EPD 160 PERMIT PROCESS January, 2013Page 1Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-Madison
OVERVIEW How to locate the CoE Student Shop Website What the different permits are and what they allow Permit information pages How to apply for a permit Moodle January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 2
LOCATING THE COE STUDENT SHOP WEBSITE The URL for the CoE Student Shop website is simply January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 3
USING GOOGLE TO FIND THE SHOP WEBSITE January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 4 “uw coe shop”
USING WISC.EDU SEARCH January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 5 “coe shop” First result
USING ENGR.WISC.EDU SEARCH SEARCH January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 6 “student shop” First result
PERMIT OVERVIEW Three permit levels Each permit level allows certain privileges Make sure you select the permit that will fit your needs the best and will allow you to finish your project EPD 160 requires AT LEAST a Red Permit If you are going to go further in the College of Engineering, a Green Permit may be beneficial Most senior design classes need AT LEAST a Green Permit 160 projects that involve a mill or lathe require a green permit. January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 7
RED PERMIT OVERVIEW Checkout tools and equipment Make purchases through the shop (once an account is set up) Use everything in the shop except the lathes and mills (which require a green permit) or equipment that requires an upgrade Requirements (in order) o Apply for a red shop permit o Complete the Basic Prequizzes o Complete the Basic Exam o Complete the Intermediate Prequizzes o Complete the Intermediate Exam o Attend a red permit seminar o Get permit made January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 8
RED PERMIT OVERVIEW Time Frame and Deadlines The red permit should take no longer than 1-2* weeks to complete Like all permits and upgrades, this permit must be completed within 45 days of applying for it. Failure to meet the 45 day deadline will result in all progress towards the permit being removed o * The process to obtain a red permit usually takes about 1-2 weeks but may take longer depending on the number of applicants applying, such as at the start of the semester. Please plan accordingly. Upgrades Available* Woodworking Upgrade #1 (Wood Saws), required to use the following: o Table saws o Miter Saws o Handheld Circular saws –*Individuals will only be able to see upgrades in EMU for which they have completed the prerequisites. Welding 1 (MIG Welding) Use the Shop's MIG welders Use the Shop's plasma torches January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 9
GREEN PERMIT OVERVIEW The green permit is the highest level permit and gives students the most access to shop resources including mills and lathes. The training and experience gained from getting a green permit will make the applicant a better engineer. All students in classes using the Student Shop must obtain a green permit (a red permit would not be an acceptable alternative) with the exception of InterEngr 160 which requires a red permit. It is strongly recommend that individuals begin the process of getting a green permit as early as possible to avoid problems. Privileges Checkout tools and equipment Make purchases through the shop (once an account is set up) Use everything in the shop except equipment that requires an upgrade January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 10
GREEN PERMIT OVERVIEW Requirements (in order) o Apply for a Green shop permit o Complete the Basic Prequizzes o Complete the Basic Exam o Complete the Intermediate Prequizzes o Complete the Intermediate Exam o Complete the Advanced Prequizzes o Complete the Advanced Exam o Attend a green permit seminar o Complete green permit part o Get permit made Time Frame and Deadlines The green permit should take no longer than 2 weeks* to complete Like all permits and upgrades, this permit must be completed within 45 days of applying for it. Failure to meet the 45 day deadline will result in all progress towards the permit being removed o * The process to obtain a green permit usually takes about 2 weeks but may take longer depending on the number of applicants applying, such as at the start of the semester. Please plan accordingly. January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 11
GREEN PERMIT OVERVIEW Upgrades* Woodworking Upgrade #1 (Wood Saws) Welding Upgrade #1 (MIG) Welding Upgrade #2 (TIG) FeatureCAM Upgrade #1 (CADD/CAM) CNC Milling Upgrade #1 (ProtoTrak Controller) CNC Milling Upgrade #2 (Trak DPM2 2D) CNC Milling Upgrade #3 (Trak DPM2 3D) CNC Milling Upgrade #4 (HAAS Mill) CNC Lathe Upgrade #1 (Bridgeport Lathe) o *Individuals will only be able to see upgrades in EMU for which they have completed the prerequisites. January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 12
HOW TO APPLY FOR A PERMIT STEP 1 All permit applications are handled online Go the CoE Student Shop Homepage Click the “get a Shop Permit” picture The two gears and the permit picture January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 13
HOW TO APPLY FOR A PERMIT STEP 2 This will now take you to our application overview link Click the link below “Apply Online Today!” to apply January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 14
HOW TO APPLY FOR A PERMIT STEP 3 This will take you to a UW NetID log in page Log in to continue January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 15
IF YOU ARE NOT AN ENGINEERING STUDENT If you are not an engineering student, you will now see this screen. If this is the case, please fill out the Non- Engineering Student forms supplied by your instructor (or available at the shop) and turn it into the shop January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 16
HOW TO APPLY FOR A PERMIT STEP 4 Now, select the permit you want/require January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 17
HOW TO APPLY FOR A PERMIT STEP 5 For most of you, select “red permit” and hit select January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 18
HOW TO APPLY FOR A PERMIT STEP 6 Now click the link at the top of the page to review our Student Shop Safety & Use Policies READ all five (5) sections and check the “I Agree” box Hit continue January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 19
HOW TO APPLY FOR A PERMIT STEP 7 Now you have successfully applied for a permit Click the link titled “Take Red Quizzes” to be redirected to enroll in our Moodle Course January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 20
ECOW2 ENROLLMENT Click the “Enroll me” button to enroll in the CoE Student Shop Moodle Course January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 21
MOODLE January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 22 You should now see this screen
MOODLE PREQUIZZES AND EXAMS NOTE: some of the prequizzes require Quicktime to play an instructional video! To get your shop permit you must complete (with a score of 90%) the exam(s) required for the shop permit you have applied for. The Prequizzes have been provided to help you prepare for the exams. Once you have completed the prerequisite prequizzes (with a minimum score of 80%) the associated exam will become available. The prequizzes may be taken as many times as you would like. You are given three attempts at each of the exams required for the permits. If you fail on all three attempts you will have to come in person to the Student Shop and ask our staff to be reauthorized to take the exams. You will then be given additional attempts. If you fail those you will be prohibited from retaking the exams. If you have any questions about the permit process refer to the "permit information" page on the Student Shop website. If you have any problems with the lessons or their respective instructional material please contact the Student Shop staff."permit information" pagecontact the Student Shop staff January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 23
PERMIT PROGRESS For GREEN permits: Follow the steps in EMU (the site that you signed up for a permit in) to continue your training For RED permits: Attend seminar with your class After your seminar, wait 24 hours and then check EMU in the “My Status” header to see if you have been issued a permit and then come down to the CoE Student Shop to pick it up If it does not show up after 48 hours (excluding weekends), contact shop staff January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 24
HELPFUL HINTS FOR INTERENGR 160 STUDENTS Make sure that one person in your group is not stuck with all of the work when they only have the appropriate upgrade Projects made out of wood will NEED the Wood Shop Upgrade Order your materials early from vendors Decide on a “plan of attack” for your project early on Give yourself enough time to machine Double your time estimate January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 25
HELPFUL HINTS Staff is available for machining advice and questions NO GROUP MACHINING One person on each machine at a time Passing the Moodle quizzes Make sure you PAY ATTENTION to the quiz and answer ALL of the questions Read and use the study material January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 26
TOOL CHECK-OUT PROCEDURE There is an assortment of tools for checkout at the Student Shop. All you need to check out tools is a permit. At the Tool Crib window there are three forms: The white form is for individuals wishing to checkout tools and are not using a lathe or mill. If you are using a lathe or mill use the yellow form. Fill in (machine name if applicable) your name, the date and your permit number. Then for each tool or cutter/bit fill out one row of the form. Fill in how many of the particular tool or cutter/bit you are taking under the “QTY “column. If it’s a drill bit or end mill cutter fill in its diameter under the “SIZE “column. Every tool has a tool number associated with it and is written on the tool somewhere; fill it in under the “TOOL NO.” column. Drill bits and end mill cutters do not have a number. Finally, give a brief description of what you are checking out under the “DESCRIPTION“ column. Note: After listing the tools or cutters it is important you read and sign the bottom of the form. The form is left at the Tool Crib checkout counter. You can keep the items checked out for 5 calendar days with 1 renewal available. January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 27
TOOL CHECK-IN PROCEDURE Anytime you return a single tool or all the tools checked out make sure they get crossed off your list by the shop staff. If all the items are returned it is your responsibility to take the slip with you when leaving. If you forget to take your slip we will assume the items on the slip have not been returned and they will be your responsibility at the end of 5 days. If you do not return your checked out items within the 5 day period you will be notified via you have items that need to be returned If they are not returned within a week, you may have your shop privileges suspended and a hold put on your grades until the items are returned or paid for if lost. Note: There will be no exceptions, so do not allow other people to use your slip and take the sheet when done. January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 28
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS Contact the CoE Student Shop staff Ask your instructor or Shop Assistant Good luck and have a great semester! January, 2013Student Shop - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin-MadisonPage 29