Working with Universities regionally: Helping organisations recruit talent Yasmina Mallam-Hassam Careers Adviser Loughborough University
Who are we?
The Regional Imperative Strengthening the ability of East Midlands' businesses successfully to exploit overseas markets, and assisting high quality investment projects to come into the region generates real benefits both for the businesses themselves and for the wider economy The thousands of international students in the region provide an opportunity to raise the profile of the region overseas. East Midland Regional Economic Strategy: A Flourishing Region )
The Business Imperative 9% China average economic growth if India continues its recent growth, average household incomes will triple over the next two decades and it will become the world’s 5th-largest consumer economy by 2025 (source: McKinsey Global Institute report) Singapore is ranked #1/82 on the EIU Business Environment Rankings Malaysia is ranked #24
How can university students and graduates help business? Language skills and cultural awareness Knowledge of overseas business practice Overseas contacts and networks- e.g. Guanxi Business and technical skills Options in recruitment, saving costs and meeting business need e.g. short term projects or part time work for peak times. Reduced ongoing training costs if student is employed as a placement first. New ideas and innovation
So what’s stopping you....
International recruitment P&G Nigeria Wanted to recruit for Nigerian operations from the UK student base. Interviews organised in central location for the company Centralised application process across all institutions and interview schedule arranged. Successfully recruited 5 staff
Graduate vacancies Hyperama PLC importers of Chinese foods Positions recruited for: department manager, check out supervisors, warehouse and distribution managers sales representatives. Approach worked through Paragon Law to recruit and advertised through Careers Centres in the Region. Universities targeted Mandarin speakers Outcome recruited from two EM universities
Recruitment presentation- Technifold Technifold had a requirements to find graduates to set up a franchise business in China to sell a piece of equipment in the dry cleaning process. A university arranged for them to present the opportunity to students and advertised through the EM universities Company did a presentation about their opportunities and also a skills session about what students would need to do to be effective as a candidate Business Link came and talked about how to set up a franchise operation and apprentice style business simulation took place to assess candidates Outcome: 2 graduates as serious contenders for opening franchises back in China
China-East Midlands: Business and Employment Possibilities Friday 5th June 2009, 9.00am-2.1 5pm 9.00am 9.30am Nottingham University Business School South Building, Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road, Nottingham, NG8 1 BB am For more information: am Arrival and registration Welcome and introductions: Chinese students and businesses East Midlands SMEs working with Chinese graduates: The case of Metafocus Ltd Working in the UK: Legal and practical implications: Paragon Law Working with universities: Helping regional businesses (organisations) Developing employment strategies (students) 12.30am Panel discussion Lunch and networking 11.40am Supported by 12.50am A partnership of the Universities in the East Midlands
What the delegates liked Case studies Networking Lunch Immigration information Strategies for employment Advice and information on companies Requirements of international companies Hearing about what the Universities are doing University support, legal requirements & advice Presentations about placements Business case study Presentations & networking Meeting delegates Employers Students
Immigration advice Genetics company in France looking to recruit a Loughborough graduate PSW OK for the short term, but wanted advice on longer term options as not a Tier 2 Sponsor Careers Centre arranged for a free appointment with an immigration solicitor to discuss
Access to academic expertise
Mutual gains: Universities and Businesses Employment opportunities particularly coming from the SME sector in the region Increased possibilities for students to improve employability through employment and skills Contributing to the development of the regional economy –Student fees and spending –Facilitating overseas trade –students as an economic bridge
Information resources Information about recruiting international students – 06%20International%20Student%20recuit2.pdfhttp:// 06%20International%20Student%20recuit2.pdf Pocket Guide to Work Experience NCWE – 0Net/Employers%20Leaflet.pdfhttp:// 0Net/Employers%20Leaflet.pdf Advice on how to structure placements – placements.pdfhttp:// placements.pdf Access to immigration advice