Meet The Teacher Stage One
Teachers Miss Alice McGowan K/1M Miss Tiffany Estreich 1/2E Mrs Sharna Fuller 1/2F Mrs Susan Silvey 2/3S Please see your child’s teacher if you have any concerns or questions about our school or your child’s education.
Learning Support Mrs Trudi Gallagher Mrs Carol Cooper Mrs Hockey Ms Suzanne Lewis (Reading Recovery)
This Year… We intend to make this year as fun, exciting and stress free as possible. We want every child to feel successful, confident, safe and valued. We aim to give every child the opportunity to succeed in all areas of their schooling by catering for their individual. We would like to encourage independence this year through things like kiss and drop.
Socialisation Stage One students will have many opportunities to socialise and interact with students in other Stage One classes: Developmental Play Sport CAPA groups Eating time Play areas Stage One classes may learn and collaborate together across all learning areas.
Stage One Organisation Whole School Assembly- Friday at 12:30pm K-2 Sport- Friday 1:40-2:40pm (Beginning in Week 4) Scripture- Friday at 11:15am Library K/1M- Tuesday 1/2E, 1/2F and 2/3S- Wednesday
Education We want every student to develop a love of learning and continue this love over their lifetime. If you show your children you are interested in and value education and learning, then they will feel the same.
Teaching and Learning Stage based collaborative planning Library – One hour per week with a focus on literacy and research skills and will be taught by Ms Suzanne Lewis our Librarian RFF – Will be Physical Education and will be taught by Mrs Cooper and Mrs Gallagher during Term One.
English The English Syllabus specifies to us what we have to teach. Teaching and learning programs are based on this document. The Literacy Continuum breaks skills down into clusters and provides markers indicating a child’s progress. It provides strategies for teachers to move students along. Your child’s teacher will use the continuum this year.
L3 What is L3? Language, Learning and Literacy (L3) is a pedagogy for K- 2 students. Our teachers will be participating in training to learn how to use this program in their classroom. L3 focuses on providing rich literacy experiences to assist all children to become successful readers and writers and occurs as part of the daily literacy lesson. Your child and L3 Students are placed into small groups of three or four students. Groups are given explicit teaching in reading strategies. The rest of the class participate in independent group tasks. The tasks require them to practise and consolidate their learning.
Mathematics Mathematics is also one of the six learning areas. It is organised into three strands *Number and Algebra *Measurement and Geometry *Statistics and Probability Mathematical processes are also important *Communicating *Problem Solving *Reasoning *Understanding *Fluency
TEN Targeted Early Numeracy is a 10 minute daily session focussing on how students solve number problems. Activities are focussed at the student’s level and aim to move students to the next level.
Inquiry Learning Inquiry based learning is a learning process where questions are generated from interests, curiosities and the experiences and perspectives of the learner. The traditional approach to learning is focused on the mastery of content, the education is teacher centred where the teacher is the dispenser of information and assessment is focussed on the one right answer. The inquiry approach is focussed on using and learning content as a means to develop information-processing and problem solving skills. The system is more child centred with the teacher as a facilitator of learning. The more interested and engaged the children the easier it will be for them to gain in depth knowledge. Learning becomes almost effortless when something fascinates the children and reflects their interests and goals.
Parent Helpers We would love to have parent helpers both in and out of the classroom. Please see your child’s teacher if you are able to assist in any way. Please be advised you will need a working with children check, which can be obtained by visiting You will need to sign in at the office each time you come to the school.
Equipment Thank you for providing the requested equipment. Please ensure students come prepared for class and equipment is replaced as required. Equipment must be labeled (where possible) and stored in one reasonably sized pencil case.
Homework Homework is important for developing positive work habits and reinforcing key concepts. Stage One homework will include some mathematics, some literacy and a grid with a range of tasks for students to complete each week. It will begin in Week 5. Students may have begun to bring readers home. This will continue throughout the year. Having problems? Encourage your child to speak to their teacher.
Behaviour PBL Values- Safety, Respect, Responsibility In class process: – Name on board and explanation of correct behaviour. – Cross next to name- in class time out. – Another cross- time out in another Stage One classroom. – Third cross- Sent to an executive member, reflection.
Dojo Class Dojo is a program that works by allocating points for positive behaviour and deducting points for behaviour that needs to be improved. Students select a monster avatar to represent themselves and come up with a rewards ladder that works on both an individual and a whole class level. Students brainstorm both the positive and negative behaviours so that they can take accountability for what they are receiving and loosing points for. Teachers and parents are able to communicate via messages. Class moments can be shared via the Class Story page. Involvement is optional but highly recommended as it is so beneficial. You are only able to view your own child and all information is completely confidential. Please let your teacher know if you do not want your child to be included in any whole class photos.
BRAVE Be calm Respect yourself and tell them to stop Attempt to ignore Violence is not the answer Express your feelings and concerns
How can you help? Contact your child’s classroom teacher if you have any issues or concerns – before they escalate. Ensure your child is organised and prepared for school each day – healthy lunch, water, school hat, equipment. Engage with your child’s learning – ask questions, assist with homework, talk about successes/challenges in the classroom.
Any questions?