Learn English Vocabulary – Series A1 Abdicate - Ablution #slide To learn more visit
Step 1. Hi, Lisa from Go Learning Bus. Welcome to Learn English Vocabulary Series A1. In this video we will Learn about Abdication, Abdicate, Aberration, Abeyance, Abhor, Abet, Abide, Abjure, Abject and Ablution. Are you Excited? Let’s begin. To learn more visit
Step 2. Word number 1 for Series A1 is Abdication. It is pronounced as Abdication. It means Giving up control or authority, To relinquish power or responsibility formally, To cast off or to Discard. Let’s see an example, Abdication brought Lisa to the throne, but it will not be the way she leaves it. To learn more visit
Step 3. Word number 2 for Series A1 is Abdicate. It is pronounced as Abdicate. It means To give up a high office formally or officially Especially the throne. Let’s see an example, Lisa, is the third monarch, to abdicate in just over a year. To learn more visit
Step 4. Word number 3 for Series A1 is Aberration. It is pronounced as Aberration. It means A departure from what is normal, A deviation from the proper or expected course, The fact or an instance of being aberrant. Let’s see an example, Lisa actions may have been an aberration but her thinking is not. To learn more visit
Step 5. Word number 4 for Series A1 is Abeyance. It is pronounced as Abeyance. It means Suspended action, The condition of being temporarily set aside, A lapse in succession. Let’s see an example, The regulation fell into abeyance after the 20th century. To learn more visit
Step 6. Word number 5 for Series A1 is Abhor. It is pronounced as Abhor. It means to hate, To detest, To regard with horror or loathing. Let’s see an example, Lisa abhors bullying. To learn more visit
Step 7. Word number 6 for Series A1 is Abet. It is pronounced as Abet. It means to assist somebody to do something, especially something illegal. Let’s see an example, Lisa will never abet torture. To learn more visit
Step 8. Word number 7 for Series A1 is Abide. It is pronounced as [uh-bahyd]. It means to Be faithful, To endure, To put up with, and Tolerate. Let’s see an example, Lisa will always abide by programmers. To learn more visit
Step 9. Word number 8 for Series A1 is Abjure. It is pronounced as [ab-joo r]. It means To recant solemnly, Renounce or repudiate. Let’s see an example, Lisa can never be forced to abjure her most important achievement, her voice. To learn more visit
Step 10. Word number 9 for Series A1 is Abject. It is pronounced as [ab-jekt]. It means Utterly hopeless, Brought low in condition or status, Being of the most miserable kind. Let’s see an example, Lisa is doing everything she can to educate folks and remove abject poverty. To learn more visit
Step 11. Word number 10 for Series A1 is Ablution. It is pronounced as Ablution. It means A washing or cleansing of the body, especially as part of a religious rite. Let’s see an example, The olive oil was used by Lisa for ablution before entering the church. To learn more visit
Step 12. Thank you friends. We are done with A1 series. You can test your knowledge via quizzes and cards available via Go Learning Bus app. Remember that for only $9.99 Go Learning Bus gives you a life time of learning and training. Please me at for any questions. Please do report any errors and help me improve this tutorial. Bye from Lisa. To learn more visit