How do your radishes grow? The answer is FAST! Most radish varieties only take 3 or 4 days to germinate. Radishes can be harvested 3 to 6 weeks later. The scientific name for the genus that includes radishes is Raphanus, which is Greek for “quickly appearing.”
The original fast food? Radishes belong to the same plant family as mustard and horseradish and can taste spicy too. We usually eat this edible root raw, though, instead of making a sauce out of it. Radishes originated in Southeastern Asia, where cultivation started 2700 years BC. Ancient Egyptians were also fond of radishes– and started cultivating them before the pyramids were built! Check out Mavis Butterfield’s blog, One Hundred Dollars a Month, for more great radish photos & growing & eating tips!
Enjoy radishes for Harvest of the Month! Photo by Helen Rosner Radishes are delicious– sliced in sandwiches, in salads, and even all by themselves. Don’t forget to thank your server!