Go to View > Header & Footer to edit June 8, 2016 | slide 1 JISC – RSC South Switch Contextualizing ITT Event David Rowe: E-Learning Advisor – Workbased Learning RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning
RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning Intro to RSC Why use E- Learning? E-Learning and Lesson Observations E-Pedagogy Constructing e- materials
RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning Introduction to JISC - RSC Regional Support Centre – South West John Mackenzie – Regional Manager Jan Holt – Events & Conferences Tracey Morris – Adult & Community Learning Daniel McCaffrey – Higher Education Lyn Bender – Virtual Learning Environments/Platforms Melanie Roberts – Learning Technologies Virginia Havergal – Learning Resources David Rowe – Workbased Learning Noel Davis - Technical officer Julia Taylor – Accessibility & Inclusion
Introduction to JISC - RSC JISC - Services INTUTE (Resources) NETSKILLS (Staff development) TECHDIS (Technical Educational Advice) JISC LEGAL (Legal Information Service) JISC PLAGIARISM ADVISORY SERVICE OSS WATCH (Software Advisory Service) TASI (Technical Advisory Service - Images) TECHWATCH (Technology and Standards Advice) RSCs Stimulating and supporting Innovation in Learning
RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning Why use E-Learning? Why Use ILT/ICT/e-Learning? Engages Learners increasing the learning value of e-resources Engages Learners Engages Learners Provides almost infinite variety of presentation/delivery methods ILT facilitates differentiation strategies, learners can achieve at own pace etc Enhances recording and presentation of achievements Learners can revisit materials as often as needed Teachers can modify materials as courses progress Facilitates consistency of learning materials across the curriculum Provides learning support staff with relevant/consistent materials Can provide accurate/reliable data to support planning and evaluation
RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning Why use E-Learning? An Inspector Calls:- “As a curriculum inspector, one of the judgements I make is whether e-Learning enhances, or could have significantly enhanced, the learners’ experience in the lessons observed and the work examined. I then look at the consistency with which the teaching and learning and ILT/E-Learning strategies are being implemented by the department or area.” From “Demonstrating Transformation” BECTA Publications
RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning Why use E-Learning? E-learning Is learning facilitated/supported through the use of ICT. It can involve the use of:- computers, interactive whiteboards, digital cameras, the internet, virtual learning environments, electronic communication tools, , discussion boards, chat facilities, video conferencing etc. E-learning should form part of the overall teaching and learning strategy, meaning:- appropriate references to e- learning in schemes of work, lesson plans, assignments, course reviews, staff development plans etc An overall strategy for e-learning should be supported by senior managers.
RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning Why use E-Learning? Effective e-Learning should: improve learners’ understanding of topics or activities that are part of their academic or vocational programme improve their skills and their knowledge of the technology being used help to maintain their interest in their programme. Of particular importance is whether: staff and learners have the relevant IT skills to make good use of e-learning facilities there are adequate resources for e-learning the quality and effectiveness of e-learning is monitored there are appropriate opportunities for learners to use e- learning facilities outside scheduled lessons.
RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning E-Learning & Lesson Observations Aspects of e-learning likely to contribute to a Grade 4 lesson observation Paper based learning materials No use of VLE to support learning outside the classroom Few references to internet resources available to support teaching and learning No use of technology in the classroom to add variety to delivery / address different learning styles
RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning E-Learning & Lesson Observations Aspects of e-learning likely to contribute to a Grade 3 lesson observation Use of PowerPoint to aid delivery in classroom Reference to some Internet resources on Schemes of work and assignments Minimal level of support available to students outside classroom through a VLE Learners encouraged to use the organisations resources through the use of ILT, e.g. Online revision materials Learners supported in their development of their use of ILT Learner participation tracked with the help of ILT
RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning E-Learning & Lesson Observations 2 Aspects of e-learning likely to contribute to a Grade 2 lesson observation Use of a variety of approaches to classroom delivery e.g. student centred work, interactive activities The selection and use of appropriate ILT learning environments The facilitation of individual on-line learning e.g. blogs, online diaries Facilitation of on-line learning for groups of learners e.g. forums, video/audio Facilitation of a collaborative working environment via the use of ILT Planning and creation of ILT materials, and evaluation of their effectiveness
E-Learning & Lesson Observations 2 Aspects of e-learning likely to contribute to a Grade 2 lesson observation (Con) Support for learners to enhance their knowledge and skills of using ILT Assessment, with the help of ILT, individualised learning and achievement Prioritised/targeted support for learners to identify their learning needs through the use of ILT Prioritised and targeted support for learners in identifying their preferred learning styles through the use of ILT RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning
RSCs - Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning E-Learning & Lesson Observations Aspects of e-learning likely to contribute to a Grade 1 lesson observation Self motivated collaborative working using ILT e.g. Flickr, e-diaries etc Fully supported student learning/achievement outside the classroom using ILT (VLEs) Provision of opportunities for peer and tutor support outside the classroom (communication, messaging, ) Active encouragement of the development of learner ILT/ICT skills Support the development of on-line learning communities (e.g. Facebook, social technologies, forums) Submission of e-resources regarded as key evidence of learning
E-Learning & Lesson Observations Aspects of e-learning likely to contribute to a Grade 1 lesson observation Recording and reporting on learners’ progress and achievements using ILT Learners supported in their development and review of their personal learning plans facilitated by the use of ILT Embedded use of ILT in the identification and sharing of good practice Embedded use of Blended Learning RSCs - Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning
e-Pedagogy What is Blended Learning? Mix of delivery techniques and locations - classroom/ workplace/interactive/didactic/self study/guided activity/ assignment work/ embedded assessment/interactive word/interactive presentations/continuous feedback Types of personalised interactivity – animations/web quests/learning material’s/VLE’s/repositories/quizzes/word searches/voting technology/wiki’s/blogs/social networking technologies/support for the learneranimations RSCs - Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning
e-Pedagogy What is Distance e-Learning? Learner and teacher not in the same physical vicinity All learning materials delivered on-line on-line Materials created specifically for course/qualification Requires self motivated learners or close supervision Levels of interactivity should be intense i.e. quizzes Feedback essential - instant is best Variety of presentation is important unless sessions kept to maximum length Use of communication tools, building sense of community and collaborative working essential RSCs - Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning
e-Pedagogy Creating Interactive/On-line content Break content down into individual learning points Possible use of storyboard techniques Build related learning points into logical units Keep on-line sessions to minute bite sized chunks Possible use of pedagogy planning tools Build in collaborative exercises Use external links Use the advantages of ICT not the restrictions Do include elements of induction and assessment RSCs - Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning
e-Pedagogy Go to View > Header & Footer to edit June 8, 2016 | slide 18
Go to View > Header & Footer to edit June 8, 2016 | slide 19
Go to View > Header & Footer to edit June 8, 2016 | slide 20
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RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning e-Pedagogy Examples of e-Learning Common_rail02.exe Common_rail02.exe Liver Lobule Layout.exe Liver Lobule Layout.exe Liver Lobule Layout.exe
RSCs – Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning JISC - RSC Contact Details Central Plymouth help desk: Web site: rsc-south-west.ac.uk rsc-south-west.ac.uk Mob: