Migrations occurred between 40, ,000 years BP. Traveled via land bridge and small boat. Mungo Man: oldest human fossil in Australia
Inter tribal warfare was common. This led to the advent of the Pa (a fortified village). An average Pa included ditches, banks and palisades as protection.
British explorer, navigator, cartographer, and Captain in the British Navy. Spent 12 years sailing around the Pacific Ocean 1 st to make contact with and explore Australia (1770), New Zealand (1769), and Hawaii (1778). Killed by natives on his second trip to Hawaii. Contributed much to European knowledge of the area.
It is estimated that smallpox alone killed 50% of Aboriginal Australians.
Land War: Resulted from disagreement over land ownership. Relatively few casualties on both sides.
The gold rushes caused a huge influx of people from overseas. Australia-1851 o Population tripled between from 430,000 in 1851 to 1.7 million in New Zealand-1861 o Brought in 18,000 prospectors
Commonwealth realms are shown in blue, republics in pink, and members with their own monarchy are displayed in green.