Starter for 5! 1.What are the two beliefs about how people can achieve salvation? 2.What does the term atonement mean? 3.What role does Jesus have to play in salvation? 4.Give an example of one of Jesus’ famous miracles. 5.Give a Christian quote to suggest that war and violence are wrong.
Starter for Five! 1.What are the two beliefs about how people can achieve salvation? Law (good works) and Grace (salvation is a gift) 2.What does the term atonement mean? The relationship between God and humans has been restored through Jesus. 3.What role does Jesus have to play in salvation? He died on the cross to take the blame for sin and so allows for sin to be forgiven. 4.Give an example of one of Jesus’ famous miracles. E.g. Feeding the 5,000, walking on water, making a blind person see. 5.Give a Christian quote to suggest that war and violence are wrong. E.g. ‘Thou shall not kill’, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’, ‘Turn the other cheek’.
The Afterlife Learning Objective: To understand different Christian beliefs the afterlife. I can describe different beliefs about heaven and hell. I can explain Christian views on judgement. I can creatively illustrate Christian beliefs about the afterlife.
The Afterlife Christians believe in eternal life – there will be another life when this life ends which is known as the afterlife. Christians believe it is your soul that will have eternal life – our physical body will die but our soul will live on. What is the soul?
Picture Challenge You are going to work in groups of 4. Each person will take it in turns to come up and look at the picture for no more than 10 seconds at a time. The person then goes back to their group and draws the picture from memory. The group who is closest to the real picture will get gold erefs!
Picture Challenge Which picture was closest? What is this picture representing? What is happening in it?
Heaven and Hell What do you think heaven and hell might be like? Are they real, physical places? Do you need to be a Christian to get into heaven? Would an all- loving God send people to a place of eternal suffering?
Heaven and Hell Heaven: A state of eternal happiness in the presence of God It is a reward for both faith and good actions Some Christians think that only those who have believed in Jesus will go to heaven, some believe that being baptised into the Christian faith is a guarantee for going to heaven, others believe that followers of other faiths who have led good lives will also enter heaven.
Heaven and Hell Hell: Some see it as a place of eternal suffering. Some see it as a place of eternal separation from God. There is a great debate about whether an all-loving God would condemn people to eternal torment and pain. A more modern view is therefore to see hell as a state of mind where you are completely cut off from God.
Purgatory – A Catholic View This is an intermediate state where the souls of some Christians wait to receive their place in heaven. The souls are cleansed before they enter heaven.
Tweet from Heaven/Hell You are going to imagine you have visited both heaven and hell – you need to write a tweet from both explaining what it is like using your learning from this lesson. Make them creative! Eternal peace and happiness Presence of God Reward for faith and good actions Eternal suffering Eternal separation from God For those who did not show faith in God (Jesus) – Bart goes to hell – Homer goes to heaven
Judgement Christians believe that God is a judge and will decide whether people will go to heaven or to hell. There are two requirements: Faith and belief that Jesus is the Son of God – this is demonstrated through the quote ‘I am they way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’ Following the teachings and example of Jesus – this is demonstrated by the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats.
When will we be judged? There are two views: The afterlife begins immediately after death Or on the Day of Judgement – Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead. This belief comes from the Apostles Creed… Apostles Creed ‘He ascended to heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living an the dead’
Homestudy Set Up You are going to produce a creative response to Christian beliefs about heaven and hell – e.g. a piece of artwork, collage or model. You need to accompany your artwork with a written description of Christian beliefs and how this is shown through your artwork.