Mayor Michael Ruben Bloomberg and stop and frisk Angie Sardo and Eunice Seo 10/2/14 SUPA forensics Period 2
What is stop and frisk? The right of an officer to pat down a person if they feel the person poses a threat. if something is found officers are permitted to seize it without a warrant for public safety.
Why stop and frisk was issued Mayor Bloomberg felt it solved the issue of public safety in New York city. Bloomberg wanted to help solve the bad relationship between people and the police It was a happy medium between those who wanted guns banned and those who wanted to be able to carry guns.
Michael Rubin Bloomberg 108 th mayor of New York city Commonly known as the “stop and frisk mayor” Feels strongly about public safety. Created many different programs such as, obesity protection program, national bipartisan coalitions to combat illegal guns, reform immigration and invest in infrastructure.
Bloomberg’s position on stop and frisk Bloomberg stated that “there is no question that stop and frisk has saved countless lives, and we know that most of the lives saved based on statistics have been black Hispanic young men” Feels that it reduces tension between the public and police Helps people feel safe in their own community and be able to trust police.
Fourth Amendment the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights that prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and requires any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause.
Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right of individuals to keep and bear arms.
People Vs. Bloomberg People feel that it is unconstitutional and an obstruction of peoples rights started in the fourth amendment. Bloomberg’s response- “when people pose a threat than something has to be done to ensure people’s safety even if that means taking away rights of people” People felt that stop and frisk encouraged rasicm upon society. Bloombergs response – “We stop whites to much and minorties to little”
Racism and stop and Frisk People complain that the high percentage of blacks and Hispanics stopped showed that the police unfairly single out minorities. People feel that stop and frisk encourages racism and discrimination amongst society.
Statistics on stop Bloomberg’s stop and frisk In controversy to Bloomberg’s response to racism 87% of the people stopped on the streets are black or latino. Only 7% of people stopped on the street are white Every year 500,000 stop and frisks occur which means on average a police officer makes about only one stop for every two weeks Only 6 percent of stop and frisks made were unreasonable
MIA Bibliography "Appeals Court Upholds Stop-and-Frisk Ruling, Ending Bloomberg’s Final Attempt at Reversal." RT. N.p., 22 Nov Web. 6 Oct < usa/stop-frisk-appeal-bloomberg-174/>. Bloomberg, Michael R. "Michael Bloomberg: ‘Stop and Frisk’ Keeps New York Safe." Washington Post. N.p., 18 Aug Web. 2 Oct < 8d4cd8c4-06cf-11e e2aafe5a5f84_story.html>. Capehart, Jonathan. "‘Stop and Frisk,’ Bloomberg and Me." Washington Post 30 Dec. 2013: n. pag. Print. and-me/ Dukes, Hazel N., and David B. Stafford. "The Stop-and-Frisk Practice, Attacked and Defended." New York Times. N.p., 10 May Web. 2 Oct Fermino, Jennifer. "Mayor Bloomberg on Stop-and-Frisk." NY Daily News. N.p., 28 June Web. 6 Oct Mike Bloomberg. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sept B1AF64B8DAE78A69 Peters, Justin. "Yes, Mayor Bloomberg, Stop-and-Frisk Is Really, Really Racist." Slate. N.p., 1 July Web. 6 Oct
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