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Presentation transcript:


This is the 2 nd year, so here we go...

WHAT ARE MEASURABLE PROGRAM OUTCOMES?  The component that includes the measurable outcomes that the MEP will produce statewide through specific educational or educationally-related services.  Measurable outcomes allow the MEP to determine whether, and to what degree, the program has met the special educational needs of Migrant Children that were identified through the Comprehensive Needs Assessment.  The Measurable Outcomes should also help achieve the State’s performance targets.

THE LEA’S RESPONSIBILITY IN THE EVALUATION PROCESS  The LEA should evaluate the extent to which all of the strategies and activities were fully implemented.  The LEA should also evaluate whether those strategies and activities produced the expected results for Migrant Students, especially highest risk Migrant Students

PROVISION OF SERVICES  SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES:  Services are those educationally related activities that:  Directly benefit a Migrant Child;  Address a need of a Migrant Child consistent with the La. Service Delivery Plan;  Are grounded in scientifically based research or, in the case of support services, are a generally accepted practice;  Are designed to enable the program to meet its Measurable Outcomes and contribute to the achievement of the State’s performance targets;  Are SUPPLEMENTAL to district’s core instructional program.

SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES  Services are distinct in that they are the educationally related activities provided to Migrant Students to enable them to succeed in school.  Services are a vital aspect of the program  In providing services, district must give priority to Migrant Children who are failing or most at risk of failing and whose education has been interrupted during the regular school year, as demonstrated on the child’s Needs Assessment  These services MUST be above and beyond the “core” program!

Evaluation through the Desk Monitoring Instrument  The Desk Monitoring Instrument serves to evaluate the LEA’s Migrant Education Program and is broken into 7 parts: 1.ID&R 2.Program Evaluation 3.Data Management 4.Provision of Services 5.Parental Involvement 6.Professional Development 7.Private Schools

Evaluation through the Desk Monitoring Instrument  The key to mastering the Desk Monitoring Instrument is:

Evaluation through the Desk Monitoring Instrument  DOCUMENT,  DOCUMENT  DOCUMENT!!!!!!!!!

Evaluation through the Desk Monitoring Instrument  Identification and Recruitment – ID&R  Evidence must be given for:  ID&R Plan  Calendars  Maps  Procedures  Staff Listing & work schedules  Recruitment activities  Completed recruiter logs

Evaluation through the Desk Monitoring Instrument  Identification and Recruitment – ID&R  Evidence must be given for:  Quality Control Procedures  Re-Interview Protocol  Resolving eligibility questions  Staff training protocols  Electronic COE  Copies of monthly total counts of COE’s – by recruiter  MERIL2 Report  Collaboration with other agencies  Ag. Centers, Agendas, Sign-In Sheets, etc.

Evaluation through the Desk Monitoring Instrument  Program Evaluation  Evidence must be given for:  Description of how data is gathered and used to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and how evaluation results are used and disseminated  MERIL2 reports, Web-Snap Reports, etc.

Evaluation through the Desk Monitoring Instrument  Data Management  Evidence must be given for:  Accurate & up to date family data in MERIL2  Educational history of each school-aged eligible Migrant Child served  Procedures to maintain accurate educational records  Needs Assessment  Supplemental Service form  Data Calendar showing “due dates” and “run dates”  Duplicate student MERIL2 record management procedures

Evaluation through the Desk Monitoring Instrument  Provision of Services  Evidence must be given for:  All services and activities align with State’s Service Delivery Plan to achieve the State’s Measurable Outcomes and Performance Targets  Describe strategies

Evaluation through the Desk Monitoring Instrument  Provision of Services  Procedures used to identify the unique educational and support needs of eligible Migratory Children  Monitor progress  Evaluate needs & allocate resources  Evaluate effectiveness  Evaluate needs of high priority children and ensure resources are first allocated to meet these students’ needs  Ensure Migrant Students have equal access to all extended day programs and supplemental programs

Evaluation through the Desk Monitoring Instrument  Provision of Services  Procedures used to ensure equal access for eligible Migratory Students for public preschool programs, extended school programs, Title I, Title III, and other supplemental programs provided during the school days  4-5 copies of documentation that confirms consultation with preschool programs regarding enrollment  Evidence of procedures to promote continuity in instruction and related services for Migrant Children as they move across the districts and states – MSIX  4-5 copies of records and transfer procedures  Copy of MSIX policies and procedures  Include staff training

Evaluation through the Desk Monitoring Instrument  Parental Involvement  Evidence must be given for:  List of PAC members, including officers  PAC yearly meeting calendar  Agendas, sign-in sheets and minutes from the last 2 PAC meetings  Sample of resources provided to parents  4-5 agenda evidencing collaboration with schools and Title I to ensure Migrant parents have all necessary information

Evaluation through the Desk Monitoring Instrument  Professional Development  Evidence must be given for:  Professional Development for teachers and program staff on the unique needs of migratory children  4-5 copies of staff training activities and documentation  Agenda, sign in sheets, attendees  4-5 copies of trainings provided to school and district level staff regarding the unique needs of Migratory Children  Agendas

Evaluation through the Desk Monitoring Instrument  Private Schools  Evidence must be given for:  Students and staff that attend non-public schools are given the opportunity for equitable participation in activities  4-5 copies of agendas and sign-in sheets from consultation meetings

Evaluation through the Desk Monitoring Instrument  T hat’s why it’s important to:  DOCUMENT,  DOCUMENT  DOCUMENT!!!!!!!!!