The “CLASSICAL ERA” The Persian Empire Identify and describe the major effects of the development of the Persian Empire.Identify and describe the major effects of the development of the Persian Empire. Describe the major political influence of the Persian Empire.Describe the major political influence of the Persian Empire. Describe the major religious influence of the Persian Empire.Describe the major religious influence of the Persian Empire. Describe the origins of Zoroastrianism.Describe the origins of Zoroastrianism. List the accomplishments of the Persian Empire.List the accomplishments of the Persian Empire.
The Persian Empire 2,000 B.C. to 100 B.C. Important Idea: Persia grew large & powerful through military conquests, building good roads, collecting tribute, and tolerating differences among its subject peoples 550 BC: Cyrus the Great united the Medes and the Persians
Building an Empire The son of Cyrus the Great conquered EgyptThe son of Cyrus the Great conquered Egypt Darius, the next ruler, unified the Persian Empire by building public roads, introducing weights and measures, and establishing capital citiesDarius, the next ruler, unified the Persian Empire by building public roads, introducing weights and measures, and establishing capital cities Cyrus the Great expanded Persia’s territory westward by conquering Lydia and Babylonia AND eastward by conquering territories by the Indus River
Persian Empire of Darius I Which countries paid tribute to the Persian Empire?
PERSIA Building an Empire Persia was now the largest empire, stretching more than 3000 miles from the Nile to the Indus River.
PERSIA Building an Empire How did the Persians control such a huge empire? By dividing it into provinces, each ruled by a group of local officials loyal to the Persian King
PERSIA Building an Empire The Persians collected tribute and taxes from these provinces to make moneyThe Persians collected tribute and taxes from these provinces to make money The Persian provinces profited from the extensive trade in the empire.The Persian provinces profited from the extensive trade in the empire.
Religion in the Persian Empire Persians originally worshipped many gods. Zoroaster, a religious leader then introduced new beliefs. ZOROASTRIANISM.
Z O R O A S T R I A N I S M Only two gods The god of truth, light and goodness. The god of darkness and evil. The universe was a battleground between these two forces.
Z O R O A S T R I A N I S M People who lived good lives would go to heaven. Those who were evil were doomed to a fiery hell.
Persia’s Accomplishments Established postal service to make communication easierEstablished postal service to make communication easier Built miles of roads using gravel and stoneBuilt miles of roads using gravel and stone –Persian Royal Road was 1500 miles long –Brought unity within Empire Learned the practice of using coins to purchase goodsLearned the practice of using coins to purchase goods –Moved from bartering to a “MONEY ECONOMY” –Improved trade
The Persian Empire 1. 1.What factors caused the Persia Empire to develop? 2. 2.What type of political system did the Persian Empire have? 3. 3.Describe Zoroastrianism List key accomplishments of the Persian Empire.