1. Science and God - How Do They Relate: BJ2 Earth Science: Introduction AP Gen Sci: Module #1 and #2
Course Introduction Why Study Physical Science: –Glory to God –Studying God's Creation –Study matter that makes all things. What is Christen about Physical Science –Understanding Creation can enhance your faith Job –Vocation –Perseverance –Apologetic discussions –Help make societal decisions - genetic engineering –Care for the creation Plan of Attack
God and Science God as the creator of all things does not need proof - we either believe who He says he is in the Bible or we don’t. It is a matter of Faith. Science is based upon observation. As our ability to observe improves scientific theory changes. Things once thought to be true are sometimes shown to be not true. Today many people put their faith in Science which is really the same as putting there faith in a mankind to solve our problems with technical advancements. But does observation back that up? Scripture indicates that as long as humans put trust in themselves, thing will tend to get worse. Which seems t be true.
Definition of Science An organized study of anything that is primarily based upon established facts based upon observation Man’s organized and logical efforts to understand God’s creation A primary question is what is truth? –Truth – what everyone believes – democratic view –Truth – Hunch that is correct –Example – Greeks said earth is a sphere because sphere is perfect shape –Truth – Repeated observations – scientific method –Truth – that which is accepted by faith –Truth: The word of God
God’s Truth and Science Physical truths of nature that can be observed is the realm of science God’s truth: Revealed truth – scripture Unrevealed truth – natural laws not revealed in scripture Fallacy: any statement that is in opposition to revealed or unrevealed truth. Four categories of statements: –Revealed truth – scripture –Theory –Fallacy –Truth definition
Scientific Method Deductive Versus Inductive Reasoning –Deductive: Prove something must be true based upon logic – works only if underlying premises are true –Inductive: Most probably true based upon observation (Basis of the scientific method) 1.B – 1 Using of the scientific Method Steps of the Scientific Method Step 1: Make initial observations of the world around you. In this way you are able to define a problem or question. Sometimes you may use the observations of others during this step. For example, you observe the sky conditions for a month and you notice that there seems to be two types of basic cloud forms, cumuliform (puffy) and stratiform (layered). Step 2: You then propose a hypothesis to explain observations. Your hypothesis needs to be testable, so you can determine if it is true or not. For example, you think about your observations and you propose that the types of clouds, cumuliform or stratiform, are related to how fast the temperature cools off with height. So you state that for cumulus clouds to form the air needs to cool at least by 4 F for every 1000 feet in elevation. Step 3: Test the hypothesis with further observations or experiments. You gather data, temperature information from weather balloons (rawinsondes), and you record the types of clouds that form along with how fast the temperature cools. Step 4: Analyze data from observations or experiments. You then plot the temperature and cloud data on a diagram and see if your hypothesis or prediction is correct. Step 5: State your conclusions about the hypothesis based upon your data analysis. If your conclusions show that the hypothesis is correct, you may want to do further experiments to make sure that your hypothesis is always true, or ask new questions that expand upon the knowledge gained. If it proved to be false, then you need to go back to step 1 and re-examine the observations in order to make a new hypothesis. Hypotheses, Theories, and Laws –Hypotheses: An initial explanation of an observation 1B History –Theories: Workable hypothesis for body of data/observations - able to make prediction –Laws: Description of behavior - doesn't mean that it is correct all the time. Controlled experiment – Experiment that are done with control of all variables – no experiment in reality can be completely controlled
The Limits of Science Limitations Inherent in the Scientific Method –All scientific investigations can only deal with physical phenomena –To observe and measure something it requires on of man’s senses or some measuring device that can translate the observation to something a human can sense –Spiritual matters, origins, the reasons why, and the future are not in the realm of science investigations –Bias – all people include scientist have bias that make them prejudice (prejudge). A scientist who is a Christian should be biased towards the Scriptures A scientist who is an atheist should be biased towards Evolution Limitations of the Results of the Scientific Method –Can’t limit (control) all variables the exact or absolute answer is not possible –Scientific Method can only produce an answer that is usable repeatable in many situations called “Workability” Limitations of the Use of the Scientific Method –Science must deal with observable phenomena –Science can only describe what is observed and not explain why it occurs –No experiment in reality can be completely controlled –Observation may be faulty –A persons beliefs (bias) affects his judgment –Science must deal with repeatable results not one time occurrences such as miracles –Science can not deal with values or morals –Science can not prove a universal statement – there is no life except on Earth –Science cannot establish or prove truth beyond all doubt - only support it.
Science and the Christian Scripture Scientific Challenge – Gen 1:28: Subdue the earth and have dominion over it – What does this mean Gods’ Expects Man to Use Science – Need scientific knowledge to exist (live) on earth – “old ways” not necessarily better – but scientific progress and technology do present challenges to living a godly life.. Improper Attitudes towards Science –Science is anti God –Science is evil –Science can replace faith in God Proper Attitudes towards Science –A tool to study God’s creation – Psalms heavens declare the glory of God –A tool to help us live more effectively– give us more time to worship, witness and enjoy God’s Creation
The History of Science BC, BCE, CE, CCE. –Common Era, also known as Current Era or Christian Era, abbreviated CE, is a designation for the period of time beginning with year 1 of the Gregorian calendar. An earlier date is then designated BCE, described as "Before the Common, Current, or Christian Era" 1 Early cultures –Science - in the Fertile Crescent - before 600 BC –Science - in the Greco-Roman world BC AD –Science in India and China –India: The wootz, crucible and stainless steels were invented in India, –China: The Four Great Inventions of ancient China' are the compass, gunpowder, papermaking, and printing. 2 Science in the Middle Ages –Science in Medieval Europe AD AD –Science and the Renaissance AD 3 Modern science –Era of Newton AD –Age of Enlightenment –Sciecne Progress –Modern period current.
Scientific Models: A simplified or idealized description or conception of a particular system, situation or process that is made up for the purpose of understanding, calculation, prediction or further investigation.
Some Branches of Science Natural sciences – Physics – Chemistry – Geology – Astronomy – Biology, medicine, and genetics – Ecology Social sciences – Political science in Ancient India – Political science in the Western and Islamic Cultures – Modern Political Science – Linguistics – Economics – Psychology – Sociology – Anthropology
Physical Sciences and You Understanding Creation can enhance your faith Job Vocation Perseverance Apologetic discussions Help make societal decisions - genetic engineering Care for the creation