Risk Management Policy Mandated by Texas Legislature, HB 2639/SB 1138 in 2008 Required that postsecondary institutions provide risk management training on an annual basis to student organizations and advisors Topics to be addressed: alcohol and illegal drugs; hazing; sexual abuse and harassment; fire and other safety issues (including firearms); student travel; behavior at parties and other events held by a student organization;
Alcohol and Illegal Drugs Section 30 in the UST handbook/planner If you are planning an event with alcohol, the necessary paperwork (application for use of beer/wine, in-house application, TABC paperwork, etc.) must be submitted to the Chief of Security no less than 3 weeks prior to the event The Chief of Security will hire the HPD officers needed as security for your event ($30/hour/officer/4 hour minimum)
Alcohol and Illegal Drugs You can not advertise by saying “free beer”. Please say “21+ please bring ID”. Only beer and wine may be served-no liquor in any instance Only 1 keg is needed at most events (Neewollah is the exception)
Alcohol and Illegal Drugs continued You may only purchase alcohol from an approved vendor that will deliver to your event (a list of approved vendors is available from Security) Students can not be responsible for any remaining alcohol; it must be locked up with Security at the end of your event A 3-drink limit will be enforced at all events with alcohol; wristbands will be used and a Campus Life staff member will monitor the event.
Alcohol and Illegal Drugs TABC certified servers must be booked through Angie Montelongo, Director of Student Activities ($20/hour/server/4 hour minimum; most events only need 1 server) If you run out of alcohol, you can’t go on a “beer run” to get more You must have food and non-alcoholic beverages at any event with alcohol
Alcohol and Illegal Drugs continued Alcohol can be served at events after 4pm Monday- Friday and after 12pm on Saturday and Sunday Last call for alcohol is one hour prior to the advertised ending time (i.e. event lasts until 11:00pm, your time to stop serving is 10:00pm)
Alcohol and Illegal Drugs continued For end-of-year academic socials, the in-house alcohol permit must be turned in to the Chief of Security at least 2 weeks prior to the event If the event is over 50 people or undergraduate students are attending, TABC, HPD and the 3-drink limit policies are enforced (in this case, the in-house permit is due 3 weeks prior to the event) Special procedures exist for events with no undergraduates attending
Alcohol and Illegal Drugs continued The University forbids the possession or use of drugs prohibited by federal and state narcotics laws. It is a violation of the law and University policy to possess or use any medication not specifically prescribed for him/her.
Student Travel Guidelines Organized student travel refers to students carpooling and traveling beyond 60 miles for a university event (this includes faculty or class field trips) A student driver must have a valid driver’s license and proof of adequate personal automobile/liability insurance Vehicles being used must have a valid inspection sticker and registration (proof will be required)
Student Travel Guidelines continued All paperwork must be submitted 14 days in advance Each student group will identify a “trip coordinator” who serves as the primary contact Travel paperwork to be completed: travel authorization form, signed travel waivers, necessary drivers’ information and insurance, emergency contact information and medical insurance on everyone traveling Safety guidelines for drivers and occupants (included in binder)
Student Travel Guidelines continued Lastly, we expect that students will act in accordance with our core values and Catholic mission at all times. These travel guidelines are available on the UST website in the Campus Life Section under Activities then linked under Clubs & Organizations
Hazing Guidelines “Hazing refers to any intentional, knowing or reckless act, occurring on or off the campus of an educational institution, by one person alone or acting with others, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student …”
Speaker Policy Policy formed and approved by President Ivany to ensure consistency with UST’s core value and Catholic identity Section 24 1 b: Requests by Students or Student Groups. A student or student group intending to invite a guest speaker to campus or to host an event for the public on campus will need to seek advance approval from the VPSA, or designee. The Speaker Request form is available on the UST website in the Campus Life section under Activities then clubs & organizations
Sexual Harassment Section 20 in the handbook/planner Definition-unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Unacceptable and any employee or student will be subject to disciplinary action for violation of this policy. Sexual harassment is illegal under both Texas and Federal Laws Students should report complaints to the Office of Human Resources or to the VP Student Affairs
Sexual Abuse/Sexual Assault Section 21 in the handbook/planner Sanctions (even if no HPD investigation occurs) Off campus-the appropriate law enforcement agency with jurisdiction and Campus Security should be notified. All reported incidents will be reported to Harris County District Attorney’s Office for prosecution On-campus disciplinary action is possible for the offender
Behavior at Events Students at the University of St. Thomas are expected to obey the norms of conduct of the university community at all university functions, whether on or off campus. Explicitly mentioned in HB2639/SB 1138
Student Clubs and Organizations Section 27 (Prohibited Conduct) #26-29 Student Organizations or groups may be charged with violations of this Code of Student Conduct A group and its officers may be held collectively and individually responsible Officers or leaders may be asked to take appropriate action to end violations and failure to comply shall be deemed a violation in itself Sanctions may include revocation or denial of registration as well as other appropriate sanctions
Fire Safety and Firearms Section 1 (Prohibited Conduct within the Code of Conduct) in the handbook/planner #7 c: No student may possess, keep, carry, or store any fireworks or other explosives, firearms, firearm ammunition or other weapons upon the University’s campus or in, on or within any property of the University. Anyone in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action.
Fire Safety and Firearms Section 7 (Prohibited Conduct in the Code of Conduct) #7 e: Intentionally initiating or causing to be initiated any false report, warning or threat of fire, explosion or other emergency.
Final Comments Planning a movie night? Please work with Angie on reserving the copyright permission for the film (usually $300) Policies are in place to guide you in making positive choices When in doubt, ask! Remember that you represent UST
Handbook information online You can access the handbook and policies online at the following address: edures/Student_Handbook.aqf
Contact Information Angie Montelongo Director of Student Activities First floor Crooker Center Matt Prasifka Assistant Vice President of Campus Life Second floor Crooker Center Daryl Bissett Chief/Director of Security Security Office (Moran Center)