Basic Christianity Brown Bag Book Study 2016 Bishop Mike Lowry February 25 Christ at the Center: Claim, Character and Resurrection
Class Requirements: 1.Open participation and a prayerful willingness to challenge your own perceptions 2.An attitude of grace and respectful learning with regard to fellow classmates 3.Read the chapter(s) before you attend. (No exceptions!) 4.Brown bag your lunch and be on time. We will finish by 12:50 p.m.
The Claims of Christ “The distinctively Christian claim about God is that he has spoken and acted fully and finally in Jesus Christ.” (p. 29) Christianity is Christ! Christ is at the Center “everything else is peripheral” (p. 29) Jesus as uniquely divine and human! Historical Worthy of worship
The Claims of Christ II Direct Claims: The Great “I Am” statements “Who do you say that I am?” A question that demands answering “Come to me” – “Follow me” … to the person of Christ! The audaciousness of His claims C. S. Lewis “liar, lunatic, or Lord” Indirect Claims : Forgive sins Give life Teach the truth Signs and Wonders (the so-called miracle claims)
The Character of Christ “His character doesn’t prove His claims, but it does strongly confirm them.” (p. 45) Exclusive and Unique Without sin (the only one! Hebrews 4:15) Uniquely obedient to God Unselfish and Sacrificial Radical Love
The Resurrection of Christ “The argument is not that his resurrection establishes His deity, but that it fits with it.” (p. 57) Four Pieces of Evidence: 1.The Body was gone. Interlude 1: What explanations can you come up with for the tomb being empty? 2.The Grave Clothes were undisturbed. Interlude 2: Why does Stott see this as important? (hint a resurrection not a resuscitation)
The Resurrection of Christ Four Pieces of Evidence (cont’d): 3. Jesus was seen. Interlude 3: Examine two or three of the 10 separate appearances. What is striking to you? What do their differences suggest? Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-8. What do you make of this witness? 4. The Disciples were changed. Interlude 4: Why does this matter? What does their change suggest?
The Resurrection of Christ Wait a minute! Dead bodies don’t usually come back to lifeI That is precisely the point … this one did! Considerations He really died. The tomb was really empty. (hence, there are limited options for an explanation) There is clear and compelling evidence of his risen appearances. (Inventions, hallucinations, or truth?) What conclusions do you draw? It takes more evidence to be an atheist than the be a Christian. (see Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ)
An Important Pause for Serious Considerations Why does the resurrection of Jesus from the dead make a difference? What difference does Jesus’ resurrection make for you? If “they” found the body, what difference would it make for you?
Christ at the Center At its heart Christianity is about a person – the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth the Christ. At its heart, Christianity is not a philosophy of life or code of ethical teachings; it is about a relationship with God in Christ through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit which ultimately leads to a way life here and hereafter. It is a way of life with both personal and social dimensions here and hereafter.
A Concluding Comment 12 So if the message that is preached says that Christ has been raised from the dead, then how can some of you say, “There’s no resurrection of the dead”? 13 If there’s no resurrection of the dead, then Christ hasn’t been raised either. 14 If Christ hasn’t been raised, then our preaching is useless and your faith is useless. 15 We are found to be false witnesses about God, because we testified against God that he raised Christ, when he didn’t raise him if it’s the case that the dead aren’t raised. 16 If the dead aren’t raised, then Christ hasn’t been raised either. 17 If Christ hasn’t been raised, then your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins, 18 and what’s more, those who have died in Christ are gone forever. 19 If we have a hope in Christ only in this life, then we deserve to be pitied more than anyone else. (1 Corinthians 15:12-19)
Q & A
Next Week Part Two: What We Need The Fact and Nature of Sin The Consequences of Sin
Basic Christianity