Chapter 19 Arthrogram – Hysterosalpingography –
Arthrography Contrast study of a ______________ Demonstrates: Joint capsule _____________ Tendons ____________ Other associated anatomy Contraindication Iodinated contrast protocol
Equipment Fluoroscopy _____________ tray: Sterile drapes Needles Contrast Betadine __________________
Procedure Area cleaned ___________ Area anesthetized ______________ Contrast injected Images
Combining Modalities Many times Arthrograms are in conjunction with: ________ _________ MRI will mix ___________contrast
Post Procedure ______the joint Inform the patient ____________ Pain Warn of ___________
Hysterosalpingoragphy (HSG) Contrast study of __________ _____________ Reasons Infertility ___________ Fistula Other structural defects
Contraindications Iodinated contrast protocol _____________ Acute PID _______________
Equipment Fluoroscopy HSG Tray __________ ___________________ Contrast
Prep Bowel prep Void ______________
Procedure Patient placed in _____________ Might be trendelenburg Speculum inserted and area cleaned Balloon catheter placed into ____________ Contrast injected Images
HSG Patient Care Usually ____________ techs will assist _______________