WHY REENGINEERING NOW? Diminished System Capacity/Resources New Program Challenges Loss of Experienced Staff Evolving Methods of Program Administration Need for Greater Focus on Program Operations
REENGINEERING GUIDING PRINCIPLES Processes must ensure program integrity Maximize the use of specific program expertise within the UI system Eliminate duplication where feasible Need new processes to address program operations comprehensively, not by program or individual function Greater support for states in addressing operational/administrative issues that lead to poor program performance/integrity Support improvements in UI staff capacity system-wide Must take things “off the table” if adding new things Automate where feasible
REENGINEERING FRAMEWORK Taking Things Off the Table: Changes to SQSP Process Move to 2 year cycle Changes to Frequency and Logistics for Federal/State Peer Reviews for BAM/BTQ/Appeals Elimination of BPC Peer Reviews
REENGINEERING FRAMEWORK New Accountability Features Focus on program operations impacting program performance/integrity TPS-like state self assessment process ETA monitoring to include operational elements New “At Risk” Determination Process/Still Focused on Technical Assistance Use of UI System (federal & state) program experts to support continuous improvement in accountability processes Including More Formalized Training Components to Peer Review Processes
WHAT DO WE MEAN BY PROGRAM OPERATIONS? Business processes that support program administration in key functional areas: Initial claims Non-Monetary Adjudications Appeals Benefit Payment Control Call Center Operations Information Technology Infrastructure Management Controls
REENGINEERING PROCESS Structure: Executive Committee Steering Committee Working Groups Timing: New SQSP Cycle Implemented for FY 2015 Target for New Operational Assessments and Expert UI Teams is FY 2016 Cycles for Peer Reviews - Will be Staggered in FY 2015 and FY 2016
STATE ENGAGEMENT A MUST! State Participation on Workgroups Opportunities for All States to Review and Comment on Key New Accountability Features Consultation with NASWA UI Committee Opportunity for All States to Provide Comments to Federal Register Notices Related to Paperwork Reduction Act Clearance Webinars To Introduce New Reengineered Processes
WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? We all gain an improved UI system that meets the needs of our customers and carries out the mission of the program. Opportunities for states to continuously assess opportunities for improvement. New ways to capture state best practices related to program administration that can be shared. New structure to enable state peer-to-peer technical assistance by including state SMEs on expert teams supporting “at risk” states.
CHANGES TO BAM/BTQ PEER REVIEW FREQUENCY We recognize the need to reduce the frequency and focus on a national approach. Reducing the frequency will allow time to address operational functions identified by BAM/BTQ case reviews. National approach will provide better opportunities for training/peer- to-peer sharing and greater consistency across the UI system. Specifics still being worked out, we need your input and help!
OPERATIONAL REVIEWS OF BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Based on TPS model, state self- assessment approach puts states in control of their own continuous improvement Propose to provide dedicated funding for 1 FTE to be independent reviewer to conduct self assessment. Approach will promote State identification of benefits operational issues, help target TA and help build a robust collection of best practices for dissemination throughout the UI system. This element needs your help and input!
NEW “AT-RISK” DEFINITION/PROCESS Currently, two different processes and definitions. Propose one definition that is clear and consistent, based on UI’s rich data and input from operational assessments. Objective is the same: provide targeted technical assistance to states with challenges to improve system performance.
LEVERAGING OF UI SYSTEMS SKILLS With reduced resources and talent turnover, we will better leverage UI talent throughout the UI System (Federal and State) for better impacts. Propose to deploy “expert” teams to most “At-Risk” states to provide better assistance. Want to include State experts for peer guidance and expertise. Need your help and input on this element!
NEXT STEPS AND COMING MONTHS Outreach to States for Workgroup Members Based on Nominations from NASWA and ETA’s Regional Offices Onboarding contractor to support the development of the State Self-Assessment Tool Workgroups are heads-down fleshing out the strategies in each area Periodic “touch bases” with the system to provide additional information and enable input from all states Guidance to states as new processes are finalized Federal Register Notices and opportunity to provide comment related to PRA clearance. Routine updates to NASWA UI Committee