THE RENAISSANCE Rebirth, art and learning of ancient Greece and Rome 3 Characteristics -Urban Society: city states and secular view points due to more wealth -Age of recovery: from disasters and sparked interest in ancient culture -Individual ability: “Men can do all things if they will” Art dominated society
THE ITALIAN STATES Independent cities that prospered from trading and played a major role in Italian politics Milan Venice Florence -Medici Family- wealthiest family in Europe, political power
ITALIAN WARS France under Charles VIII occupied Naples 1494 Italy turned to Spain Spain and Italy fought to dominate Italy 1527, Spain sacked Rome
RENAISSANCE SOCIETY The Nobility -small % of population -The Book of the Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione: born not made, had to have character and military skill, classical education in arts, and show achievements Peasants and Townspeople -Patricians (trade and banking) followed by the shopkeepers and artisans then workers (low wages) and unemployed
FAMILY AND MARRIAGE Arranged Marriages The Dowry Father/husband was center of the family, wife supervised the household Father had authority over children unless he died or he freed his children Children became adults anywhere from early teens to late twenties based on when the father frees them before a judge
HUMANISM Intellectual movement focused on the individual based on the study of humanities such as grammar, poetry, philosophy, and history Petrarch
Breeze, blowing that blonde curling hair, stirring it, and being softly stirred in turn, scattering that sweet gold about, then gathering it, in a lovely knot of curls again, you linger around bright eyes whose loving sting pierces me so, till I feel it and weep, and I wander searching for my treasure, like a creature that often shies and kicks: now I seem to find her, now I realise she’s far away, now I’m comforted, now despair, now longing for her, now truly seeing her. Happy air, remain here with your living rays: and you, clear running stream, why can’t I exchange my path for yours?
ART AND ARCHITECTURE Who were the Ninja Turtles? Donatello -Sculptor -Statues of Greeks and Romans
MICHELANGELO Painter, Sculptor, Architect David Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
RAPHAEL Painter Paintings of Virgin Mary, Madonnas School of Athens
LEONARDO DA VINCI Painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, mathematician Mona Lisa The Last Supper The Helicopter
LITERATURE Shakespeare -Comedies and tragedies: Name some works? Dante and Divine Comedy -study of the soul’s journey of salvation -Hell, Purgatory, Heaven, followed by seeing God in Paradise Geoffrey Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales -Collection of stories told by 29 traveling to Canterbury to visit the tomb of Thomas Becket -Portrays entire range of English Society from high to low Christine de Pizan and Book of the City of Ladies -denounced men that said women were unable to learn or were easily swayed
EDUCATION DURING THE RENAISSANCE Could help dramatically change people Liberal Studies -History, moral philosophy, poetry, and music Physical Education -Javelin, archery, dancing, running, wrestling, hunting, and swimming Women could not learn much but could ride, dance, and sing Religion and morals were important for “Christian ladies”
RELIGION AND REFORM Christian Humanism- Classical learning and reforming the Catholic Church Desiderius Erasmus, “the philosophy of Christ” Why call for reform? -Popes focused more on politics/worldly interests than spiritual matters -Used their position to advance careers and wealth Many wanted salvation, relics and indulgences grew popular
MARTIN LUTHER Monk and professor Good works and faith stressed by Catholic Church was not enough for salvation but through faith in God The Bible only source of religious truth 95 Theses- attack on the sale of indulgences
MARTIN LUTHER CONTINUED Attacked sacraments except baptism and communion Called for clergy to marry He was excommunicated Edict of Worms- declared an outlaw Rise of Lutheranism
JOHN CALVIN AND CALVINISM Protestant that wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion Similar to Martin Luther Predestination- “eternal decree” Geneva became a powerful center for Protestantism