Liquidation of unprofitable coal mining – decommissioning and rehabilitation of mines, mining damages, rehabilitation of former coal mining sites including dumps Dr inż. Anna Ostręga AGH University of Science and Technology Mining and Geo-engineering Faculty, Poland European experience with restructuring, privatisation and investment in the Сoal Іndustry; Kiev, 5 November 2010
Hard coal mining in Poland Hard coal basins in Poland (2010): –Upper Silesian – 29 mines –Lublin – 1 mine –Wałbrzych – only historical mines Extraction in 2008: 77.9 millions tonnes (PGI)
Hard Coal Mining Restructuring The change of the country's economic system after 1989 has contributed to the significant drop in the demand for hard coal and in consequence to the closing down of mines and the reduction of employment.
Hard Coal Mining Restructuring – hard coal extraction from 1989 – 2008 resources extraction year Extraction, million tons Resources, billion tons
Hard Coal Mining Restructuring – number of hard coal mines from 1988–2010
Hard Coal Mining Restructuring – employment in mining 1989 – in mining and quarrying of which in hard coal mining – people lost job
Significant drop in the demand for hard coal forced the necessity of implementing a thorough reform of the Polish hard coal mining industry in order to adjust this sector to the requirements of market economy and international competitiveness. Within this reform: –New organisational units concentrating the capital necessary to take up investments of the scale exceeding the capability of individual mines were established, –non-profitable mines were close down, –the mines were merged with neighbouring mining fields, –the negative impact of the extraction operations on the environment was reduced. Hard Coal Mining Restructuring
Name of mining organisation Year of establishment Number of mining plants Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa JSC single mines 56 Mine Restructuring Company JSC Południowy Koncern Węglowy JSC Kompania Węglowa JSC Katowicki Holding Węglowy JSC Individuals mines22 TOTAL704330
The subject of the Mine Restructuring Company's operation Liquidation of mines which stopped extraction Reclamation of post-mining land Liability for damages Management of the assets of mines under liquidation Creation of new job opportunities on the basis of the estate of liquidated mines, in particular for the employees of such mines
Mine Restructuring Company's operation – mining damages Between 2000 – 2010 (August) Mine Restructuring Company repaired 2560 mining damages in: –Buildings, including constructing new one as substitute –Churches –Roads, railways and bridges –Technical infrastructure (plumbing) –Agriculture areas.
Mine Restructuring Company's operation – mine liquidation and reclamation till August Liquidation and protection of mining excavations [m] 1,282, ,67120,5013, Liquidation and protection of shafts [m] 44, task- Liquidation of mining buildings, facilities 1, Reclamation post- mining areas [ha] tasks tasks tasks- (sources: Siemieniec at all, 2005 and Ministry of Economy website)
Mine reclamation and redevelopment in the years (source: Statistical Yearbooks of Environmental Conservation, 1989 – 2009)
Financing of post-mining activity Projects involving post-liquidation works, including land reclamation and repair of mining damages is financed from the: –mining enterprises’ own resources, –external sources of financing: environmental funds the state budget.
Examples of reclamation and redevelopment of post-mining sites for new economic (services, industry) activity museums and cultural purposes natural and landscape sites residential area
Rehabilitation of post-mining areas for economical activity Within the co-operation of the mining companies and mining communes the following economic zone were established: –Rybnicki Bisness Park –Wodzisławski Bisness Park –Pszowsko-Rydułtowski Business Park –Jastrzębski Bisness Park –Silesia City Center
Kleofas Mine – reclamation of post-mining areas mine in operation Eminencja Mine till 1945 Gottwald Mine til 1995 Katowice Kleofas Mine till 1998 Post-mining area 30 ha 2 shafts 2 waste dumps buildings contaminations instability of ground.
Kleofas Mine – reclamation of post-mining areas 1999 – 2002 geotechnical and chemical analysis 2004 August – 2005 March land reclamation - concentration of ground in order to prepare it for building function - removing contaminated land (Source: R. Pioskownik, 2006)
Mix of ash, cement and water in total amount 5440 m 3 were pumped to the underground crack
Kleofas Mine – reclamation of post-mining areas - earthworks (source: Silesia City Center) Contaminated ground was removed and located on the waste dump
2000 – passing the local land use plan, in which post- mining area was destined for service, trade, cultural, health, sport and gastronomy functions – 190 UC Jerzy Shaft Kleofas Mine – reclamation of post-mining areas
2000 – 2003 demolishing post- mining buildings preserving historical ones (engine hall, swimming pool and administrative office) Adoption for new function Fot. A.Ostrega / R. Pioskowik
Silesia City Center – construction works November 2004 – November 2005 Construction work (source: Silesia City Center)
Silesia City Center – mining equipment are used for decoration Fot. A.Ostrega
2005 – commercial center was open, sqm of commercial space: shops, cinema, entertainment center, chapel, banks, restaurants and gives ar workplaces (August 2007) Silesia City Center on the former Kleofas Mine Fot. A.Ostrega
Residential area on the former Kleofas Mine Area – 6.6 ha Total area of investment – m 2 Useful area of the flats – m 2 Number of apartments –1010 Park car – Green areas – 30% (Source: R. Pioskownik, 2006)
Silesia Towers on the former Kleofas Mine Twin office towers tallest in the region – 155 m Estimated new jobs (Source: Silesia City Center)
The Industrial Monuments Route of the Silesian Voivodeship The Industrial Monuments Route of the Silesian Voivodeship has a regional scope, including objects connected with the industrial heritage of the Silesian region. It is composed of 31 facilities associated with the traditions of: –mining and metallurgy, –electricity generation, –railways, –communications, –production of water, –food industry.
Sztolnia Kowary, Kowary Maciej Shaft, Zabrze Guido Mine, Zabrze Museum of Coal Mining, Zabrze Wilson Shaft, Katowice Historic Ignacy Mine, Rybnik The Industrial Monuments Route of the Silesian Voivodeship
Giszowiec Mining Settlement, Katowice Worker’s Housing "FICINUS" in Ruda Śląska - Wirek Nikiszowiec Mining Settlement, Katowice
"Żabie Doły„ Natural and scenic complex on the post-mining area
Extraction of secondary raw materials from Marcel dump fot. A.Ostręga
Hard Coal Mine Marcel - dump reclamation fot. A.Ostręga
Rehabilitated dumps „Paciorkowce”, Bieruń fot. A.Ostręga
Rehabilitated dumps „Paciorkowce”, Bieruń
Source: The “Góra Kamieńsk” sport and recreational centre at the overburden dump in the Bełchatów Lignite Mine Overburden dump: Volumme – ar mln m 3 Space – ha High – 195 m Modes of reclamation – recreational, forestry, economic (windmill farm) Ski slope: Completed – 2004 Lenght – 760 m Width – m Ski lift – 4 Facilities – lighted, snow production
high: 140 m area: 37 ha volume:13,3 mln m³ source of secondary raw materials landmark mining heritage Rydułtowy waste dump
We do not give the waste dump !
Post-mining buildings transformed to the flat
… Post-industrial landscape inspiration for photo session photos by Bartek Barczyk
Conclusion 1.Liquidation of unprofitable mines and reclamation of post-mining land are conducted successively. 2.Post-mining activity is supported by external sources of financing: state budget and environmental funds. 3.The most important aim of rehabilitation work beside reduce environmental damage is creating new workplaces on the basis of post-mining land and structures. 4.In the rehabilitation process we are awareness of preserving mining heritage as the part of history in the mining regions.
Thank you!