CDC Center for Disease Control for the United States is located in Atlanta, Georgia. Their job is to monitor and protect the population of the United States to prevent the outbreak of disease. They predict the 3 strands of the flu virus that will be most probable each year so vaccinations can be made for it.
Epidemic- affects local communities, cities, states, and countries. Pandemic- affects large areas such as countries, continents, or world wide.
Disease Noninfectious disease- does not spread from person to person (heart, cancer, diabetes, hemophilia, sickle cell, etc.) Usually caused by heredity, lack of exercise, smoking, fatty diets, or other bad health habit.
Disease Infectious disease- can pass from person to person. Is caused by a virus, bacteria, fungi, or protists.
Mutagens - causes the cell to mutate or change. X-rays, ultraviolet light sunlight in excess, cigarette smoke, asbestos, chemicals (benzene, xylene, PCP’s). Vector - Animal transmits pathogen from a host to a new organism (mosquito with malaria to a human, dog with rabies to a human, tick to human, flea to human). Vector does not get sick. Carrier - transmits pathogen from person to person (cold or flu). Carrier is sick with disease.
Ways to pass on Pathogens Air Contaminated objects (door knobs, pencils, cell phones, keyboards, clothing, any object used by another person). Wash your hands!!!!!! Person to person- Carriers Animals to person- Vectors Food and Water- eating or drinking (sharing) after another person.
Ways to stay well Stay away from infectious people Wash your hands often with soap and water Get plenty of rest Drink plenty of fluids Eat a healthy diet Exercise regularly
Pasteurization Process of killing bacteria in food by heating. Louis Pasteur given credit for its discovery.
Antibiotic vs Antiviral Antibiotics are substances that kills bacteria or slows its growth. Antibiotics can kill only living things. A virus is unaffected by antibiotics because it is not living. Must use Antiviral medicines against viruses and they are not 100% effective because viruses change so quickly. Vaccination is the best defense against viruses, builds immunity.
Heart Disease- non infectious
Heart disease
Lung Cancer-noninfectious
Sneeze at 160 mphs- infectious
Skin cancer-noninfectious
Skin cancer
Antibiotic Antibiotic are a substance that kills bacteria or slows its growth( good and bad bacteria). Antibiotics can kill only living things. A virus is unaffected by antibiotics because it is not living.
Bacterial diseases Strep throat, tuberculosis, lyme’s disease, bacterial meningitis, leprosy, bubonic plague, typhoid fever, rocky mountain spotted fever, bubonic plague, tetanus
Antiviral Must use antiviral medicines against viruses and they are not 100% effective because viruses change so quickly. There are not many antiviral medicines. The best way to protect yourself against viruses is through early Vaccinations to build immunity.
Virus caused disease Influenza ( H1N1 is swine flu, H5N1 is bird flu), common cold, mononucleosis, polio, chicken pox, small pox, yellow fever, viral meningitis, west nile, ebola, zika and AIDS.
Vaccine A substance that is placed in the body that helps the body gain immunity to a disease. The substance is a killed pathogen or a very weakened pathogen that helps the body build up its defenses against the disease. Small pox, shingles, chicken pox, common cold, influenza.
Other diseases Elephantiasis-parasitic worm malaria-protists plasmodium vivax), giardia(gee ahr dee uh) protists amoebic dysentery- protists athletes foot-fungus ring worm-fungus
Elephantiasis-parasitic worm- protists
AIDS Virus Passed on through unprotected sex, bodily fluids, shared needles, blood transfusions, pregnancy. It is a RNA virus. No known cure.
Bubonic Plague
Influenza Virus Takes on new shapes (mutates) quickly. Very hard to keep up with producing flu shots because of this changing shape. H1N1 Swine Flu
FLU Virus
Hepatitis Virus
Polio Virus Attacks the bodies joints and muscles. Thought to be eradicated but is beginning to show up in third world countries again. RNA virus
Polio Attacks legs and jointsIron lung
Chicken Pox Virus No actual cure. Highly contagious. Vaccination is best defense. Possible brain and liver damage if fever is too high in very young- called Reyes disease.
Chicken Pox
Small Pox Virus No drugs currently available to treat it. Vaccination is the best defense. Highly contagious and passed through the air.
Small Pox
Yellow Fever Virus Causes liver damage. Jaundice or turning slightly yellow. RNA virus. Vaccination is best defense.
Small Pox
Rabies Virus Nearly always fatal unless treated very soon after exposed. Vaccine is best defense. Treatment is a series of very painful shots over a 14 day period.
West Nile Virus
Ebola Virus
Lymes Disease-Bacteria Caused by three types of bacteria passed on by ticks
Lymes Disease
Bacterial Meningitis The sack around the brain and spinal cord swells. Can be fatal if not treated in a timely basis. Very young are more at risk of fatality.
Bacterial Meningitis
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Bacteria Rickettsia. Potentially fatal if not treated. Deer tick is the vector
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Typhoid Fever-Bacterial Water or food contaminated with feces.
Typhoid Fever
Tuberculosis-Bacterial Disease of the lungs. Highly contagious. Passed through the air. Possible new vaccine in the trial stages.
Malaria-Protists Passed on by the Anopheles mosquito (the vector). Grows to maturity in the human liver.
Toxoplasmosis-bacterial Disease from handling infected cat feces. Infects unborn child.
Zika-virus A virus that is passes to humans from Aedes mosquito. Causes deformed, smaller heads in new born babies.
Sexual Transmitted Diseases Syphilis, Genital Herpes, Gonorrhea, HIV, AIDS. Diseases we get are sometimes from bad choices. Some are deadly choices.
Life Choices Obesity-eat too much or exercise too little High blood pressure- obesity, salts, fats Liver Cirrhosis- alcohol Drugs- cocaine, heroin, marijuana, PCP, LSD
Life Choices Tobacco - cigarette smoke is full of carcinogens. Even low tar or light cigarettes are full of carcinogens. Chewing tobacco is also a carcinogen. Many cigar smokers think they improve their chances by not inhaling (still full of carcinogens). Not using tobacco in any form is best for your health. Never smoke the first one an you will never get hooked. Also a very expensive habit or addiction (almost $5 a pack and going higher).
Smokers lung vs Healthy lung
Alcohol One of the most most abused drugs on the world. Excessive drinking can cause liver cirrhosis, damaged family life, drunk driving putting others at risk, and is an expensive habit.
Cirrhosis liver vs Healthy liver