*National institute of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Binge Drinking Drinking Games Pre-Gaming Alcohol and Energy Drinks Pocket Shots Boozie Bears Vaporizing PALCOHOL – instant alcohol, snorting, easy to transport
DrugTime Period8th Graders10th Graders12th Graders AlcoholLifetime Past Year Past Month Monitoring the Future Study: Trends in Prevalence of Alcohol for 8th Graders, 10th Graders, and 12th Graders; 2014 (in percent)* About 40% of 12 th graders report drinking in the past month
*2012 CASA Columbia
*PATS 2013 Kids who learn about the risks of drugs from their parents are significantly less likely to use drugs, but 20% report not receiving this benefit*
Most people who use tobacco, alcohol and marijuana DO NOT go on to use harder drugs FACT
Most people who use harder drugs such as cocaine, heroin or methamphetamines report having used tobacco, alcohol and/or marijuana first FACT
*Partnership Attitude tracking study-Metlife Foundation **ThePartnershipatdrugfree.org
Legal consequences of alcohol use
Legal consequences of drug use