The Use of It The use of “it” 1. 用作人称代词,代表前面提到的人或事物。 1)Who’s it? _________me. 2)Look at the picture. _____is a picture of our school. It’s It’s It 2.


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Presentation transcript:

The Use of It

The use of “it” 1. 用作人称代词,代表前面提到的人或事物。 1)Who’s it? _________me. 2)Look at the picture. _____is a picture of our school. It’s It’s It 2. 用于代替指示代词 this 和 that 。 ---Is this jacket yours? ---Yes, ______is. it

3. 用以表示时间、距离、天气、气候、季节、环 境等 1)It is half past eight now. 2)It’s only half an hour’s walk from here to our school. 3)I hope that it will be fine tomorrow. 4)It has rained much this year. 5)It’s spring now. 6)It’s quiet here. Time Distance Weather Weather Season Circumstance

4. 作引导词,在句中作形式主语或形式宾语,代 替后面的短语或从句。 1)Instead of “to do” It is important for us to learn English well. I found it necessary to tell him about the matter. Sub. Formal Object 2) Instead of “doing” It is no use quarrelling with him about it. I think it no good talking to her.

3) Instead of “clause” It doesn’t matter whether he will come or not. I think it necessary that we will attend the meeting.

5. 用于强调句型中 It + be + 被强调部分 + that/who(a person) 从句 I met Tom in the park yesterday. 1) It was I who met Tom in the park yesterday. 2) It was Tom who I met in the park yesterday. 3) It was in the park that I met Tom yesterday. 4) It was yesterday that I met Tom in the park. It was five o’clock _________I got home. It was at five o’clock_______ I got home. when when that

1)He didn’t come because he was ill. It was because he was ill that he didn’t come. 2) She didn’t go to bed until her father came back. It was until her father came back that she didn’t go to bed. (wrong) Not until her father came back did she go to bed. It was not until her father came back that she went to bed.

1)It was not_____she took off her dark glasses ____I realized she was a famous film star.(92) A.when, that B.until,when C.until,that D.when,then 2) It was not until____that ____to prepare his lessons.(91) A.did his father come in, the boy began B. did his father come in, did the boy begin C.his father came in, did the boy begin D.his father came in, the boy began CD 强调句型

特殊句式: It is reported that China has launched another man-made satellite.It is reported that China has launched another man-made satellite. It is ordered that the soldiers should cross the river at once.It is ordered that the soldiers should cross the river at once. It seems that he has learnt of the news.It seems that he has learnt of the news. It happened that I took no money with me.It happened that I took no money with me. It matters very much/makes great difference whether to go or not.It matters very much/makes great difference whether to go or not. 据报导 …… 命令 …… 似乎 …… 碰巧 …… 去还是不去大不一样。

6) It surprised me that he failed to pass the exam. 7) It was not long before he returned to Beijing. 8) How long will it be before he comes back? 9) It will be long before he comes back. 10) It is five years since he joined the Party. 他考试不及格使我感到惊奇。 不久,他就回到了北京。 过多长时间他才回来呢? 再过很长时间他才回来。 他加入政党已经五年了。

Exercises: 1.I hate ______ when people talk with their mouths full. A. it B. that C.these D. them 2. In which play is ______ your brother will appear? A.that where B. this when C. it that D. it where 3. ______ the harder you work, the better result you’ll get. A.It’s believed that B. What we believed that C. It’s fact D. What the fact is 4. Nothing can stop us, _______? A. can’t it B. can it C. can’t we D. can we A C A B

5.---Can you tell us how the war was won in the end ? --- I don’t know, ________. --- I don’t know, ________. A.It’s hard to say B. It doesn’t matter C. It’s no use saying D. It depends on the work 6. Does ______ matter a lot whether she will come here by bus or by taxi? A.The thing B. that C. it D. her mother Listen! Someone is unlocking the goods. --- _____ must be your father coming back from Beijing. --- _____ must be your father coming back from Beijing. A. It B. There C. That D. This A C A

8. ---Have you written a letter to her ? --- No, but I’m going to write _____ tonight. --- No, but I’m going to write _____ tonight. B. that C. those D. one B. that C. those D. one Are they coming to the meeting ? --- ________. --- ________. A.I know so B. I am sure so C. I am sure of it D. I question it C. I am sure of it D. I question it 10. _______ now pretty late, we took candles and went upstairs. Being B. For C. For being D. It beingBeing B. For C. For being D. It being 11.Our food and service are better than _____ used to be. A. It B. we C. they D. them D A D C

12.The teacher told the students _______. A.why to learn English important B.why was it important to learn English C.why it important to learn English D.why it was important to learn English 13.The TV sets made in China are much better than ______ in Japan. A.that B. those C. them D. it I’m looking for a flat. ---Would you like _______ with _____ garden? ---Would you like _______ with _____ garden?; the; a C. one ; a D. one ;the 15._______ four years since I joined the Army. A. It was B. It is C. There is D. There was D B C B

Discuss the following sentences and tell the function of “ it ”: Discuss the following sentences and tell the function of “ it ”: 1. It’s difficult to remember all their names. 2. It’s very quiet in the café. 3. It rained for three days. 4. He made it clear that he didn’t want to speak to me. 5. It was nice to meet you. 6. It was on Tuesday that Smith came. 7. It’s three miles from here to the nearest garage. Exercises 形式主语, 代替 …… Circumstance Weather 形式宾语, 代替 …… 形式主语, 代替 …… 用于强调句型中 Distance

8. A tall man stood up and shook hands. It was captain Lawrie. 9. I hear you bought a new bike.Can you show it to me ? 10. It was five o’clock when we got back home yesterday. 11. It was dirty and wet below the ship where the slaves were kept. 12. It was on this coast that lots of his people disappeared. 13. It was most likely that one third of them had lost their lives. 人称代词,代表前面提到的人 人称代词,代表前面提到的物 Time Circumstance 用于强调句型 作引导词,在句中作形式主语,代替后面的从句