up to 3 years - fines of up to BAM/ EUR Most of investigations, indictments and verdicts are against small criminal groups / gangs.
Identified VoT foreign and 13 domestic Source: IOM
Nationalities of victims source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Illegal immigration statistics Source: State Border Service
Further activities Fight against THB in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been a success but the efforts have not been sufficient to eliminate trafficking. Fight against THB in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been a success but the efforts have not been sufficient to eliminate trafficking. There is a lot of room to improve counter trafficking activities. There is a lot of room to improve counter trafficking activities. Anti trafficking community in Bosnia and Herzegovina is aware that new, revised State Action Plan for period 2005/2007 has been adopted by the Council of Ministers Anti trafficking community in Bosnia and Herzegovina is aware that new, revised State Action Plan for period 2005/2007 has been adopted by the Council of Ministers
Bosnia and Herzegovina Council of Ministers State Coordinator for Combating Against Trafficking in Human Beings and Illegal Migration Trg BiH 1, Sarajevo Phone/Fax: